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Chanyeol sluggishly walked into the drama room, dredding the lesson ahead. He searched around the room, unable to find his partner.

When Baekhyun was no where to be found, Chanyeol breathed a sigh of relief, moving to sit down at one of the desks at the back, laying his head down on the cold surface and drifting off into a light sleep.


"Chanyeol." Baekhyun called as he tapped the said male on his forehead with force, waking him up immediately. Chanyeol was started, he sat up immediately and looked around he room, confused.

Once he locked eyes with Baekhyun he sighed and laid his head back down, shutting his eyes once more.

"Go away." He muttered, dismissing Baekhyun, who frowned.

"Chanyeol, youre not at home. If it hasn't occurred to you, this is drama and we need to fucking plan our piece which, as I may remind you, is a whole fucking section of our final exam." Baekhyun said, annoyed. He tapped Chanyeol's cheek this time, making his own makeshift dimple on the chubby surface.

Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed as he sat up, pushing the slender finger away from his face.

"right. Tell me what I need to do." He said tiredly, opening his bag and pulling out a pen.

"Me, please, daddy." Chanyeols eyes widened at Baekhyun's dirty response, his mind wondering back to the morning and the dream he had last night. A blush spread across his cheeks as he reminisced it all, every single detail of the dream.

"Oh? You like that?"

Chanyeol looked down in order to hide his red cheeks and shook his head hesitantly, missing Baekhyun's expression, which suddenly turned dark.

"Well let's change that shall we?" Baekhyun said, his voice dropping an octave, intimidating the latter into finally looking up.

"Say, why dont you come over to my house tonight? You know, to work on the piece." He winked and draped his hand over one of Chanyeol's thighs, making sure that no one was looking at that moment. He leant forwards, his breath tickling Chanyeol's neck.

"And maybe we can do a little bit more than planning." He whispered, resisting the urge to sensually kiss the tallers neck. Chanyeol pulled back and thought for a moment.

'Maybe I'll finally get some answers as to what he's trying to do.' He said to himself as he nodded, looking at Baekhyun's smug expression.

"Great, I'll see you outside the gate when school finishes then." Baekhyun flashed a bright smile and they began to plan what they could during the rest of the lesson.

[a/n I'm thinking of publishing a book where I could turn my unpublished stories into one shots instead of actually publishing them. p.s. I'm sorry that these chapters are so short. They'll get longer towards the end.]

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