Getting on with life

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I woke up screaming, Stuart grabbed a hold of me and pulled me into him

"shh it's just a dream, nothing or no one is every going to hurt you again"

I looked over at the clock on the side it was two in the morning.

I had been waking every night having the same dream, a baby crying in the distance but I could never find it, then I would see Stuart's father standing there holding my baby laughing at me

"when are these dreams going to stop? it's been six months now, and he's still managing to ruin our lives" I said to Stuart

"I'm sorry I can't do more for you Polly, maybe you should see somebody more professional" Stuart said looking to see my reaction.

He had been pussy footing around my since it all happen, and in a way it made me angry, I thought he should blame me, even hate me, like I hate myself, but he hasn't shown any emotions, which makes me feel he doesn't care.

"Why are you not upset?, you should hate me for not protecting our baby, but you just act as though you don't care" I shouted at him

next thing I saw was the bedside lamp go flying across the room

"of course I care, don't you think I don't hate myself everyday knowing I didn't protect you like a mate should, or the fact that it was my own father that done this, course I'm fucking hurting, I have no one I can take my pain out on, my father is already dead, but polly I would never blame you, you did everything right"

I buried my head into his chest

"I'm sorry" I whispered

I could feel his pain and loss at that moment, It was like he had let down a small barrier to allow me to feel what he was feeling, and he was hurting just as much as me, I needed to start getting on with life, we both did, I realised whilst feeling Stuart's pain that his father was still controlling us, and I was going to change that.

"hey Stuart how's Kate getting on?" I asked

he looked at me scared to answer

"umm she has recovered well, her and baby are doing fine I think, they are living in one of the houses just down from the pack house" he said

"I think I would like to visit her, do you think you can take me" I smiled

I knew this would be a big step for me, but I needed to get back to normality, Kate was one of my best friends and I didn't want to avoid her just because she had her baby

"yeah I can take you, are you sure your ready for this?" he asked

"yeah I think I am, lets go first thing, but now I think we should get some more sleep" I said

We climb back under the covers and for the first time in six months I cuddled up to Stuart and starting kissing him, he looked shocked

"are you sure Polly? we can wait" he said stopping me

"no I want this maybe even need it" I smiled

with that Stuart responded by pulling me on to him, he was so gentle with me, I felt so loved, and it was what I needed, to know he stilled cared.

I got up at seven the next morning, showered then put on jeans and a shirt, I hadn't been taking care of myself, so it actually felt nice having the shower running over my body.

I was keen and nervous about seeing Kate and the baby, I didn't know how I was going to react.

"you ready then?" Stuart called up

"just coming" I said walking down the stairs

"are you sure you are ready for this?" he asked again

"yeah I got to do this to move on" I smiled

It was about a five minute walk before we arrived outside the house, Stuart didn't bother knocking he just walked in

"hey bro how's my favourite niece doing" I heard him say to Rick

I held back at the door, trying to build up the courage to walk in

"Hi Polly, Kate has been waiting to see you since six this morning, so you better not keep here waiting any longer she is in the lounge" Rick said ushering me through the hall

"Polly" Kate said coming up and hugging me

"hey how you doing? sorry I haven't been to see you sooner" I said

"Polly don't be silly, you had to do it in your own time, but I have been waiting patiently" she smiled

she hugged me again

"Thank you, I owe you my life, you are a true luna" she smiled

I didn't say anything, I didn't know how to respond to that, I didn't feel like a luna at all, I just felt I had let alot of people down.

"So where's this beautiful daughter of yours? what did you name her?" I asked

"she is in the other room, I wasn't sure you wanted to see her, and we called her Faith" she smiled

"that's a lovely name, go get her then I want to meet my niece" I said

I had to do this, I needed to know I could handle it, Kate walked in with a not so small bundle in her hands, Faith was six months old now so I don't really know what I was expecting to see

I held my arms out and kate passed Faith over, as soon as I held her any resentment I may have had against her went, I was completely in love with my niece, I smiled down at her and she woke from her nap, she looked up and smiled at me as though she already knew who I was.

"she's awake" I said to Kate

"that's strange normally she screams when she first wakes" she said

"well she smiling at me" I couldn't help but laugh

"well I don't know what to say, she must know what you done for her" Kate smiled

In that moment I felt nothing but love, Stuart walked up behind me and hugged me

"we can always try again" he whispered in my ear

Just hearing that made me smile, I would never forget my baby, but he was right, I was young and healthy, I could have another, but right now I wanted to enjoy my niece.

"Whilst you two are here, we wanted to asked you if you would be godparents to Faith" Kate smiled pulling Rick to her side

"if it's to much we understand" Rick said alittle worried

I looked at Stuart and smiled

"well I would love to be a godparent to Faith, wouldn't you Stuart?" I said

"yeah it would be a honour"

we talked for hours just catching up, I had missed loads and felt bad, Libby was also due to give birth any time now I was going to have to visit her.

I left Kate's feeling a weight had been lifted, I knew I could turn my life back round.

I was feeling alot more confident, I had needed to get back out to reality, locking myself away just made things worse, I decided to called my brother and invite him and kirstie to stay, I also wanted to plan a little party for Kate and Libby once she had the baby, to welcome them into the pack, keeping myself busy, was surely going to help me.

"Stuart I've got some plans to discuss with Kara, so you might as well go to work I'll be fine" I said when we arrived back

"ok you sure?" he asked

"yeah I'll be fine now go" I said giving him a small kiss

I went in ready to discuss my idea's with Kara.

I walked in to the kitchen to find Kara cooking away as usual, she jumped when she heard me

"Polly dear, I'm so sorry" she said coming over hugging me

"it's ok I'm on the mend, and it's over now, he is never going to hurt any of us again" I smiled

"Kara, I want to throw a party for Kate and Libby's babies, welcome them in the pack what do you reckon?" I asked after all she was still luna, until me and Stuart decided we were ready to take over

"Are you sure honey?, nobody is expecting you to do this," Kara smiled

"I need to do this for the pack and me, we need to reconnect, I'm sure what has happened will make our pack stronger, and I need to show everyone I'm able to overcome everything, and still be strong for my people, or else I'm never going to make a great luna, like you"

"you are already a great leader Polly" she smiled

We sat and arranged everything for two weeks time hopefully by then Libby would have had her baby.

I left Kara to arrange all the food and  other stuff she was a lot better at it then me, and I needed to see Libby, I walked over to her's and Alex place, it was nothing like Stuart's house, but it was a lovely three bed home to start there family

I knocked on the door hoping she would be in, I felt bad, I hadn't visited her since everything happened

"who is it?" I heard Libby shout

"your future luna" I laughed

I heard some crashing and then the door flung open and I was nearly bowled over, I took in Libby's appearance I couldn't believe how big she was, suddenly I felt bad for staring

"I know I look like a balloon don't I?" she said

"you look beautiful Libby, I'm sorry I haven't seen you sooner" I said

"I understand Polly and I'm just glad your here now" she said hugging me again

I told Libby about the party and she was more than excited, she hadn't be out for a night since it happened, apparently Alex has keep a tight rein on her.

"Libby I'm sorry about not protecting you that night, did they hurt you?" I asked

"Polly you don't ever need to say sorry they just left me, he wasn't interested in a human" she laughed

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh myself, we talked for a few hours until I began getting tired

"Libby I better go Stuart will be home soon" I said

"ok but promise to visit more often" she smiled

I nodded and left, I arrived home to an empty house and a note on the kitchen table from Kara saying she and Wayne had gone out for the evening and dinner was in the oven.

I opened the oven to see a dish of lasagne

as if he could smell it Stuart walked in

"hey beautiful that for me" he said snuggling up to me

" yeah mummy made it for you" I laughed

After supper we headed upstairs, I was exhausted, I hadn't been out hardly at all in six months, so today felt like a marathon to me, so I quickly changed and got into bed, Stuart took this a different way and he striped off and climbed in beside me

"hey you ok?, I was so proud of you today" he said

I curled into his body and started lightly stroking his chest with my fingertips, I could see his body tense up, I liked the fact I could turn him on so quickly, I moved my hands to his back and lightly went up and down making him flinch, Stuart was very sensitive on his back.

Next thing I know I'm lying underneath him and he is biting my lower lip trying to gain access to my mouth, I open up and his tongue starts exploring every part of my mouth, whilst I can feel his hands cupping my breasts, his manhood growing inbetween my legs was making me want him more, he started rubbing himself against me then everything happened so quick and we were making love.

we laid in each others arms after just smiling

"I don't know what I would of done if anything had happened to you Polly, I love you, will you try to marry me again?" he said

"of course I'll marry you, I don't want to waste the dress" I teased

we were just about to start round two when the phone rang

Stuart got up and answered it, I couldn't hear what the other person was saying but I knew it didn't sound good

"Stuart what's happened?" I asked as soon as he come of the phone

"it's Libby she's in labour and they haven't got time to move her to hospital, she wants you there Polly" he said looking to see if I was ok.

"well come on what we waiting for" I said jumping out of bed and putting on the first clothes I see.

We rushed over to the house and we could hear the screams before we saw anybody, I barged through the door to see Alex standing at the bottom of the stairs

"why the fuck aren't you up there" I asked

"she told me to get out" he moaned

I went up and knocked

"Alex if that's you, you can fuck off, if I had known it would be this painful I would never allowed you to touch me" she screamed

"Libby it's me Polly" I said

I walked in to see the pack doctor and Libby, she looked awful

"hey come on Libby you can do this" I said reassuring her

"how much more she got to go?" I asked the doctor

"maybe just one more push" she said

"ok Libby you heard her, now push like you are trying to push Alex through a wall for doing this to you" I laughed

Libby smiled and then squeezed my hand, pushing as hard as she could

"just a little more" the doctor shouted

Then suddenly I heard the cry, I turned to see the baby in the doctors arms,

"it's a little boy" she said passing the baby to Libby

I went and shouted to Alex to come meet his son

the three of them looked a picture, I was just about to leave when Libby spoke

"Polly here hold him" she said

I gentle took the baby and held him in my arms, I suddenly had a image appear in my head, I was holding two babies. I must of been seeing me holding Libby's and Kate's babies at the party.

I handed the boy back to his parents and left giving them time to bond

"Stuart lets go I need some rest" I smiled.

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