The Call

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Y/N P.O.V.

Hobi looks at me confused.

Hobi: What do you mean, are you okay?

Y/N: I-I just need everyone up.

With that being said we had both gotten up and woke everybody, Yoongi was not very I had woken him from his sleep but I had to.

Joonie: Y/N are you okay?

Y/N: I-I don't know..

They look at me worried, they didn't understand and to be honest I didn't understand what happened either.

Jin: What happened?

Y/N: Okay, I'm going to sound crazy but I need you all to hear me out, I had a dream of a house I sat on the porch swing the house was surrounded by flowers and there was an old woman, she spoke to me.

Jungkook: What did she say?

Y/N: She told me that her grandchildren liked flowers and that's why she had so many out the front when I apologised for being on her property and proposing I leave, she said that she brought me here, as in she brought me to my dream.

The only looks I could read of their faces was both confused and enticed, so I continued on with my story hoping I could get some answers.

Y/N: She asked for my name so I told her, but when I asked for hers she said I wouldn't remember it, she asked me if I could do a favour for her, and here is where things get weird...

Jimin: Did she transform and try to eat you?

Yoongi: Shh, let her tell the story.

They all lent forward a bit more trying to be able to hear me clearly.

Y/N: She asked me to stay in the town we're currently in when I showed signs of confusion she just told me to tell you guys this and you would understand.

They look at each other then back at me.

Hobi: What was it?

Y/N: The old lady who told me this is dead, and she died on September 3rd.

Their eyes widen.

Jin: No way. Why did she contact Y/N and to one of us?

Y/N: Who is she?

Joonie: I mean if she told us to stay here then that must mean she knows something?

Y/N: Can someone tell me-

Jungkook: Do you think that means he is still with us?

Yoongi: I mean it's very unlikely that Y/N could have just randomly thought up that day and having an old woman be there to tell her that stuff?


They all look at me.

Y/N: Who was that woman?

Hobi: T-that was Tae's grandmother.

My eyes widen.

Y/N: Wait, I was talking to Tae's grandmother?

They nod their heads in unison.

Jungkook: We have to stay here, what if she was telling us not to give up home on him?

~Time Skip One Week And A Half~

It was silent, we all just sad down in the living room quietly to knowing what to do, we have been waiting here for over a week now like the woman in my dream said to do and so far nothing has happened, I began to lose hope of any miracle happening as we sit in total silence there was a knock at our door.

Jin: I will get it.

He gets up and looks through the peeping hole.

Jin: Its the receptionist.

He opens the door and puts on a fake smile.

Jin: Good evening, how can I help you.

Receptionist: Do you have a code name of Bread Genie?

Jin looks at all of us worried.

Jin: Uh, yes, how did yo-

Receptionist: There is someone on the phone for you.

With that she walks away, we all get up and follow her down to the lobby she hands Jin the phone he puts it to his ear.

Jin: Hello?

Jin P.O.V.

I put the phone to my ear.

Jin: Hello?

???: *Whispering* J-Jin is that you?

Jin: Who is this?

???: *Whispering* Go back *Background noise* Go back, please.

Then the line went dead I look at the others they were waiting for me to say something.

Y/N P.O.V.

Jin just stared us, I wonder what he heard he seemed puzzled.

Yoongi: Who was it?

Jin: I-I don't know all they said is 'Go back', go back where?

Kookie began to sprint out of the building, we had to quickly chase him we're calling out his name but he didn't stop. He just ran back into the forest we had originally come out of.

Y/N: Jungkook Stop! Where are you going!? *Yelling*

He soon stopped, and I realise where we are.

Kookie: I-It was Tae on the phone, I-I just know it was him! H-he is here somewhere, we have to find him!

Jin: Jungkook, Tae is gone! I don't know who that person was on the phone bu-

???: It was me.

We all spin around and look at the owner of the voice. Jungkook ran to the person and leapt into their arms crying.


Jin: T-tae, yo-you're here!

Y/N: OH MY GOD! *Crying*

We all run over to him and give him the biggest hug we could.

Tae: G-guys, I have to breathe.

We all laugh and loosen up.

Jimin: H-how is this even possible? W-we saw you die?

Tae: I will explain everything, but not here, they will realise I'm gone and begin their search again.

Joonie: We should go to the edge of the town we were in.

Jungkook locked hands with Tae and was not showing signs of letting go anytime soo, we began running back the way we came as fast as we could, we ran through the town all the way to the edge of the little town before we stopped at a petrol station laughing.

Hobi: So why happened to you?

Tae's P.O.V.

It was dark and numb it felt like I was constantly falling but flying at the same time, I kept seeing their faces, the ones I love they where in pain, as I was staring at them my chest began to pump out like something was trying to burst through my chest, on the fourth pump I am met with a bright light and a sharp gasp for air. There are doctors and police all around me I am hooked up to a monitor as people rush around the room taking tests and doing stuff to me.

Tae: W-where am I? *loopy*

Nurse: Sir, you are in the hospital, you were dying but we where bye to save you before it was too late. How are you feeling?

Tae: W-where are my friends?

Nurse: They escaped sadly, but we will find them. *smiles*

Tae: *Scoffs* Good luck.

I was wheeled into a cell after they were finished with me, I sat on the bed and looked out the small cell window, I knew I had to get out of here, inmates are allowed one call a day so every day I would look at the phone book and dial every number I the closest town I could so far I had no luck, I didn't want to say any of their names in case they would be turned I so instead I used Jin's code name. Bread Genie.

I called this hotel and a woman answered.

Woman: Hello, how may I help you?

Tae: I need to find someone, is this a hotel?

Woman: Indeed it is, to whom are you looking for?

Tae: Just ask if his code name is Bread Genie and if he says yes then lead him to the phone please, and hurry.

I knew she sounded puzzled, to begin with, but I really needed her to do this for me.

Tae: Please.

Woman: Okay, I will be back in a minute.

As I was waiting I looked around and saw the guards looking at me suspiciously so I turned around facing the box and acted like I was talking to someone.

Then I heard the phone being to make noises and someone answered.

???: Hello?

Tae: *Whispering* J-Jin is that you?

Jin: Who is this?

Tae: *Whispering* Go back *Background noise* Go back, please.

Just as I said that the line cut off indicating my time was up, I just hope that he knew what I meant and if he didn't that he would tell the others and they would know. Now all I had to do was get out, I went up to my cell ad hid by the door as a guard walk passed I grabbed him and beat him till he was unconscious, I took a look around before stripping off his clothes in order to get out, I made sure I looked the part I walked out of my cell and out to the other guards.

Guard 1: Hey Bill where are you going mate?

I tilt my head down and put on a deeper voice.

Tae: uhh, I gotta go home early uhh my cat has been hit by a car.

Guard 1: I didn't have know you had a cat?

Tae: Uhh yeah, I got it just the other day.

Guard 1: Okay man, well you only had two minutes left of your shift away from so I will cover for you, get home safe man.

I give a subtle to and begin to leave as soon as I am in the clear I run to the spot I told them to meet I hear shouting and my heart begins to race ad I begin feeling happier. I heard them yelling at Kookie to stop running, I knew he would be the one to figure out what I meant

Y/N: Jungkook Stop! Where are you going!? *Yelling*

He stopped and so did everyone else, I stayed in the bushes for a little longer.

Kookie: I-It was Tae on the phone, I-I just know it was him! H-he is here somewhere, we have to find him!

I could hear the excitement but worry in his voice, I was so happy that I was about to see my family again.

Jin: Jungkook, Tae is gone! I don't know who that person was on the phone bu-

As Jin began scolding Kookie I decide now would be the perfect time to step out.

Tae: It was me.

They all turn and look at me their eyes wide open. Jungkook ran to me and leapt into my arms crying I felt his tears on my shirt and all I wanted to do is hold him longer


His crying broke me, I didn't mean to hurt them, I didn't mean for any of this pain to be caused.

Jin: T-tae, yo-you're here!

Y/N: OH MY GOD! *Crying*

They ran to me and hugged me so tight, I was now home.


Hey guys, thanks so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, feel free to comment. I also want to thank you all for 41K!! Okie, Till next time, Baii!!

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