Chapter 2

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Perfect. They chose to get rid of me instead of talking civilly, like real parents should do. I knew from the very start I would never have a nice conversation with them. They no longer want to deal with me? Perfect. Neither do I.

As soon as I am done packing my bags, I leave the house without bidding anyone goodbye. They don't deserve it, for that they treated me. When I arrive by the street, with all my stuff (or at least part of it), I notice Teddy and Brittany walking close to each other, holding hands. Oh, God. They have become a couple. Why didn't they ever tell me? This is the day I, Palliece R. Lowell, am screwed. Firstly, the ejection and, now, this.

"Don't I deserve to be happy?" I mock ask. I am beyond irritated by them still holding hands.

"What are you talking about?" replies Brittany, laughing instead. However, she immediately notices I'm red, but not because I'm blushing, like her, but because I'm furious.

"About those." Right now, I am pointing at their hands. Brittany keeps laughing and blushing, and Teddy is following her soon after. What the fuck is going on with them? Can they give me an explanation, like normal human beings? Or, maybe, do they think I am an alien, compared to them?

"You're strange, Pally," comments Teddy. To be honest, I don't quite understand the meaning of his statement. He is strange, as well as Brittany. Why don't they just admit they're disrespecting me? Come on, they started showing off their relationship status without even telling me.

"Well. I mean... we are friends. Shouldn't we tell each other everything that's happening?" I debate, though Brittany replies sourly, "Listen, darling, you're not at the center of the world-"

However, I cut her off, "Excuse me, did you call me darling?" I pause for a minute or two, knowing that I'll definitely outburst unless I refrain myself from doing so. "You should know I don't like being called like that. I'd prefer you to stick to my real name, if possible."

"Oh, ok, sorry if you don't like being called 'darling'... oops... I meant... Palliece!" She says my birth name with such despisement filling her voice that I want to puke. Seriously? I know my first name is cringeworthy, but, if anyone believes it to be an easy object of mockery, they're wrong. Easy. I try hard not to be called like that.

"Any problems, Brittany? It seems that you and Teddy are a bit too sour to me lately. Am I wrong?" I raise my eyebrows, only obtaining a menacious glare as a response. If this is the way my friends are behaving, then they let me down, big time. Obviously, I have no hesitations pointing them out.

"You know what? I'm leaving. My parents are shipping me away to my grandparents', maybe forever. The nicest thing you could do is at least saying goodbye properly, if not wishing me good luck."

They do bid me goodbye, but very rudely, before turning their back at me and leaving. They've been anything but friends now. I can't say I've lost them. They lost me, that's it. Now, it's all about seeing which friend I'm gonna lose now. I know, it's painful, but it's true.

What's worse, anyway, is that my phone ringing is disrupting my attempts to get a little bit of peace. Oh, no, not now. Anyway, who the fuck is?

I pick it and reply the call, "Hello. Who are you and what do you want from me?" not very politely, to be honest.

However, it seems as the person I am talking to isn't very happy either. In fact, I get an annoyed answer as a result. "What about being nicer, Lowell? After all, it's not my fault if you're an asocial bitch, or, at least, this is what I may think..."

Oh, no. At first I thought it could be Naina Rollins, who tends to be very judgemental when it comes to talking to new people. But then I recognize that particular voice and, to be honest, I'm not very impressed by it at all right now.

Yes, it's Kelly Belkis, the popular girl I thought to be nice enought to let me be her friend. Instead, she's proving to actually be a snake. I really wish she could actually pay for the abysmal way she treats people.

What's worse is that she even called me with my surname, which means that she doesn't seem to be truly friendly to me. "Excuse me, since when I'm just Lowell?" I point out indeed. "I never thought you forgot my name. Do you remember?"

"I do, but those times are over. Now that I really know you're just fame-hungry and that you're leaving, I'm more than rejoiced. This is what I have to say. Now, see you never." After saying those hurtful words, she hangs up without any hesitation and without showing any respect. Wow, I was so right about her. She's been using me all the time; I always knew it, however, her skills at persuasion got the best on me.

Wow. That stings, really badly. Being dumped by so many people means that I'm no longer welcome here, that I need to go away and that, probably, life in this shitty town would be a thousand times better if I'd never been born.

By the way, who cares? I think I have to build a new life somewhere else, but where? If only I knew, then I'd be more than sure that it'd be as hard as fuck. Also, who can help me? At the moment, I don't know: I've never been the "new" one, so I've never faced the hardships of that particular situation.

And, so, I'm saying farewell to the town that saw me grow up, but at the same time made me live awful moments in my life, such as the ones involving losing who I've been calling family and friends until about an hour ago. This will definitely be a new start. You'll see no longer the old stressed and unhappy Pally Lowell. You'll see, most probably, a different person.

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