Chapter 18

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"Woah wait Dad, I am only 22 years old. I can't possibly marry at this age"

"Mayank you are not understanding my child. Naman committed suicide so now both us and Mr Tendulkar's company is at stake. If both our companies won't merge then we wouldn't be able to clear up the mess of scandal he caused. No matter how hard we will try the media will still not stop. This is the only way to get out of this mess." His dad sighed.

Mayank had just came back from Mumbai. His dad proposed him to marry Sara Tendulkar.

"Please Mayank, this is the only way to get out of this. Otherwise both ours and Tendulkar's enterprise will be in danger. We are already in brink of bankruptcy and what if our investors also back away because of everyone knowing our shady side of business?"

Mayank sighed biting his lip.

"But why is Tendulkar wiling to marry his daughter to me?"

"Son, do you think they are innocent? Do you know the reason why they are one of the biggest textile industrialists? Their shady side of business is way too deep than ours. And now because of this Naman scandal they are also in danger. The only reason he was marrying his daughter to Naman is too keep him shut. Now that Naman's scandal is out, it won't be long before both of our companies would be in the public eyes. This marriage is just a cover up, so you and Sara have to marry." His dad uttered.

Mayank nodded his head. He had to marry Sara, not out of love or choice but out of necessity.

He paced back to his room sighing hardly. It wasn't like he could ever tell his father he was gay.

He knew one day it was going to happen but still isn't it too early for him to marry at this age? He was barely 22.

Mayank closed his eyes sighing out loud.

Maybe a good sleep will help to calm him down.


"Yaar maine apne pair pr hi kulhadi maardi,"
[Man I threw axe on my own leg]

"What happened this time Abhi?" Shubman rolled his eyes.

"Before kidnapping him and bringing him to our mansion for torture, I pulled a media stunt to defame his image but because of this revenge Mayank's business is also going to suffer," Abhishek muttered.

"What do you mean?"

"All his scandals are directly related with Mayank's father. His company is just on the edge of bankruptcy and this thing is going to make their investors back out. His father is making Mayank marry Sara to get the help of Tendulkar's company." Abhishek scowled.

"That's a bust," Shubman hummed.

"Shub...did you really listened to what I told just now?"

"I...I mean I listened to a bits but I couldn't focus because of some important thing—"

"Is Ishan in front of you?"

"Uhm yeah but he is a few feet away from me and I was not looking at him, I was t—"

"Shut up fucker, you just go and focus on your boyfriend. I will take care of my mess," Abhishek scoffed.

"I am sorry Abhi, I swear I was trying to focus but Ish–"

"Yeah yeah I get, your babe is always gonna be your first priority. Even if I am dying you would rather fuck him than save me,"

"It's not like that Abhi, you are my bestfriend. Ofcourse you are my priority,"

"I can see that very well,"

"I am sorry naa's just its the first time he talked with me nicely. He called me 'Shubi' not a faggot or a fucker or pervert but Shubi. You know I really missed him calling me that. And now also he is talking with Rohit bhaiya  respectfully while deciding which ice cream flavor to order. Most of the time he used to cuss at all the guards but right now he is treating them with respect too. He is finally opening up and then you just suddenly called, I couldn't take my eyes off him, of this scene. It feels like a picture perfect fa—"

"Saale jala mat mujhe,"
[Don't make me jealous bro]

"Sorry sorry, I didn't meant to. I am just too happy Abhi."

"Yeah yeah I can understand. Why the fuck did I even called you? I will think about something, you go enjoy your date," Abhishek scoffed cutting the call.

Shubman bit his lip. He will make it up to Abhishek later. He will help him out but right now it was the first time Ishan asked him to spend time with him nicely. He couldn't let go of this opportunity.

Shubman made a mental note to call Abhishek back again after his little one sided date with Ishan. He looked at Ishan who snorted at something Rohit told him.

Ishan then turned to look at Shubman. He gave a wide smile as he ran towards him.

"Your call is done? So can we go?" Ishan chirped. Shubman wanted to pull his cheeks.

"Yeah, let's go" Shubman hummed walking out of the mansion. Ishan followed him.

"They said to order whatever I want to, it will be delivered directly to your office. Do you think it will reach before us?" Ishan raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, it will be there." Shubman hummed opening the passenger door for Ishan.

Ishan smiled and sat inside the car.

"Put on the seatbelt," Shubman said while he sat inside the car.

"I don't know how to do it?" Ishan shrugged. Shubman furrowed his eyebrows.

"You don't know how to put on a seatbelt?"

"No I don't. Can't you help me?"

Shubman chuckled seeing Ishan scrunching his nose while asking for the help.

He reached over Ishan's seat and pulled the anchor ring. Ishan stared at him all the while as he helped him with it.

Shubman sat down awkwardly feeling heat rise up to his cheeks with the way Ishan was just staring at him intensely.

"What flavor did you ordered?" Shubman asked trying to cover up his  awkwardness while he started the car.

Ishan was still staring at him. Shubman could feel it even though he was looking towards the road in front of him.

"I ordered two tubs of belgium chocolate. You don't have any problem with me ordering two tubs of ice cream naa?"

"You can order 20 and I still won't have any problem for it," Shubman shrugged.

"Ouh yeah, you are so rich it won't be a hassle for you even if I ordered 2000 tubs of icecream," Ishan snorted.

"You can have as many big tubs of ice cream as you want to with me. Just make sure you complete eating it."

"That's so kind of you Shubman. By the way I ordered vanilla for you also. I won't be sharing my ice creams ofcourse, so if you also started craving for it I ordered for you in advance. I didn't know your favorite flavour so I just went for vanilla because nobody can hate vanilla." Ishan said.

"Vanilla is actually my favorite," Shubman said looking at Ishan for a second before focusing back on driving.

"Ohh what a coincidence. I didn't know it was your favorite. I just went for it on instinct," Ishan said looking out of the window. He wasn't staring at Shubman now.

"Who even loves Vanilla? It's so bland Shubi," Ishan snorted.

"But I don't like too much chocolate like you. It gets bitter," Shubman made a yuck face. Ishan laughed at the face he made.

"Okay okay, wait try this," Ishan said scooping one spoon from his belgium  ice cream and one from the vanilla ice cream.

He made Shubman taste it who hummed at the mix up appreciatively.

"Woah, it isn't bitter now and taste yum." Shubman grinned scooping both the flavors again and made Ishan eat it too.

"It really is tasty like this. We make a great combo," Ishan grinned looking at Shubman who was grinning widely as well.

"Yeah we really do make a great team,"

"We should name our team...shubman and Ishan?"

"How about we mix our names? Shubman and Ishan...Manish?"

"Naah about Ishman?" Ishan grinned.

"But I want my name in the front," Shubman pouted.

"Nuhh I will be on top," Ishan shook his head.

"I am elder Ish so I will be on top, how about Shubish?"

"It sounds like a dying whale,"

"Hey! It doesn't even sound so bad," Shubman scowled.

"It does, we will be Ishman. If you want to be Shubish then be it alone," Ishan humphed.

"Fine fine...we will be Ishman. I don't want to be Shubish alone. Whatever we are we will be that together." Shubman sighed.

Ishan grinned giving him a tight hug. Shubman hugged him back pulling the shorter male into his lap. Ishan snuggled closer while putting his head on Shubman's shoulder.

"Shubi, you will be 17 next month." Ishan muttered suddenly looking at him.

"Yeah it's my birthday next month," Shubman said excitedly.

"No will be 17 next month...then 18 next year. You know naa what happens when children turn 18," Ishan said.

"Yeah...they can't live in the orphanage anymore. I will be going to live with Dii from next year. But don't worry my Ish kish, you can also come and live with me and Dii" Shubman pinched his cheek.

"Dumbo I am only 13, it will take me 5 more years to get out of this orphanage. Till then you will forget about me,"

"I would never forget about you Ish,"

"5 years are a lot. You will,"

"Never! 5 or 50 I will always remember you and one day you, me and Dii will live together."

"Don't joke,"

"I am not kidding Ish, I love you too much. I will never let you get away from me."


"Promise," Shubman said locking his pinky with Ishan.

Both the lads grinned and hugged each other while Ishan still being comfortable in Shubman's arms.


"You lied Shubi, you promised to be there for me. But you forgot about me. I hate you. I hate you so much.


"Where are you Ish? Why are you not replying to me? Don't you love me anymore?"


A/N - So we are getting close to the end of the part 1 of the story. Within 3-4 chaps you all will know their past ;)

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