Everything is going to plan

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The boss

My plan was going easier than I thought, Alex has done well getting me the girl with no problem. Jenny is very pretty, I could easily let one of my men use her, but after everything she still is my niece.

Now for the next part of my plan getting my nephew's mate. I had written the ransom note and I just needed to send proof of Jenny being here.

" Morning, I take it you slept well Jenny, sorry the floor isn't as comfortable as your bed, but all being well you will be home soon enough" I grinned at her.

" I hate you! my father will kill you" she spat at me

I grabbed her round the throat and applied a small amount of pressure

" you will treat me with some respect girl, I could make you life hell whilst here, or I could go easy on you, don't make me use the first"

I was losing alittle control of my wolf he didn't like being disrespected.

" you are going to make alittle tape for your father now" I said

I pressed the record button on the tape and began to speak

" Frank, I'm so sorry we are going to end up meeting on bad terms, although I'm not quite ready for our special meeting yet. I have something very precious of yours here with me, say hello Jenny

"Dad help me please"

" that's enough Jenny, Frank your daughter is very pretty, it's very hard for me to stop my men having fun with her, so I would suggest you don't take long planning this. I want your son's mate in return for your daughter back, you are going to have to betray one of your family, you son must not know about me wanting his mate or else I'll keep them both, it's your choose Frank.

Just like it was your father's choose to betray your mother and have an affair with my mum, then leave her a single mum and never once saw his son, or help us out. I'll give you one week to arrange it, then I'll make contact again. Just remember Frank the longer you take the more pain Jenny will suffer."

I slapped Jenny causing her to scream before I switched the recorder off.

" thank you for you help Jenny I'll see you soon" I said before leaving making my way back to the office.

God dam that Alex where was he. I had been trying for a hour to reach him but it was like he has vanished, I knew I shouldn't of trusted that boy!

"Sam get here now, I need you to do a errand for me" I shouted out to the guys in the lounge

" boss what is it?" sam asked

" I need you to post this to Frank Hopkins house, but don't get seen or else" I warned

" I thought Alex was dealing with them?"

"don't argue with me boy, just do as your told and whilst you are at it look for that waste of space Alex, he needs to be taught a lesson"

" yes boss" sam said a bit scared of me before he left.

I felt bad making my team scared of me, but I wasn't going to let anybody take me for a ride like my mother had let my father, I was never going to let my heart rule my head, I had to be strong, the best, and I would get my revenge and my pack.

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