Champagne Problems (Sirius Black)

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PROMPT: based on champagne problems by taylor swift. Y/N leaves to protect her family and Sirius waits for her.

WARNINGS: mentions of death, death, angst, fluff?

What's wrong, sweetheart?" Sirius whispered, scared of the situation in front of him. You'd been distant all day, as if something was bothering you. With Sirius, you were always so carefree and at ease because he knew exactly how to make you feel better, but this time, it seemed Sirius was at a loss.

You refused to look at him. He felt his heart shattering every time he called for you and he got no response. He tried to be patient and not push you, knowing your stubbornness rivaled his. So he sat quietly and let your mind wander off into new places as he watched you slip away from him— until finally, he could bear it no longer.

"Sirius," you sighed, using all your power to push yourself further away from him. You held a hand up, keeping him at an arm's distance as he tried to get closer, "I have to leave."

His eyebrows furrowed, a look of genuine confusion etched on his face, "What?"

"I have to go," your voice betrayed you, cracking in mid sentence as you tried to explain why you had to leave. "I'm muggleborn. After the McKinnons.... They'll try to take my family next, I know it. Sirius, you have to understand."

"I can help protect them," he rebutted, eyes darting everywhere, as if trying to figure out how he would do that. "We can do this together, you know? I'm getting better and better everyday since Hogwarts, Y/N. We'll put up protective charms a-and we can fight. Yeah, we'll fight—"

"This isn't your fight, Sirius," you explained, wiping your tears, "You have your own family to protect. Moony, Peter, The Potters! James and Lily and young Harry! The Order needs you, Sirius. I can't take you away from your duties."

He shook his head, hair already messy from his constant tugging, "You're my family, too! I don't understand why I can't help you."

"I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because you were trying to protect me and my family."

"And I could never forgive myself if something happened to you! Especially knowing I could've helped!" Sirius exclaimed, his calm demeanor long gone. He wasn't yelling at you, but his voice significantly picked up volume as the conversation progressed. His eyes were red, lips severely bitten as he pleaded his case. "I don't understand why you have to go! They're okay, I'll make sure of it."

"Sirius, you're not listening to me!"

"No, you're not listening to me!" he replied, marching over to you. He held you by your shoulders, looking at you straight in the eyes, "You... You can't leave, Y/N. Not right now, not ever. We already lost Marlene and the Prewetts and Godric, if I lost you— If I lost you, I wouldn't know what to do. We'll put your family under protective custody and we'll make sure they don't touch them, you hear me? But you are not going off by yourself."

"Sirius, I can't have you pulling strings for me. The Order needs people here. They need people to fight. I'm expendable, Sirius, don't you understand? Nobody is going out there to protect muggles. No one." You held his face in your hands, leaving soft kisses on his skin. He closed his eyes, crying brokenly. You continued, "I have to go, Sirius. You need to stay here. They need you, Sirius Black."

"What about what I need?" he whispered, gripping your waist. He showed no signs of letting you go. In fact, his grip on your waist tightened, afraid that one falter in his movements, you'd walk away. He wasn't ready. "I need you."

You knew then that Sirius understood why you had to go. If the Potters were ever in danger, he'd drop everything to make sure they were safe. Although he wasn't Euphemia's and Fleamont's son by blood, they treated him like he was. You grew up with a loving family— one that Sirius longed for and finally got after meeting young James Potter on the train in their first year, and Sirius knew you had to go. But it didn't make it any easier on him.

He opened his heart to you, and there was not a day since that he regretted doing so. He was broken and bruised and for a while, he thought he was incapable of accepting love that didn't come from the Marauders or the Potters. You came along in his fourth year, trailing behind Lily Evans who was asking Remus for some help on Transfigurations, and you beamed at him with that sunshine smile and he was done for.

Sirius fell for you, hard and quick. He was in love with you before you even entertained the idea of Sirius Black in your life. Growing up, he yearned to be loved by someone and he never thought that the mere idea of falling in love with someone like you would feel just as good as feeling that love he craved. You had such a big heart, Sirius knew that but a part of him still thought there was no space in there for him. As pathetic as it sounded (Remus' words— though he said it with a small smile tugging on his lips), Sirius would've been okay with that because to him, it was an honor all on its own to love you, even if it wasn't reciprocated.

The day you told him you loved him, all the heartache and pain that young Sirius Black endured all his years suddenly felt like nothing. Sure, the trauma and the hurt will always leave their mark on him, but now, once those words left your lips, Sirius Black knew that he would be okay. He had you.

Sirius spoke again, "Y/N, this is probably the worst time to do this but I never had good timing, did I?"

"Siri," you whispered, gasping into your palms as he kneeled down on one knee.

"I don't have a ring. Uh, the Black family has a ring we pass down every generation but obviously, I was not blessed with such," he chuckled, playing with your fingers. "I may not have a ring but I have my love and I'm hoping that will suffice for now. Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?"

Nodding your head furiously, you mumbled a shaky, "Yes."

Sirius laughed, getting up on his feet to twirl you around your living room. He buried his head in your hair, wanting to memorize your scent. He kissed your neck softly, muttering his undying love and affection. He spun you around until you were both too dizzy to stand and you collapsed on top of him on your couch.

You giggled, tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. You rubbed your thumb across his cheekbone, kissing the tip of his nose, "I love you."

"I love you," he replied, "I promise when you get back, I will put a ring on your finger."

When you get back.

"When I get back," you confirmed.


James whistled, inspecting the ring in the box, "Blimey, Padfoot. This is beautiful!"

Sirius smiled proudly, eyes gleaming with excitement as his friend examined the ring he picked out for you. Since you left four months ago, he went on a hunt for the perfect ring, "Thanks, Prongs."

"She'll love it," Remus added, putting down the newspaper that he was reading, "When is she coming back?"

"When it's safe enough, I suppose. That's why we have to win this war, gentlemen. I would like to see my fiance as soon as possible."

Lily laughed, holding Harry by her heart, "I would also like to see my best friend soon. Harry also does miss his Godmother."

"He babbles her name whenever he sees the stuffed lion she got him," James added, getting up to wrap his arms around Lily. The picture perfect family looked so happy to be with each other. It almost made the other two boys in the room forget what was going on outside the doors of their home.

Sirius got up to take Harry from Lily, rocking the baby back and forth as he smiled fondly at his Godfather, "I miss her too, Bambi. We'll see her soon, yeah?"

Harry made some baby noises, laughing with his chest as Sirius pulled funny faces. He couldn't help but think about how nice it would be to have one with you. Remus popped his head over Sirius' shoulder to watch the baby and Harry immediately made grabby hands at Remus. Sirius passed him over to his best friend and sat back down on the Potters' couch. He picked up the box that James left on the table and stared at it lovingly.

Then, a bright light entered the room, startling all its occupants. A patronus.

It was a black dog, one that mirrored Padfoot, and it ran around the room before stopping right in front of Sirius. Lily ran to Remus and grabbed a hold of Harry, who buried his head into the crook of his mother's neck. James rushed over to his family, wrapping a protective arm around the two. Remus stood there, stunned.

Sirius knew it was your patronus.

Before anyone could make another move, your voice rang in the room.

"Sirius," you gasped, sounding out of breath. There was chaos in the background, he could hear it. His heart dropped to his stomach. No.

"Sirius," your patronus said again. "They're here. There's too many of them and— Sirius..."

"No," his eyes were wide. Remus placed a hand on his shoulder but he couldn't feel it. Lily looked away, hiding into James' chest. Harry began to hiccup.

"Sirius, I love you. I love you so much. So so much."

Then the black dog disappeared. The silence was eerie, even young Harry stopped his noises. Sirius dropped the ring, falling to the ground right after it.

Remus kneeled down, holding him up, "Padfoot..."

"We have to go," he breathed out, not looking at anyone in the eye. He faced straight ahead, his mind spinning too quickly for him to make sense of his thoughts. Sirius began to breathe unevenly, clutching his chest like it might burst.

"Okay, Pads," James nodded. He looked at Lily for confirmation. She tipped her head, holding Harry even closer than before. She knew.

Without another word, the three boys apparated straight to your old home. Sirius promised to you that he would never try to visit you or check up on you until the war was finished, afraid for his safety and yours. But he had to break his promise.

When they arrived, the house seemed empty. Nothing seemed out of place until he walked into the kitchen and saw your parents on the floor, unmoving. Sirius paled as he looked up at the ceiling and saw the symbol of the Dark Lord and his followers etched upon it. He ran up the stairs, tripping over the steps and his feet, bracing himself for what he already knew.

The door to your bedroom was opened a tiny bit. It was large enough for Sirius to slide his foot in and open completely. He stood still.

Sirius could hear the rushed footsteps of his two best friends chasing after him up the stairs. When they reached the final one, they stood behind Sirius, a gasp leaving their lips. The two boys began to cry quietly.

James placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder, "I'm so sorry, Padfoot."

Sirius knew his friends were crying. After years of living with them, he knew the tone of their voice when they cried. He learned that. He knew that he should've been crying too because it hurt so bad. It felt like his heart was ripped out of his body and discarded but Sirius decided that not even that would hurt as much as the image of you lying lifelessly on the floor in front of him. He couldn't cry. He couldn't feel anything.

He walked closer to you, ignoring the howling of the wind coming from the broken window to his left. He stepped over the items knocked down by the fight. He was walking so slowly, afraid that if he were to come any closer, it would suddenly become too real. As much as he dreaded to get too close to you, he finally did.

Sirius clenched his jaw, a rush of cold air washing over his body. He stared at your face, remembering the color of your eyes and the happiness that once occupied it. He leaned over to shut your eyelids, not wanting the gray clouds in your irises to overtake the happy memories he had saved in his mind. His eyes trailed down to your left hand that rested on your chest, black, veiny lines growing on your skin. You used it to try to block the curse from hitting your heart. Sirius stared at your unmoving, bare ring finger.

It wasn't until Sirius looked down at your stomach did he finally fall to his knees. He sobbed over your body, still warm from the impact, with a loving hand on top of your once growing belly.

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