Chapter 7 Loki is here!?!?

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     Graci was striking down the hallway when she saw Amy talking to a boy and she hid behind a wall. She has a boyfriend! She thought.
     "... Just fumbled into the lake and found yourself here?" She was saying
     "Yep!" The boy said "I swear it's me babe!"
     "Oh my gosh... What do you call yourself here?" Amy asked,
     "Eli, but as long as you know I'm Loki it's all good." Eli said.
    Graci found herself charging the scene. "Loki?" She whispered, "is that really you? You came through the portal?" Graci whispered/screamed.
    Eli looked taken aback. His face was a mix of scarred, surprised, impressed and annoyed. The last one was most likely at Graci Eve's dropping but she didn't give a dragon's snout. "Yes, um..." He said
     Amy was the first to answer. "That's Oasis, she is called Graci here."
     "Graci" he finished, "wait where is Windsong?"
     At that moment I felt the absent feeling that a certain rain-icewing was watching not to far from us. "Where are you Alisa?" I yelled. I was surprised to see all the faces in the halls look at me. "WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT FRIGGEN IDEATS!!!"
     "Definitely Oasis." I heard Eli mumble.
     "IM RIGHT HERE MAGGET!" Alisa yelled from right behind me.
     She started to run after seeing my face obviously poised off. I ran after her and tripped her with my new high tops. She grabbed my favorite yellow beanie off my head on her way down so I kicked her head half-gently and she yelped in pain.
      I felt a hand on my shoulder. I'm so dead.


     I found myself in Mr. Clay's office. Priceable Clay caught us fighting like little kids after school in the halls. She had screamed in my ear and obviously deserved what I did cuz she started it.
       I didn't exactly find it ok that after a half an hour of talking we both got lunch detention tomorrow. I'm not so happy. VP Sunny escorted us out and I went to the library to go to my book club with Amy. I greeted Mr. Starflight and Ms. Fatespeaker when I went it. (For some reason the teachers still have dragon names XD)
     I saw at the table, the newest dragon to our clické. Eli, Amy's boyfriend, was sitting reading the book we where reading in our book club. Eragon, eldest and the rest of the inheritance series where in front of him.
     I hope he fits in, oh gosh I hope he doesn't hurt her. If he does I will drown him and make sushi out of him and feed him to my cat.

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