SCP-049 (The Plague Doctor)

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Class: Euclid
Height: 1.9 m (6.2 ft)
Weight: 95.3 kg (210.1 lbs)

Appearance: Humanoid dressed in a 16th century Plague Doctor's garb. The outfit is actually part of SCP-049's body, the composition of which is similar to muscle.

Containment Procedures: Must be contained in a secure holding cell in Research Sector-[][]. If SCP-049 is to be removed from its cell, it must first be heavily sedated.

Behaviour Around Humans: SCP-049's touch is lethal to humans. Those exposed die within minutes. SCP-049 will perform surgery on deceased victims, killing all who could possibly interrupt the operation. After twenty minutes, it will sew up the victim, who resumes vital signs and appears to reanimate. The reanimated victims have no higher brain functions and will wander until they come across humans. The victim's endorphin and adrenaline levels rise to 300% as it attempts to kill any humans it can find. Victims are to be terminated immediately.

Yeah. Cool, huh? Not all of my favourites are creepy. Also, I had my brother, Cris draw the picture for this one in my journal. I'd say he did a good job, wouldn't you?

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