Good Idea's Turn Into Bad Out Comes

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Y/N P.O.V.

Yoongi and I head downstairs to the lounge room once again.

Yoongi: If you boys want to take a shower there are two free right now.

Jin and Joonie get up and head to the showers, but also Hobi.

Yoongi: I said two showers, not three what are you doing?

Hobi: Namjin bro, I'm using the shower that their not.

Shock plastered on my face as I catch onto what he is saying. Yoongi and I sit down on the couch and watch what the maknea's had put on.

Tae: Sugar, Spice and everything nice!

Kookie: These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction- Chemical X

Jimin: Thus, the power puff girls were born using their ultra super powers Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime.

Tae, Kookie, Jimin: And the forces of evil!


I laugh my ass off as the maknea's dance to the theme music of the power puff girls.

Yoongi: Did they seriously just say all the words to the theme song of the power puff girls.

I nod my head while still laughing at them, we continued watching the episode in silence when finally Joonie and Jin came down the stairs.

Yoongi: Enjoy your shower boys?

Their faces went pink as they realised we knew what they just did. The maknea's paid no attention to us and the inappropriate conversation we were having. Then Tae and Kookie get up and begin heading upstairs.

Jimin: Where are you two going?

Tae: To have a shower.

Jimin: Oo let me join.

Kookie: No, there isn't enough room, Chim maybe next time.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Yoongi: And there goes TaeKook.

~Time Skip~

It was later on a night all of us were clean and refreshed, but we had to talk about school.

Y/N: Guys, what are we going to do about the school I'm 99% sure that the kids at school have seen the news and will turn us in.

Jin: I was thinking about that the only resolution I had was to change schools and our names and stuff to hide.

Jimin: So basically change us?

Jin: Well yeah.

Hobi: I don't think that will work. Something will go wrong and we will be caught.

Y/N: I agree with Hobi.

Jin: Then what do all of you suggest?

Y/N: I-I have a suggestion.

All their eyes were on me, even though I trust them it was still nerve-racking to talk in front of this many people.

Y/N: I-I know we just got back home but uh w-we could sell the house then with that money buy a caravan big enough for all of us and travel the country, we won't have to worry about school, w-we will have enough money to pay for things since we could also sell some unnecessary items and stuff.

They all seemed pretty pleased with my idea.

Jin: Fare enough, I will look for a caravan meanwhile you guys go begin packing the things you want to keep, but try and keep it as minimal as possible we might not have a lot of room.

We began to head away from the dinner table and to our rooms and packed all our stuff. I didn't have very many things to begin with so it didn't take me long to figure out what is worth bringing and what I should sell.

~Time Skip A Couple Of Days~

A couple of days passed and Jin managed to buy a caravan and sell the house because Yoongi's house was so nice it sold fairly quick we began loading the decent-sized caravan Jin managed to buy, we picked out our sleeping quarters, the makneas would share the bunk where the bottom bed was a double and the top was a single, Yoongi and I would share the same type of bunk bed as the maknea's with Hobi, and Jin and Joonie would share the normal double bed. We started putting out own touches on the inside of the caravan. We hung up photos of us and made the beds, filled the food compartments with food and stocked ourselves with drinkable liquids. It wasn't long till we were ready for our trip.

We took the items we couldn't or didn't want to keep to the Salvation Army where others may find a use of them. The final item was being brought into the caravan and then we were off, the new owners of Yoongis house said goodbye and thanked us for the house. Jin started the engine and we began rolling into the road where our adventure will begin.

~Time Skip~

Its been a couple of hours since we left our old home, everybody was doing their own thing, I was reading a book, Yoongi was on his laptop, Hobi was on his phone, the maknea's where watching the tv that is in here, Jin is driving and Joonie is chatting with him in the passenger seat, it felt peaceful. I looked out the window to see we were on a mountain, the view was unlike anything I have ever seen before.


All of us look at him confused before we could ask what was wrong the caravan got hit sending us spinning out of control. The boys and my screams were all anyone could hear from the inside of the caravan.

Joonie: Guard Rail!

We hear the breaking of the guard rail as we crash straight through it. We began rolling down the side of the mountain, we didn't stay in one spot the Maknae's Yoongi, Hobi and I were thrown around hitting the walls or being hit by objects that aren't not stuck in place. Jin and Joonie had seatbelts on so they were secured in the one seat, I was constantly hitting my head on things cause it to bleed Yoongi grabbed a hold of me as we fell, we began spinning faster because we had been rolling so much. Then with one loud bang, it all stopped, I open my eyes and we were laying on the roofs, Jin was making sure Joonie was ok They were upside down since the caravan was on the roof and they were still sitting in there seats. I sit up with Yoongi's arm resting across my thighs, I look down at him to see his eyes are closed I panic and begin shaking him.

Y/N: Yoongi, Yoongi, wake up!

He opened his eyes and looked at me with a worried expression.

Yoongi: Y/N you're bleeding.

Y/N: I know, I'm ok though.

I look at the rest of the boys and they were all making sure one another where ok.

Hobi: Do you guys smell smoke.

We all look to the front of the car and see the fire.


We all begin hurrying to get out of the vehicle, Jungkook kicks the door down so we could all get out. We went around to help Jin and Joonie, once we where all out we didn't stop we ran as fast as we could to get away from the bomb like vehicle. It blew up parts flying everywhere I scream as the explosion rang through my ears, we turned around to see everything we had was burning in the fire.

Jin started checking if we were all ok, some of us have some cuts with dried blood, some of us had bruising. We walked threw the mountainside looking for shelter.

*Y/N Thoughts*

This is your fault if you had never become attached to them this would never of happen.

If you had of just sucked everything that's ever happened to you up, this wouldn't have happened.

You should have stayed in the burning vehicle.

You're only causing them problems.

You should leave them.


Just end it all.



Hey guys, I know this story has taken me a fair while to post a new chapter on and I am so sorry for the, I have been busy and could quite think of what I wanted the next chapter to be like. But here it is and I hope you enjoy it also a MASSIVE thank you to those who read this story and got it 20K! I was so not expecting to ever reach this much when I first decided to publish a chapter. Thank you all so, so, so much! Okie, Till next time, Baii!!

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