Aarmau moment/finally a chapter!

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Aaron's P.O.V

Aphmau is...a lot of things...wow.
I have grown feelings for her...maybe I should tell her? But she might not return those feelings....You know what! Life goes on with or without you if she rejects I can't be that upset right! Right?... Oh! Here she is now!

Aa- Aaron. A-Aphmau(=^~^=)

Aa- Hey Aphmau!

A- Oh..hey Aaron..

Aa- What's wro-..Never mind I already know..

A- (Giggles)

Aa- What's so funny?..

A- (Giggles) Things gets around fast here!

Aa- (Chuckles) Yea..heh..so Aphmau May I tell you something?..

A- Sure!

Aa- Aphmau I know you might not feel the same way but..I..I..(sigh)...ILIKEYOU!

A- (Giggles) I like you too Aaron!

Aa- R..really?(thinks: How did she understand that?..)

A-Yea! (Kisses Aaron)

A- (Shoked but kisses back)

Turns into a make out session!
Them two love birds I swear :3

Guys my Ship has sailed!!
And...I finally (finally) made a chapter!!

Go win a Senpai! Sorry for thus being short but it's 11:55 PM and I'm tired..

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