Bad News

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I wake up in Yoongi's arms, today we have school and I'm not looking forward to it. We have the assembly today and if those girls live up to what they said in the bathroom they will humiliate me in front of the whole school even more than what I already am.

I am the first to wake up, I check the time and realise we have to get up so I wake everybody up.

Y/N: Yoongi, it's time to wake up. *Lightly shakes*

He opens his eyes and just stares blankly at me. It made me nervous cause I know he doesn't like to be woken up.

Y/N: Uhh, um, I-it's time to Uh, g-get up now.

What he did was unexpected he quickly snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I give out a little tiny scream, I saw him smile as I came down.

Y/N: Y-Yoongi we h-have to get up now.

Yoongi: Aww! But I want to stay in bed and cuddle.

I had never seen Yoongi wanting to be touched with the other boys he doesn't like being touched all that much, but that might because he's not gay.

Jin: No we need to go to school you two love birds.

When I heard Jin say 'love birds' I couldn't help but blush. I hid my face and Yoongi played with my hair.

Jin: Seriously we need to go to school, we have actually had a few too many days off and we will be suspended or expelled.

Yoongi: Fine.

He lifted me up and took us to the closet in our room.

Y/N: I'm nervous.

Yoongi: Why?

Y/N: Well what if people find out about my pregnancy?

Yoongi: Uh, I-I don't know. I'm no expert at this whole dating thing and I sure as hell ain't very good at comforting anyone, but I can tell you I will be here for you when you need me. Ok.

Y/N: Ok. No good at comforting my ass.

Yoongi: Didn't think we had gotten to that stage yet. *smirks*

I blush really hard and turn my face away.

Yoongi: Baby I'm sorry~ I was only joking.

Y/N: I-It's ok, h-Hey Uh Yoongi.

Yoongi: Yeah.

Y/N: Um, c-can I borrow a shirt it's just that-

Yoongi: Of course you can baby girl.

Y/N: B-baby girl.

Yoongi: oh sorry do you not like being called that, Uh I will stop sor-

Y/N: No! I Uh, I like the nickname.

He smiled while he proceeds to engulf me in his arms that was until.


Jin: Come On Guys we are going to be late for school.

Yoongi sighs and I subconsciously rub my arm. E pulled out this plain black shirt that obviously was too big for me but to be honest it looks really cute when I wore it. I wore one of my leggings with it.

~Time skip to the school gates~

Yoongi and I walk hand in hand to the school gates once again. Getting a lot of stares but I just stay close to him. We still have a fair bit of time left till the assembly which I'm not looking forward to. We sit at our table their was only 7 seats because of before I met the boys which seemed like forever ago but in reality, it was 4 months. I sat in Yoongi's lap I saw some people glaring at me.

As the boys were talking I felt sick, I jolt off of Yoongi and race to the bathroom, I bend over a toilet and throw up. As I finish up I walk out to wash myself off, the cheer captain who had been terrorising me for years decided to lay a punch on my cheekbone causing an instant bruise she then proceeded to grab my hair and drag me out of the bathroom.

She started hitting me smashing my head, the only thing on my mind was to defend my baby. I wasn't letting any of her cheep shots land on my stomach there was no way she was hurting my baby, even tho I don't know who the father is I will protect it. But as I'm thinking she kicks my stomach causing me to break down and lash out. I started throwing my legs around making her back up enough for me to escape. I got up and raced to where the boys where she chased me down.

I reached where they were but she punched me in the head I whip around and pull her head to the ground by her hair, I hate the whole hair grabbing but in this instance, it was The was I would dominate and win. When she was in the ground I sat on top of her stomach and punched her. The teachers really couldn't intervene because of the new law.

Yoongi then realised what was happening he then got the boys up and did the same thing they had done for me the first time this had happened it was like a replay just different day, different area and a different time. Yoongi had picked me up and just brought me out to the lake area. We sat their till the bell went.

Yoongi: Do you want to go home?

Y/N: Ahh n-no. I will just. *sighs* I will just push through the day.

Yoongi: Ok.

We went back to the school building and headed to the hall I was scared but wanted to see if those girls would live up to what they said. We sat down and the principal started talking. After about 10 minutes all the lights shut off stomach clenched. Then a slide show played title being.

'School Slut'

There were pictures of me with all the boys, then me being humiliated everybody was laughing at me, I began to cry silently. Then a spotlight shone above me, making it easy to see me. All the boys get up and run to where I am and shelter me. Yoongi picked me up for the second time today as we all raced home I cried and cried. We all sat on the couch doing nothing Yoongi was cuddled into me.

I then felt weird down at my private area so I got up to check what was going on, as I went to the toilet I saw blood I put on a pad and went straight to Yoongi.

Y/N: Yoongi, come with me.

Yoongi: W-What's wrong?

Y/N: I-i don't know just please come with me.

With that Yoongi stood straight up and came with me, we went to the doctors to see what was going on. We walked in and I went up the receptionist.

Y/N: Hi, Uh can I see (doctors name) please?

Receptionist: Yes he is the free same room as last time.

Y/N: Thank you.

I was with Yoongi to the room and knock.

Doc: Come in.

I open the door.

Doc: Ahh, Y/N, great to see you how is the baby going.

Y/N: Uh, I-I don't know.

Doc: Hmm, that's not to re-assuring, what's going on.

Y/N: I don't know if this is supposed to happen, but I'm bleeding like I'm on my period. Is this supposed to happen?

Doc: Are you sure it's from there? And you're not cut.

Y/N: N-no I-I'm definitely bleeding they're, Why w-what happening? *tears up voice goes croaky*

Doc: I dearly sorry Miss but, you have had a miscarriage, your baby did not live.

Y/N: W-what? *tears slide down cheeks.

Doc: Have you had any incidents or stress.

Y/N: I-I had a punch up today and got kicked in the stomach, Yeah I-I have had a lot of stress.

Doc: There is your cause.

I cry, even tho I didn't want the baby in the first place it's still sad to know my child never made it to the world. Yoongi hugs me as I cry.

Doc: I usually don't say this or recommend it at your age, but I believe you truly would have been an amazing mother and I feel you should try with someone you love to have a family together.

When he said that I pictured Yoongi and me in our house with a baby girl and boy, our family. I couldn't help but smile.

Y/N: Thank you. W-we should get going.

With that Yoongi and I left the house.

Yoongi: I saw you smile when he said you should have another baby with someone you truly love, what was that about?

Y/N: I Uh- I..

Yoongi: I wouldn't mind being a daddy. *winks*

I blush hard we make it home, I open the door when Jin asked me questions.

Jin: What's wrong, is the baby or you guys ok?

Y/N: We are ok, b-but the b-baby. I-I has a miscarriage.

The boys looked sad as I tear up again.

Y/N: But it's for the best.

OH MY GOD 3K WHAT!! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thank you so much for reading! Till next time, Baii!

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