Finding out Stuart loves me

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I woke up the best way a girl could dream off, with her mate lying next to her with his arm protectively wrapped round her waist and it was now the second time it had happened.

I laid there staring at Stuart when my mind started to remember the dream I had last night, it was weird cause normally I forget my dreams but the last couple I have had, have been so real, maybe they had something to do with this power to see the future, but this dream would never happen in really life.

Last night's dream

" hey Stuart come join me for a swim, It's lovely the water is so cool" I was saying diving in and out of the water.

I turned around to find Stuart had gone and there were five wolves surrounding me, Stuart help I was screaming, the biggest wolf started to approach me he was a almost red coloured wolf which I haven't seen many of. he shifted when he was next to me.

" you're ours now sweetheart, it's no use calling your so call mate, he agreed to this, following his daddy's orders, what's the saying blood is thicker and all" he smiled at me

" why else would he not be here now risking his life for yours"

The guy walked me into the forest and the other wolves followed staying in their wolf form.

I was taken to a hut somewhere a didn't recognise, then Paul showed up and started talking to the red haired guy I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but they weren't arguing and Paul then took me.

end of dream

"morning babe" Stuart said bringing me back to reality, I must be over thinking with everything going on I laughed at myself

" why you laughing?" Stuart said looking strangely at me

" nothing just I dream I had last night" I said

" oh yeah going to tell me about it? was it about me?" he grinned,

I pushed him out of bed " don't flatter youself" I laughed and ran to the bathroom locking the door so he couldn't get revenge.

" you have to come out some time Polly, I can wait" he said

I then heard Kara shout up "Stuart come down and have breakfast"

I laughed " quick Stuart mummy's calling" I said sarcastically

" I'll get you later Polly" I imagined the grin on his face as I heard my bedroom door close.

I quickly jumped in the shower and stood there letting the water glide down my body, I washed my hair with my raspberries and blackberries shampoo then dried off and got dressed, I decided to go for a new look today, so I put on leggings Jenny(stuart's sister) had given me, and I went to stuart's room and put on one of his t-shirts I loved wearing his clothes they smelt like him freshly cut grass and pine cones.

I went downstairs into the kitchen, everyone was eating including Jenny which was strange because she rarely ate breakfast with the family.

"morning everyone" I said politely before taking an empty seat next to Stuart

" morning dear would you like pancakes?" kara asked, it amazed me how happy she always was.

"thank you"

" so Jenny how comes you down early today?" Stuart asked his sister

" I have exams all week" she moaned

" has anybody seen Paul this morning?" I asked

" he left early said he had business to attend to but he would be back to see you tonight" Frank said

I wonder what business he had here, I thought but let it go " come on stuart lets go for a run before school" I said.

We shifted outside and ran in wolf form to our now special place the waterfall, we both decided this was going to be known as our place because the special memories it held for us.

we let our wolves play for awhile, they loved chasing each other around and pinning each other to the ground, it was great knowing they loved each other as much as I loved stuart, yes thats right I loved stuart, I hadn't told him this but I could feel the bond between us growing fast and I was sure it wouldn't be long before we fully mated!

" lets get back or else we will be late" stuart mind linked me

we got back and headed straight for school.

Libby meet us at the gate as normal with Tony and Alex

" hey guys, we looking forward to another great day?" I said

"why you so happy?" libby asked looking at me suspiciously.

" can't a girl just be happy" I smiled walking off to our first class which I just happened to love, drama.

" hey" Libby said catching up with me

" so Alex called me last night he asked me out on a date" she beamed

" I know I'm coming with you" I said a bit less happy about the fact

" you are? how come?" she said looking shocked

I laughed "Alex thought he better get my permission, so he came and asked if me and Stuart would come, making it a double date"

" that's great he is so thoughtful" she smiled

here we go I was going to hear of nothing else now for the rest of the week.

Drama was great we were doing beauty and the beast, I got picked to be one of the sisters but Stuart managed to get the role of the beast, I couldn't help but mock him the rest of the day.

we decided to sit and have lunch outside today, we were chatting away about the double date Saturday when Sam came over

" Hey Alex we need to talk" he said

what would he want with Alex I thought, I knew for a fact Sam was bad news and if Alex is friends with him, I definitely didn't want him hanging with Libby she was human after all.

Alex returned after about ten minutes later

" what did Sam want?" I asked

" oh nothing my uncle done some work for his dad, he just wanted some details"

I could tell he was lying but why would he lie, what's he hiding, I thought to my self

" oh right" I said not wanting to course a scene before knowing the facts.

the lunch bell went, I held Stuart back,

" we will catch you up", I shouted to everyone

" what's up" Stuart asked

" it's Alex I'm sure he was lying to us"

" Polly you don't know that" he said

" just keep an eye on him ok for Libby's sack" I asked giving him a hug

" ok I'll keep a eye on him around school"

he said

"thanks stuart I love you" I said before realising what I had just said

" Polly did you just say you loved me?" stuart said shocked

" umm yeah I guess I did" I said a bit worried that I may scare him

next thing I know I'm being thrown in the air and kissed to death

" Polly I love you too" he said with a cheesy grin on his face.

In that moment I was the happiest girl alive.

the rest of the day flew by and I couldn't help the permanent grin across my face.

Stuart loved me just as I loved him!

I couldn't believe stuart loved me too I was on cloud nine.

We were just leaving school, saying bye to the rest of our now little gang, when I spotted Paul waiting by the gate he looked like he was looking for someone, Me and Stuart made our way over,

" hey who you looking for" I said making him jump

" you of course" he smiled

" I thought we could go grab a coffee" he said

" sure I would love to" I said looking towards Stuart

" go, I'll meet you back at home." Stuart said.

I walked Paul to a coffee shop about ten minutes from school, I loved it there because they had a huge outside area so you could talk without being overheard.

" so how you coping Pollyanna?" Paul asked me

" ok I guess it's alot to take in"

" have you had chance to look at mum's book yet" Paul said

" no I got distracted last night but I'll find time later today" I said

" great cause she wrote it for you Pollyanna, she was sure I would find you and she wanted to make sure you got the book to help you Polly"

"Paul did mum say any thing about dreams being part of the foresight power?" I asked remembering the dream again from last night

" mum said different people saw the things that were going to happen in all different ways, but yes dreams were one but you had to remember the whole dream, why have you been getting dreams Pollyanna? "

" no I just had a dream last night but it can't of been a vision, it would never happen in reality, forget I said anything". I said

We sat in silence drinking our coffees and taking in the sun, it was spring, the time of year I loved, all baby animals arriving and flowers starting to grow.

" Pollyanna would you consider coming back with me to Golden Acorn pack" Paul said shocking me slightly, we hadn't really even talked about the pack, mainly mum and dad.

" I don't think so Paul, I've only just meet you, and my mate is here I couldn't leave Stuart"

" that's what I thought you would say, how about I stick around for a month so we can get to know each other then maybe you could just come visit the pack everybody is keen to see you" he said

" yeah ok we will see how it goes, hey you fancy a run I want to go to the waterfall take a swim.

" we walked in human form into the woods behind the coffee shop when I spotted Sam again, it was like the boy was everywhere I went at the moment

" hello gorgeous" he smirked at me, I ignored him pulling Paul along quicker

" Pollyanna did you know that guy?" paul asked

" yeah he is a jerk from school bad news"

I said, Paul had a strange look on his face like he know something about this guy too

" you don't know him do you?"

" no I just didn't like the way he spoke to my little sister" he laughed, I couldn't help but laugh along, it was nice being called little sister but I had to get him to stop calling me Pollyanna.

Once we were out of sight we both shifted into our wolves, my brother was a huge wolf bigger than Frank, he was a creamy colour with the same black ears as me. our wolves ran in and out of the trees chasing each over loving they were together. We went to the lake and swam for most of the afternoon, I couldn't believe how relaxed I felt around Paul.

It was starting to get dark when we headed back home but we ran in wolf form and the darkness was not a problem.

Kara had made us supper which was great, I was going to have to get her to teach me to cook one day, I thought to myself.

Paul went off to his room after supper saying he was going to contact his mate. me and Stuart went to my room and watched a dvd, I really wanted to spend some time reading my mums book so I told stuart I was tired after last night, and I wanted to rest, he left without even questioning me.

I grabbed the book as soon as he was gone and started reading, the first page was dedicated to me

Dear Pollyanna

If you are reading this It probably mean I'm no longer around, and for that I'm truly sorry, I really wanted to tell you this information myself. I always knew paul would find you and I'm sure he has told you your different, our gift is a blessing we can change our lives but some events can't be changed like my passing, that was ment to be. Now I know this is going to come as a shock but you are going to be in danger at somepoint in your life, I can't explain more all I can say is trust your dreams however wrong they may seem!! and read the book it will help understand what different signs mean.

Me and your father always loved you Pollyanna never forget that. You are the only person able to read this part of the book I had an old friend put a spell on it.

love mum.

I was almost crying it was the only thing I had from my mum, I really wanted to remember her, but I wonder what she means about being in danger I was a nobody til I meet Stuart, so I doubt anybody was interested in me, my dream floated into my mind again, no it couldn't be true, Stuart would never do anything to hurt me would he? I thought to myself, it's got to be something else, maybe Sam or Alex they both have been acting differently lately.

I was going to have to watch my back, trust no one I thought before drifting off to sleep.

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