Jail Break

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Y/N P.O.V.

Y/N: Its been almost two weeks Yoongi, I miss you. *Tears fall*

I stare at the night sky from my cells small window it has been far too long since I have seen, touched or talked the boys and I am not coping well. This place is horrid, the doors open to my cell indicating dinner time but I don't move I barely eat and when I do it's in little amounts without them I feel empty and alone. I wonder if I will ever see them ever again, guards walk past my cell to check on me.

Guard: Not eating again Miss?

I don't respond I just sit quietly staring out of my window when they walk away and I lay down on the uncomfortable metal slab they decided to call a bed just as I was about to shut my eyes the sirens blared and inmates began running back to their cells I sit up and run to my closing door I look out the little window carved out of the door, guards are running around everywhere with guns and bars to hit people with than from my outside window I heard a voice.

???: Y/N are you in here? *Whispers*

I run to my window. Thinking I'm hallucinating hearing Tae's voice I answer anyway.

Y/N: T-Tae is that you? *Eyes Water*

Tae: Y/N, yeah it's me, stand really close to the wall.

I do as I am told and then one of the panels to the roof falls down I see Yoongi and Hobi pop their heads through the hole a massive smile crept up onto my face, they put down one arm each and tell me to jump off the bed I do, my hands connect with theirs and I begin to cry of happiness as they pull me up, Yoongi pulls me into his lap and hugs me tight.

Kookie jumps down the hole I was just pulled up from I was confused at first then the boys began helping him back up he held the roof panelling. I understood once I saw why they were putting the panelling back in place so the officers and guards didn't know we escaped through the roof. We went into a group hug but it was short and brief they begin moving I follow close behind them as we got onto the actual roof and stayed low, we ran across the tiling on the roof like ninja's eventually finding a pipe to get down we mostly slid down instead of climbing since it would be faster.

Once we reached the floor we ran to the hole in the chain-link fence that I'm guessing the boys had been cutting without being caught, we ran faster than we ever had we ran far away where hopefully they couldn't find us, we began laughing but that turned to screams once we heard gunshots we duck and weave our way through trees and bushes trying our hardest to not get shot the last gunshot was fired we turn around and see blood seeping through Tae shirt he looks at us all with tears in his eyes.

Kookie runs towards his falling body and catches him, he begins crying uncontrollably we all did. We all gathered around him and hold him, looks up at Jungkook who has Tae resting in his lap blood on his hand as he held the wound.

Tae: I-it hurts.

Jin: I- I know it does, j-just hang in there ok.

We tried to get him up but he asked us to stop as we let his body lay back in Kookie lap he begins saying lyrics to a song they had been working on.

Tae: Y-You know it all you're my best friend t-the morning will come again. *Weak voice*

Kookie: Because no darkness *Sniffles* no season.

Kookie, Jimin: Can ever last forever.

We all begin crying loudly as Tae draws his last breath.

Tae: You guys are my family. *Whisper*

A tear rolls down his face we all hug him, grieving loudly I look up towards the sky.

Y/N: WHY!~ *Sobs*

Kookie: No- NO PLEASE HYUNG keep your eyes open come on, you can't leave me, you promised you wouldn't remember. *Tears Streaming* Hyung?

We hear guards coming and we stand up ready to leave, all though Kookie didn't he continued to hold Tae in his arms, the guards drew closer to us so we had to drag Kookie he struggled and fought us it hurt my heart to see Kookie like this but it hurt me more to see Tae's body lying motionless on the floor.


We cry more and more as Jungkook struggled and struggled Jin eventually walked in front of Kookie and hugged him and began moving. Jungkook cried into Jin's shirt calling out to him, Jin had tears streaming down his face we begin running, the image of Tae stuck to my brain like glue, I recalled every time he helped me no matter the cost. I remember the first time I met him and the first time I gave him my trust, the first time we got into trouble and how he always smiled no matter what.


But we didn't listen to the boy grieving over one of his best friends we kept moving further and further away then the only noises we where making was crying and sniffling. Yoongi walked over to me and hugged me as we walked he held me close to him, we had been walking for a few hours Kookie was passed out in Jin's arms he had managed to cry himself to sleep. We managed to find a little place to hide it was protected by trees shrubs and other things to hide behind we all laid down together in close proximity to shelter each other with warmth and comfort.

I eventually fell asleep.


I run through these woods hearing Tae's voice he was calling me, over and over again but I couldn't seem to find him. I checked around every tree and bush as I ran a little further I came across a river and there sat Tae playing in the water he looks up at me. I run towards him to give him a hug but instead I fall right through him.

Y/N: T-Tae? *Eyes Water*

Tae: Please don't cry Noona, it makes me sad to see you're sad. *small smile*

Y/N: Y-You need to come back to us, Jungkook misses you, we all do.

Tae: I-I know I heard you all it made me *Chocking On Tears*, I need you to do something for me.

Y/N: Of course, anything!

Tae: I need you to take care of them for me, I-I need you to be happy for them.

Y/N: How can I be happy when- when.

Tae: You just do, it-its the only way I can be happy.

Y/N: *Cries*

Tae: It's ok, you don't need to cry. *Quiet voice*

I look up at him to see him slowly fading away.

Y/N: W-whats going on, why are you fading?

Tae: Take care of them for me.

Y/N: Tae don't leave me, please. *Sobs*

Tae: Don't let them forget me.

Y/N: Taehyung!~ *Sobs*

Tae: Tell them I love them. *Smiles*

He disappeared into the wind my cries filled the air.

*Wakes Up*

Tears stain my face as I sit up I see Kookie sitting over at a tree looking down at the ground I walk over to him and sit beside him. He looks in my direction I see tears still rolling down his face they glisten in the moonlight, I give him a hug and he begins to cry again I comfort him as best I could.

Y/N: It's ok, I-I'm here. No matter if it's even more tiring, learn to endure it and step over it like that more opportunities will come to you.

I remember Tae saying that to Kookie a lot whenever something tough was thrown their way. Jungkook began to cry more at my words.

Kookie: Hyung said that a lot. I-I miss him.

Y/N: I know, we all do but for now you need to sleep, rest up.

He placed his head on my shoulder and began to fall asleep I look up at the sky and see a shooting star. I make a wish.

Y/N: I wish that life will get better for all of us.

I close my eyes and sleep.


Hey guys, how did you find this chapter? I'm sorry for taking a while to update but here is another chapter, I also want to thank everyone for 27K reads and 100+ followers I am amazed at these numbers. Also a side note, how did you like their new album? I loved it, they never cease to amaze me. Okie, Till next time, Baii!!

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