You deserve better (Harry Potter)

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I bawled my eyes out in front of Hermione, she's been my friend since 1st year along with Ron and Harry.

"He is so stupid!" I yelled out frustrated. She rubbed my back in a comforting motion as I continued to cry.

Harry Potter and I had become a thing our third year, after the Triwazard Tournament happened we confessed our feelings.

"I know, I know, why don't you talk to him?" Hermione soothed, I wanted to but he had to apologize first.

"No, he has to apologize first, he is an ass, and for what?" I yelled harder grabbing my pillow and screaming into it.

Hermione sighed getting up, "I'll go get you some water. You must be dehydrated." I heard the door open and close as she left.

"Boys are so stupid!" I mumbled throwing the pillow on the ground.

"Stupid Harry Potter." I yelled stomping on the pillow.

"Stupid jealousy!"

"Boys and their dumb emotions!" each complaint followed with a stomp to the pillow.

Eventually I got tired of the stomping and yelling and laid on my bed looking at the pillow. I grabbed it and dusted it off.

"I'm the stupid one, I still love you." I sighed crying into the pillow again. I heard a knock before the door opened.

"Leave me alone Hermione, I don't want any water right now." I sighed looking up only to see the raven haired dork I fell in love with.

"(Y/n)? Can we talk?" He stepped closer sitting in front of me. I didn't answer because I'm a bit stubborn.

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings and made you feel like you overreacted." He apologized eventually holding my hand.

"I know, I know what I did made you feel terrible and seeing you like this makes me feel so terrible."

"And, I understand your anger, and not wanting to talk to me, I get that you want to be left alone right now." He sighed getting up, I didn't answer as he walked to the door.

"You deserve better (Y/n)." I heard the door open and close. I looked up, staring at the door.

"I love you Harry Potter. What you've done is going to need something better then an apology." I sighed as I laid down on my bed eventually drifting off into sleep.

After that night Harry and I hadn't spoken a word to each other. Our friends pressured us into speaking setting us up, but everything would go to waste because we'd either just stare at each other or argue.

"I'm sorry. I want to make up, but what he did... I feel can not be repaired. The damage is too deep." I sighed as I looked at Hermione. She spent her time with me as Ron spent time with Harry.

"At this point, we need to be away from each other so we can heal." Hermione nodded in agreement, "It just sucks that things had to end this way..."

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