Wife? (Harry Potter)

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Summary: after Harry becomes the defence against the dark arts professor, students start to wonder who the wife he won't stop talking about is. (Professor Harry AU)

"Ah don't worry not everyone gets it right away, you just gotta keep practicing and you'll do great." Harry says to one of his students who was having trouble with the spell he was teaching "You see my wife once told me that failing just means you're getting closer to your goal so don't give up ok?" Harry says giving them a pat on the back and they smile but then started wondering wait who is this Mrs potter that professor potter keeps talking about?

"Who is your wife? You talk about her so much and we don't know who she is." The student says and Harry nods true he does only call you my wife, and e doesn't say your name, mostly because well he can keep parts of his life private. And he didn't think people cared about his personal life to want to know your name.

Other students start gathering around Harry asking about his wife and who she is, what's her name and how they met, even how did you fall in love to what was your wedding like? Why do they wanna know what his wedding was like? Some people even asked do you have kids? Which not yet in a few months he will have a kid but his kid is t here yet

Finally Harry says something "Well if you all can guess who my wife is you all will get a reward, maybe I'll get a bunch of food and we can have a party or something." Harry says and everyone was immediately trying to guess and yelling out names, mostly names they knew Harry had to of gone to school with

"Hermione!" Someone yells and Harry laughs that they thought he was married to hermione his best friend

"No she's my best friend and married to my other best friend Ron, so definitely no I'm not married to her." Harry says and everyone keeps thinking "Here's a hint her last name is now potter." Harry says and everyone was yelling that's not a hint! That's barely anything! That doesn't help us at all! Your terrible at hints professor potter. Worst hint ever! Give us another one! Harry just laughs 'yeah no one is getting it are they? Well I don't really keep me and y/n being married a secret, just don't say who my wife is.' Harry thinks as he eventually had to stop everyone from guessing and get back to the lesson which was hard to do

For weeks it went on, now students not even in his class were now wanting to know who this mystery Mrs Potter was. What her name was, and people guessing how you and Harry met and fell in love

Harrys favourite was that he met you in his dreams and then saw you in real life and instantly fell in love, and same with you

Which if only it was more romantic like that, but Harry has to live with bumping into you and spilling juice and food all over you, and trying to help you but only making things worse, then the next day he went around Hogwarts looking for you to apologize, you both became friends after that and eventually and slowly got together and dated

Which Harry also hears how he must have asked you out and again if only it was actually as romantic as the students think, too bad he was terrible at romance as a kid

"Ginny Weasley?" Someone guesses and Harry shakes his head

"No not Ginny but she's my wife's best friend, if you know who Ginny's best friend is then you know who my wife is." Harry says and people didn't and everyone was chatting trying to figure it out. Basically all of the students in Hogwarts was now trying to guess who the mysterious Mrs potter was

"Can you at least tell us how you met and fell in love?" Someone asks and Harry thinks

"Only once you all figure out who she is I'll tell, it's not as romantic as you all may think, I wasn't a romantic teenager at all." Harry says and people started talking again as Harry just listened and would occasionally laugh at stuff the students would say

But the next day students saw Harry talking to a woman in the school who came to Hogwarts, Harry was taken out of class after he was told y/n was here, which he quickly left saying he needs to go

And students noticed how excited he was today he was happier then normal

So students were now all listening in and watching but hidden, kinda.

"I'm sorry I made you come all the way here." Harry says and students saw that the lady was obviously pregnant

So people were hoping this was his wife and now they just need to figure out her name to win.

"We agreed I'd tell you in person Harry. You said I don't wananfind out my child's gender through a letter, I wanna hear it from your beautiful mouth." You say as Harry nods and then says hello to his child that's growing inside you

"So? What's the gender of our child? I've been dying to know all day darling I need to know." Harry says and you smile as Harry was holding your hands in his

"Well it's a boy." You say and Harry smiles happily and kisses you and then your baby bump as he was so happy to be a father

"Hello James, daddy loves you so much." Harry says and then Harry could hear yelling omg it's his wife! Yes we found out who she is! Wait who is that!? Who on earth is that? And you started laughing when you heard someone yell, are you sure that's his wife? She's too pretty to be with him.

"What's going on?" You ask seeing the huge commotion going on and Harry sighs, well his guessing game is over now

"I made a game of people guessing who my wife was, because well I can't stop talking about my amazing wife, so, students started wanting to know who you are and now they do." Harry says and you smile

"Well ok then." You say as Harry kisses you again and you kiss him back

And after everyone in Hogwarts found out who the mysterious Mrs potter was, everyone asked about how you are more then how's your day professor potter, and when James was born everyone would ask daily how's y/n and the baby? And of course Harry would go on about how amazing his wife is and how adorable his child is, and would show pictures you sent to him of James to his students.

'Well y/n is getting more famous then me, but of course people want to know how the worlds most amazing witch is, because she's just so amazing.'

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