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{a/n I have no school for five weeks and three days now and I'm so happy! Also, I'm putting definitions in the authors note at the end for anything that some people may not understand}

"Baekhyun stop. People are staring." Chanyeol whispered, trying to break free from the letters firm hold, failing.

"I don't care." The latter replied harshly and nuzzled his face into the middle of Chanyeol's shoulder blades, hitting a pressure point, causing Chanyeol to cringe and move forwards.

"Ugh— fine. Let's just get on with it." Baekhyun spoke again, annoyed at Chanyeol moving away from his touch.

The two improvised for the whole duration of the lesson, deciding to completely ditch most things and partially change the rest. Afterwards, they had created a rough outline for their piece.

They had gone for an abstract piece, bother agreeing that a naturalistic string of scenes was boring and tedious. It had to be 'out there' and different. Chanyeol had suggested using cyclic form to show how even though a lot had happened in their piece, the subject has still metaphorically stayed the same.

As the stimulus was 'something dramatic', it had a plethora of concepts for the two to try out. It took them a while to pick but eventually they chose to go along a story line of a patient in a hospital for mentally unstable people. Baekhyun would be playing the patient and chanyeol would be playing the nurse that would visit Baekhyun everyday.

Besides from the first and last scene, each scene would be a brand new day, with Chanyeol asking for a brand new story, or even an extension to the story from the day before. The stories would be 'true stories' from Baekhyun's characters personal experiences.

The first and last scenes would be Baekhyun being free in public and doing the same foolish mistake, which hadn't been decided yet.

"I think today went well. Besides from the start." Chanyeol commented as they were packing away any props that they had used. Baekhyun nodded in agreement to the first part, completely ignoring the second.

"Okay class, before I forget let me tell you about the trip coming up in a month and three weeks!" The teacher began, handing out the consent forms already.

"It's a two night stay in Milan. We will be accompanied by the music students and will be visiting numerous sights in the four days that we are there, counting the first and last day, one of which is Teatro alla Scala, a famous opera house. It will be fun guys so I advise that you all come! There is one flaw, we are going to put you in rooms, we're not letting you guys choose but if there are any major problems then we will reconsider."

Cheers, as well as groans echoed around the classroom as people began discussing in their separate groups about the trip. Baekhyun sat quietly by himself, his mind working hard to think of a scheme to get Chanyeol into his room.

'If the music students are coming then Sehun would be coming too.' He thought to himself, smiling.

Baekhyun decided to call up Sehun when he got home to discuss plans and schemes with him about Chanyeol, as well as the rooms for the trip.

The bell rang, officially ending the school day. Students sprinted out of the school grounds, glad to get away from the place they nicknamed 'prison'. Baekhyun stayed behind, waiting for Chanyeol to leave so that he could stalk him on the way home.

"Baekhyun dont even think about following me home today. I know what you're up to." Chanyeol spoke, turning around just as he was at the door. The latter began to stutter nervously.

"Y-You do?" He asked, feeling a small amount of sweat form underneath his heavy fringe. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly while smiling sheepishly.

"Yes. And for the record, I don't like you back, so don't bother confessing." This statement made Baekhyun's eyebrows crease together in confusion.


"You heard me." Chanyeol walked closer, which was a huge mistake. Baekhyun began to use his acting skills once more.

"Oh yeah.. Silly me, I forgot. Don't worry, Chan, I'm not here because of a confession." Baekhyun also moved forwards, placing his hands on Chanyeol's chest, feeling the clothed muscles. "But say, why don't we go to your house? There are a few things that I'd like you to help me study for."

{a/n definitions:
• naturalistic drama— theatre that attempts to create an illusion of reality through a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies.
• cyclic form— repetitive sections, meant to show the lack of naturalism in the piece→ abstract.
• stimulus— a beginning idea that you have to stick to and base your piece around, this can vary in many categories and could literally be anything.}

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