Chapter 1 going to miss you

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Drew's POV

I woke up with that horrid feeling. The random, mysterious feeling when you are worried sick but you don't know why. Why do I feel like this? What's happened!?
  Out of nowhere, my mum bursted into the room, "Drew! Get ready! Something's happened to May." She worringly stated.
If you are wondering; May Maple(my crush) is a beautiful brunette with ocean blue eyes.
I shot out of bed feeling sick. My mind was going round and round. She was fine yesterday what could of happened? I can't believe it..Please say it's nightmare!!!
God, I'm begging You!

May's POV

I was astonished when my bestfriend/crush! - Drew Hayden - come bursting into the room.
His lush green eyes were filled with fear and worry.

"May! What happened!! Are you going to be ok???" He asked me while trying to catch his breath. It's obvious that he ran - faster than ever - to reach me here. But why does he care so much?
"Drew, it's alright I will be okay, eventually. I am just ill - that's all. But Drew, in a week I am going to go to Alola to get my special medicine. Hopefully I will come back when I am better, but apparently that will take awhile. So take care of yourself." I muttered to Drew, tears starting to fill my eyes.

Drew POV

I ran home and text all my friends(and May's)rapidly about what happened.
Dawn, Misty, Ash, Paul, Silver, Gold and Gary all texted back. We were all trying to think of a way to say goodbye. Or farewell. Whatever you want to call this drama.
I dropped my phone on my bed and started to cry, what if I never see her again? She will never ever know what I think about her. Alola is so far.
Dang it! I love that Maple so much.

Misty's POV

I just got on a boat to Hoenn, to say goodbye. May is one of my best friends. I can't believe life without her even exists. I knew who must be the most upset, Drew. Obviously. May was the only one who didn't know his feelings for her.
After a few painful hours, I arrived at Hoenn.
When I got to his house, I knocked because he is letting me stay! That's super nice of him, right!

May's POV

Why didn't I ever tell him? Now it will be to late. Is this it? Why did I have to get this illness so bad? The truth is I was born with it, but mum told me to not to tell a single soul, as good as friend they are.
To be honest, there is no medicine for it yet because I am - and will always be - the only one in the world who has it. I am not kidding, all I want to do is to be free. But my wish; will never be granted.

Word count: 500
I hoped you liked the first chapter
~Pansy1 out~

Edited: {✔}

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