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Ella's POV

I'm sitting in a fertility clinic waiting to see a Doctor as I've been trying to fall pregnant for two years and nothing seems to be working.

In the office are pictures of families hugging their kids and a sign above it says. "Family comes first."

My partner Oakley is sitting next to me holding my hand. "Whatever we find out we'll deal with it together."

"Okay," I lie my head on his shoulder. "I love you, Oak."

"Love you too, Baby."

The doctor walks into the room and looks between us. Before taking a seat at his desk. He opens the folder before telling us what's going on. "Ella, from the tests we've done it looks you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome."

"What's that?"

"It when you don't have regular periods and you've got some Cysts, due to the condition."

"Does that mean I can't have kids?"

"Not naturally." He leans forward. "What we can do is take out your eggs and fertilise them with your partner. Once the sperm is inside we can place it back in you and let nature take it course."

"How much is it going to cost?"

"It will cost $11,895, per cycle."

"Thanks, Doctor." I take Oakley's hand and pull him out of the room. "We can't afford that. We have to come up with another way to have a baby."

Oakley hugs me. "Tell me what you want and I will do it."

"You have to have a relationship with another woman. Make her fall in love with you and when she's not paying attention you'll breed her. She'll have our baby. Once it's born we'll take it from her."

"Are you sure about this Ella?"

"It's the only way for me to get what I want, Oakley. We just need to make our split public knowledge. After all you're the playboy of Sydney."

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