My Guardian Angel

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There she was, the love of my life, Lucy. Her body looked so pale and weak for a moment my feet didn't want to work they were glued to the floor as I just stared at her lying there. There was a deep pain in my chest and I can feel the tears begin to make their way.

"Gabe" Matt whispered placing a hand on my shoulder. I snapped out of my daze and quickly made my way over to Lucy. I knelt down beside her and gently rolled her over to she was facing the ceiling. i gasped when I saw the marks that bruised her body. Her right side of her face was swollen with blood coming out of her nose and mouth but she looked so peaceful almost like an angel. I picked up her fragile body carefully hoping and praying I wasn't hurting her until I heard her soft groan.


I want to open my eyes but I am afraid of what I will find or see. I know I look as bad as I feel, maybe worse. My side was killing me and I can feel my body swell in all places. I want so much to be in the arms of Gabe right now. I can even smell his lovely scent. Always so clean with a tiny hint of axe colon. Then all of a sudden I was being moved and it hurt so much. My muscles were so weak all I could really give out was a soft groan.


Okay now I am hearing things. I just heard Gabe's voice and it was heavenly, maybe I am going to heaven. God take me up if I can here that voice one more time. I felt someone gently touch my face shaking me a little.

"Lucy, baby please can you hear me."

Okay now I am getting freaked out. Dad is playing a trick on me. He's going to hurt me again. I don't want to feel any more pain. I can feel my pulse speed up as I began to panic but I can't move.

"We have to get her out of here now"

Okay who was that it sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it and its only scaring me more. I can't take it anymore with all the strength I had I opened my eyes and stared up at the most beautiful angel God has ever created. Beautiful big green eyes with lovely brown hair that looked so soft. I knew this Angel.

"Gabe" I barely made it out as a whisper when I said his name. Gabe's head quickly snapped down to me. Tears were forming in his eyes as he looked at me. Once again I used all my strength to reach up and touch his face. I had to make sure he was real and true guardian angel. My hand gently pressed to the side of his face, he closed his eyes and put a hand over mine. He was real. My Gabe came for me. My Gabe. Tears were freely pouring out of my eyes.

"I got you Lucy and no one will ever hurt you again, I promise." His voice cracked at the end making my heart do the same. I caused this pain and I wanted to make him fell better. I couldn't hold my hand up any longer. It slumped down to my side as pain shot through me again. I groaned. Gabe held me closer too him.

We stepped out of a doorway and into a bright light. I shielded myself by burying myself in Gabe's chest and whimpered.

"Shhh its okay we'll get out of here."

I held on to his shirt as he began to walk with me in his arms. Until I heard that single voice. The one that haunts my dreams and kills me. Dad.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" His Texan drawl was thick and scary. I felt Gabe tense as he stopped walking. I unshielded myself from Gabe and looked around. We were on a dirt road surrounded by trees and a small old looking house where dad stood looking mad. I coward into Gabe as I looked into his eyes.

"What does it look like I am doing? I am taking Lucy home with me." Gabe said firmly. I felt his chest vibrate as he talked. Dad gave an amused laugh

"She has no home. No one loves her they just feel sorry for a sad little girl who gets picked on." My body was trembling. Then I heard a big cracking noise and it didn't sound pretty. I looked up again as Matt was on top of my dad beating the living daylight out of him. Jake quickly rushed over and pulled Matt off of my father. Dad stood up about to take a cheap shot swing when Jake turned around and gave him the perfect left hook. I felt like praising them but my side was hurting so bad.

"Stay the hell away from Lucy you filthy piece of dirt." I heard Matt spit.

"Nah man dirt is worth way more than him" Jake snickered. Just then sirens were heard and we were soon swarmed by police.

Gabe slowly and carefully walked over to one of the ambulance and placed e on the gurney. The soft padding was unwelcome as another teeth clenching pain rocketed my body. I felt the paramedics quickly place things on me and hooking me up to different thing. One had a stethoscope checking my pulse then firmly began to check my body my applying pressure from their fingers.

"Okay we need to get to the hospital fast, I can feel a slight internal bleed and her body is way too tender."

"What does that mean?" Gabe yelled panic all to clear in his voice.

"It means if we don't get her out of here now, there might be some permanent damage."

With that the closed the doors and drove off to the hospital with Gabe holding my hand lightly stroking my hand with his thumb. It was nice to have him next to me. It seemed as if all the pain emotionally was being lifted. My eyelids were getting heavy and I wanted to sleep so bad right now. Yeah a nap would be great. I closed my eyes praying for some sleep when some one shook me.

"Lucy I need you to stay awake for me." One of the medics said in a calm voice. I opened my eyes trying to stay awake when the doors suddenly flew open and I was rushed into the cool air of the hospital. Doctors in scrubs, robes, masks, and goggles rushed over to me. I remember feeling so scared. I moved my hand realizing that Gabe isn't here. I my heart beeped faster as I panicked.

"Lucy sweet heart calm down" One of the nurses said as she was placing a needle in my arms.

I shook my head as I tried to call out to Gabe but all that was coming out were pathetic groans, moans, and I did manage a little scream but wasn't enough.

"Okay we need to sedate her, she is suffering from distress and contact the OR fast for emergency surgery."

I was pushed out of the trauma room and into a huge elevator. I was scared now, not only am I about to get surgery but I need Gabe. His touch was keeping me sane this entire time. I need Gabe.

I looked up at one of the male nurses and pleaded with my eyes. He looked down at me and smiled but I need a Gabe smile not this one.

"Please" I managed to get out of my mouth. The nurse looked at me and bent a little closer to hear what I have to say. "Gabe"

The nurse pulled back and gave me a curious look but the door opened and I was wheeled into the room. People were running everywhere getting thing ready. I saw the equipment on the table. I looked up at the light they had over my body. My mind was numb.

"Okay Lucy I need you to start singing the ABC's for me" The male nurse said placing a mask over my mouth. I quietly began to sing the ABC's and looked over to a window and saw my guardian angel just as the dark consumed me once again.

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