Empowerment Academy

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/didn't realize until I read this other Andy fic that after this promo, nothing else happens with this, and it's a shame. Creepy as hell and speaks to certain places and awful people and parents but interesting.  Part of the inspiration came from this theory from a comic event happening before the gifted was canceled.


I was thinking about what if  me and Lauren  changed physically after our powers kicked in. Or if we used Fenris for the first time and we're stuck like this.  Or  what if we were born this way. If we got sent to a place like this academy,  there could be any reason why.  In a world where  my dad managed to give us a deal with Sentinel Services.  Or right after we changed our parents put us here hoping it would be better. 

This institution of higher pain, it's a cult with classrooms. They're medicated and don't "have to live as mutants."  They defined life as creating a new version of yourself, instead of finding yourself. I'd rather deal with my mom's homeschooling than  succeeding in suffering.

The idea I have in my head if me and Lauren were like this. Pale skin, paler than Lorna's or gray. Glowing blue eyes like the Cuckoos or simply like Clarice. With  black instead of white in our eyes like Gambit.  Or our  pupils  would've been yellow or gold sort of lizard like in color.  And yes, I know what that sounds like. 

Snow white hair Glowing Blue Eyes.

Blue eyes White Wolf

I had a couple of jokes in my head before everything happened about the academy from a commercial. . A little plastic surgery, some consoling , pop a few pills, and everyone's as good as new.

Now, I'd think it'd been karma for how I used to be.  I know how often the Underground helps kids run away. I don't know how the parents understand it. And I know the Inner Circle is making sure there's no more funding and is getting the survivors' stories made public.

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