New Bodyguards

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I held on to her as she cried in my arms on the board walk. I was still trying to take in everything that she just told me. Part of lenses so happy that she loved me but I can feel rage boil inside if me as she told me about her parents. How can someone be so cruel to their daughter? What did she do that was so wrong to make her dad hit her and mom never give a damn about her. "Sh" I soothed her as her sobs became less frequent. "I promise no one will ever hurt you again Lucy. I love you."

She lifted her head from my chest tears still running down her face. The look she gave me will forever stay in me. She had a mix of fear, happiness, relief, and pain. She will never get over what her parents did to her and if they ever come near her ever again I will personally kick their ass. No one touches my girl. No one.

"You you'd do that for me?" she sniffed.

I pinched her chin between my finger and thumb making her look in my eyes, I brought my face to hers and kissed her with all the passion in the world because she is my world from now on. I pulled back and rested my forehead against hers.

"No one touches my baby" I kissed her nose "my girl" I kissed her cheeks "my love" kissed her forehead "my Lucy" then brought my lips back to hers. I can feel her smile in the kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"I love you Gabriel James" I smiled "I love you"

We spent the rest of the evening just holding each other until I had to take her home it is a school night after all. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Lucy sighed as we arrived at her house. I didn't have a car or bike so we had to walk which we didn't mind because well it was nice and comforting. "I'll pick you up tomorrow and take you to school" I said smiling


I kissed her on the cheek as she left to the door. I watched her slowly close the door and disappear inside the house. God I love that woman. I smiled to myself and began to walk the distance to my apartment building where I had a feeling that Jake and Matt were currently at and probably eating the whole place out which reminds me I have to go grocery shopping. Those guys are pigs well I can't really speak since I can eat myself. I finally arrived at my house about half hour latter since I was walking in a slow pace just thinking. Lucy is the sweetest and most selfless person that I have ever met and I still cant believe her parents use to do thing to her that really hurt emotionally and physically. One thing was for certain is that no one will ever hurt her again. I walked into the apartment to find Jake and Matt having and ice cream eating contest. I swear these two have no brains only stomachs.

"Hey ladies! enough with that you'll both get a brain freeze!" I yelled making them boy jump but unfortunately I was too late and they looked as if they were going to explode because of the cold I was laughing hysterically at them as they tried to get rid of the brain freeze.

"Dude stop laughing" Jake yelled putting his thumb on the roof of his mouth.

"Sorry man I swear you guys are retarded if you have an ice cream eating contest."

"whatever man" Matt groaned falling on the couch in the living room. I laid on the floor on front of the TV and sighed still reliving everything that has happened today with Lucy.

"Hey man you okay you seem a bit out of it?" Jake asked looking at me intently. I sighed and shook my head. Should I tell them about Lucy? They will add to the defense books if I do or it might make things a bit worse because she trust me and it took a lot for her to tell me herself. I might as well tell them, I know that they can help me with her.

"What's on your mind man?" Jake asked putting he ice cream away and walking over to the living room. I sighed and sat up from the floor and looked at both of them. Their attention is on me.

"Guys I need to ask a huge favor of you"

"Sure man anything" Matt said looking a little confused.

"I need you to help me protect Lucy" Jake and Matt shared a confused glance at each other before looking back at me.

"What do you mean help you protect her?" Matt asked. I hung my head and took a deep breath.

"I just found an important piece of Lucy's past and it ain't pretty."

" Okay dude your I'm still a bit confused here" Jake said rubbing his temples.

"still getting over a brain freeze"

"Yeah what about Lucy's past she needs protection?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair taking a deep breath before letting it fall on my face. " apparently she was abused as a kid." I looked up at them and hey both had a shocked expression.

"dude that's rough. Damn" Matt sighed while Jake still had his mouth opened.

"Wow is a word for this" Jake said shaking his head "So why does she need our protection I thought she was living with the owner of the shack she is working at" Jake's eye grew wide "is it them?!" I shook my head.

"No apparently she ran away a little over a month ago and is hiding from her father who is doing the physical damage while her mom practically neglected her and could of cared less."

"I should have a few word with that douche bag" Matt grinder his teeth cracking his knuckles. He also had a bad experience with his father who would hit him around. Luckily his mom threw him out and into jail. I smiled at him.

"So will you help me?" I asked again. Jake and Matt smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry Gave we'll all look after her. She has no choice but to make us part of her family now" Matt smiled.

"Thanks guys" I laid back down on the floor spreading my arms and legs.

"So she is a run away?" Jake asked. I nodded my head. "Wow and your afraid her parents will come back for her and hurt her again?" I let out a huge breath of air.

"Yeah apparently she has court and since she will be 18 in a couple of months she has a choice of who she lives with and her choice was Trevor and Clair."

"Yikes she's got it rough" Matt whistled.


"Don't worry we have your back and hers" I looked at my two best friends and smiled. They are truly sincere people who care for everyone. Sure they can be well whores sometimes but they have the biggest hearts when it comes to the people we care about. Maybe that's why Max has a huge crush on Matt. I'm not stupid the signs are obvious. And strangely I don't really mind it. I know he won't hurt her I can't say it the other way round but still. Speaking of Max maybe she already knew about Lucy and is the reason why she has been acting really strange. I chit up off the floor and threw myself on my bed letting my mind relax with everything it has taken in today. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep not thinking about the future but the present. I will always keep Lucy safe even if I means laying my life on the line. I love her.

Sorry if its crappy, it was sort of a last minute chapter. XD

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