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Jin returned with the alcohol and I could see the boys eyes widen, the only thing running through my head was 'please don't do anything to me, please!' I was scared on the inside but remained calm on the out.

Jin: I got all you boys your favourites and plenty of it might I add. I got Yoongi Tequila, Hoseok Ruskies, Namjoon Dry beer, Jimin Vodka, Taehung Sour Monkey, Jungkook Scotch, and last But not least Y/N I didn't know what you liked so I got you both Sour Monkey and Tequila.

All the boys cheered but I was scared, but as always I put on my poker face and smiled and thanked him. I had never had alcohol apart from that time at the party. The boys run over to Jin to collect their drinks while I calmly walked. The boys already have their first shot or drink for the night while I am hesitant to open mine.

Jungkook: Y/N you seem to be having trouble opening you Sour Monkey let me help. (Crakes seel open)

~Y/N Thoughts~
Thanks, Kookie, now I HAVE to drink it!


I give him a smile I bring the bottle to my lips and took a sip. My heart raced as the liquid goes into my body knowing full well what this shit does to people. I look at Tae and he has no problem skulling his drink down, well not just Tae all the boys really. I see Jin pouring himself a glass of wine and walking over to Namjoon who has his dry beer in his hand already half drunk.

Yoongi walked over to me with his shot glass and Tequila bottle and sat beside me.

Y/N: How many shots have you had?

Yoongi: uhhh, 4 or 5 I think.


Yoongi: Yep, Hey would you mind putting on some music and turning it on really loud.

Y/N: I-I guess, Uh and w-what type o-of music?

Yoongi: Clubbing.

With that he gets up and leaves to talk to Jimin, I take a deep breath before putting on a playlist I made with my upbeat club-like songs. I press shuffle.

Low by Flow Rider came on first and I could hear the boys cheer as the music blasted through the house. I saw Namjoon and Jimin get on the phone to someone t the same time but thought nothing of it, till our fucking house was full of people!

The people had brought their own beverages, the boys had, had a lot to drink and where either tipsy, sober, or drunk, I, on the other hand, hadn't even made it a full drink yet. Their where girls dressed in skimpy clothing showing off their body's doing sexual dances to the music, then the boys that arrived as well as Yoongi and the others were being complete idiots.

The boys kept reminding me to drink, and telling me nothing will happen I just did as they said not wanting to cause a scene, I am now onto my 12 drink, and I can feel the alcohol taking effect.

My favourite song came on Get Low by Little Jon and the East Side Boyz and I started doing the dance moves that went with the song they were sexual but I mean everyone else was doing it so it would be fine for me, right? (Look up the song if you don't know it)

(Singing/screaming/dancing the lyrics)

I started belting out these lyrics and doing sexual dance moves, I don't know what overcame me because I can barely speak I front of anyone, the next lyrics that I heard all-boys shout out while walking to the females scared me I knew it was part of the song, but I also knew I was drunk and vulnerable.

All males: Now can I play wit cho pantie line!

All the boys walked over to girls, a guy went to grab my waist but somehow Yoongi slipped in front and grabbed it instead.

(Says in-ear)
Yoongi: Y/N you are really drunk, you need to calm down. What your doing isn't you, I don't want you getting hurt stay close to me ok.

I agree not knowing what else to do, I knew what I was doing and was afraid and disappointed in myself for getting to this stage, but the alcohol was controlling me. We leave the lounge room where all the dancing was happening and go outside. We sit by the pool, I see Jimin making out with some chick and Hoseok walking over to us. He sits beside me and wraps his arm around me.

Yoongi strait away pushed his arm off. Luckily he didn't do anything just excepted it. There where drunk boys picking up drunk girls and throwing them into the pool.

I knew they couldn't throw me in because I had Yoongi and Hob beside me so I let my guard down but it was a big mistake, a guy pulled me in a scraped my back on the edge which caused it to bleed from scraping up my skin, it was also an instant bruise. I couldn't swim, and being drunk didn't help as I tried swimming to the top I kept sinking for some reason.

As I look down I see the guy who pulled me in is still latched to me, I try to get him off but I'm running short of air and growing weaker and weaker. I would start to cry but I am already in the water. I heard a splash from above me, I look up to see both Yoongi and Hobi swimming towards me Hobi grabs me by the waist and pulls me up while Yoongi gets the other guy off me.

Hobi and I break through the surface and I gasp for air, he brings me over to the edge of the pool, I seemed to have washed all my drunkness away by being in the water terrified.

Y/N: Hobi, what about Yoongi.

As I asked that Yoongi arose up with the guy who dragged me. For some reason, the guy punched Yoongi causing him to retaliate and throw one as well. They got out of the water and continue their fight, I got scared so being the idiot I am I ran in the middle and took a hit from the guy.

Yoongi instantly took me in his arms and shelter me as the guy lay punch after punch after punch on him until eventually Hobi, Tae, Jin, Moonie, Kookie and ChimChim pulled him away, I had a bleeding lip and back from when I took a hit and got pulled into the pool.

There was a lot of yelling and arguing going on but I blocked it out as it became too stressful for me. The party was over not long after that and everyone had left. I go straight up into mine and Yoongi's room and sit in the closet and silently cry because of all the yelling.

It reminded me of when I was a little girl and I would hide in my closet when my parents would fight and start hitting me calling me useless and ugly, I was 5. I didn't like conflict and always hid when it happened it was too much for me.

*Knock Knock*

Yoongi: Y/N are you ok?

I quickly ran to the bathroom and called out to pretend I was in there.

Y/N: Uhh yeah I'm fine just having a shower, will be a while.

Yoongi: Ok just be careful and call me when you need me.

Y/N: Ok.

Obviously I didn't actually have a shower, I turned on the water but never got in. Instead,

I cut my waist.

OH MY GOD!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K READS THAT'S AMAZING! I hope you enjoyed my chapter. Till next time Baii!

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