Given orders to Frank

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Wayne ( the boss)

I thought Alex had betrayed me, when nobody could contact him it hurt, I saw him as a son, I hadn't found my mate yet, but I was starting to give up hope of ever finding her, I was nearly forty now and most wolves would have found their soul mate by now if they were going to.

I never settled down with a girl cause I couldn't love them truly, and if I did find my mate I would fill bad for the other girl, I never wanted anybody ending up like my mum, she was left heart broken when my father wanted nothing more to do with her and she couldn't trust anybody again.

I couldn't believe it when Alex turned up saying some guy was on to us and wanted to help, I hadn't trusted anybody for a long time, I have to admit I hated the person I was becoming but I couldn't help it, me and my wolf have become more bitter over the years watching Frank get everything he wanted, yet he was evil, he didn't really care about anybody and I had planned to prove that by making him betray his son, maybe I could still make it work with the help of Paul, I really didn't intend to hurt anybody, and I could hand Polly over to him as soon as Frank hands her to me, and then he could help convince Stuart his dad had planned the swap, and betrayed him, maybe we could all take him down together.

I remember the moment his eldest son Rick left, he had found his dad cheating on his mum and said he would tell, Frank beat him and threatened to banish him from the pack, he left for collage not long after.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the intruder alarm, I checked the camera to see Alex heading towards the cave with a guy around the age of 25 this must of been Paul, looks like they were alone so I released the doorway.

" So you must be Paul" I said when they walked in

" yeah and you are Wayne, Alex has told me about you, but I don't like what you are doing especially seems it involves my sister" he said letting out a small growl.

Was he challenging me how dare he come here and speak to me like this maybe this isn't going to work out.

"So what you doing here big man, if you don't like what's happening, why tell Alex you want to help?" I asked letting out a growl of my own, I wasn't going to let anybody think they could scare me.

"Alex also told me how you helped him and that you use to be kind, plus nobody is going to hurt my sister and if Frank thinks it's ok to hand her over not knowing what you would do to her, I think he needs to be dealt with too, so how about we stop arguing amongst ourselves and start a plan" he said

I told Paul that I already sent Frank a letter and told him I would be in touch with arrangements.

" ok so you still take Polly making it look real and she can't know it's not or else stuart will know, we need him to stay believing what ever his father tells him until the swap is done, then we can bring him up to date after" Paul said

"ok I think that may work, Alex you have got to know her where's the best place to take her" I asked

" there is a clearing on the edge of their territory she goes there alot there is a waterfall fall there" He said

" she took me there, I agree it's got room to take her without harming her" Paul commented.

" ok I'll contact him and get him to get her there and get him to make stuart believe she has been working with us all along."

" Then I'll have men around making sure he doesn't try a surprise attack, I'll tell her to walk with me voluntary or else my men will kill her from the trees and her mate, without anybody noticing them there." I said

"all agreed, we will plan it for two days time,til then you both act as though you don't know each other and continue as normal."

I didn't want any more problems, I was going to end Frank hopkins and this time nothing will stop me.

After they left I headed to where I was keeping Jenny

" hello Jenny how you holding up?" I asked

" I hope my dad rips your throat out" she said to me

she was a strong girl most people would be scared stiff specially after leaving her with Jim and Ben, they didn't care about anything but booze, I warned them I would kill them if they went to far with her though.

" don't worry in two days you'll be safely back home, just remember something though Jenny, just because his your father doesn't mean he's a great guy maybe talk to Rick when you get home." I said

" you know fuck all about my family" she spat at me

" maybe I know more than you think sweetheart" I said before leaving.

Now to call Frank, Paul had given me the home number he said Frank would answer

It only rang once before a bloke spoke

" hello who's this?" he said

" I presume I'm talking to Frank" I didn't want to make a mistake this far in

" yeah who's this?" he said

" well Frank I'm your worst nightmare, by the way Jenny is fine!

" you bastard how did you get this number"

" I have my ways Frank, enough small talk here's what you are going to do, I want Polly at the waterfall at twelve noon in two days time, you must convince Stuart she is working with us, I'll bring Jenny and we will swap, and Frank don't try and cross me I'll have men surrounding the area you make sure your's are out the way got it?"

" ok Polly means nothing to me anyway, Stuart we find someone better, so this will be easy" he said he really was evil he didn't care it could kill his son losing his mate, I would make him suffer before killing him.

" ok til saturday Frank" with that I hung up.

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