Chapter 28

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A/N - I had a reason to stop updating I swear...and I am sorry for leaving you all hanging but I just couldn't write...Really sorry


"Why are you looking at me like this? You seriously didn't thought that it was an accident? Come on Shub I thought you were smart enough to crack this." Ishan chuckled looking at the wide eyed face of Shubman.

"Oh my god you seriously did! You thought I was still the innocent fragile Ishan? The oblivious Ishan who couldn't understand why was everyone was bullying him and couldn't even stood up for himself huh? Well guess what asshole, that Ishan is long gone,"

"Ish what are you trying to say?"

"How come you are such a big businessman while being so dumb? I expected better from you Shubman but you dissappointed me once again. Anyways let me tell you in simple words, while I was out in the city barely managing to survive and get education you were here thriving and achieving so much. Your advertisement was all over the internet how you had spent your childhood in an orphanage and what not fake sad stories. Finding out you were the Shubman gill wasn't tough. The tough task was to feel good seeing how you are loved and admired by everyone while making me suffer through all this. That's why I am here, to take my revenge, to make everyone see what kind of person you truly are."

The pain and anger in Ishan's voice cut through Shubman's heart like a knife.

"I-I didn't know you will hate me so much. It's all a misunderstanding...let me explain Ish–"

"No please don't, you don't have to stuff any more lies to me. It isn't like I am going to do anything now. I am caught, you can easily just kill me throw my body away—"

"You know damn well I won't do anything like that. You are my Ish Kish, why would I ever do that to you?"

"Exactly Shubman, I was your Ish Kish then why did you do that to me? I was a fucking child. Did I deserved all that huh? And you were the reason I had to suffer so much but you didn'teven came to look at me for once...I was all alone there."

"Ish I d—"

"I said I don't want to hear anything naa! Don't you get it...I don't want hear your fucking excuses asshole." Ishan was glaring at him.

"I am sorry," Shubman muttered out knowing nothing else what to say now.

"Sorry ain't going to cut any shit. It is not going to change anything. Sorry won't erase those scars, those memories, those years of sufferings." Ishan scoffed.

"Then give me a punishment, you don't have to forgive me. But atleast give me a chance to make things right. It had been so long Ishan."

"Yeah it had been so long Shubman, nothing can be done now."

"It will...I won't let you get out of here untill you let me explain you all the things and clear out the misunderstandings."

"You think you can keep me here? Wow Shubman, when I think you can't be more dumb that that you always prove me wrong. You still haven't realized the reason I am still here is only because I wanted to be here. You are just in delusion that your high tech security can stop me."

"Don't worry about that Ishan, I can have a really high tech security if I want to. But I won't even let you get out of this room till you listen to me."

"Do you think you can challenge me huh?" Ishan smirked walking closer to Shubman.

Shubman furrowed his eyebrows as Ishan fumbled with Shubman's coat's button. He opened his coat hugging him suddenly.

"Within a minute I will be getting out of this room Shubman." Ishan muttered mouthing a kiss at Shubman's shoulder whose heart started beating loudly.

"H-how?" Shubman gulped as Ishan's hand roamed over his back.

Suddenly Ishan took out the gun from Shubman's hidden pocket and pushed him away.

"That's how," Ishan snorted shooting himself at his stomach.

"ISHAN" Shubman gasped as Ishan just gave a sarcastic smile while blood continued to gush out of his stomach.

The guards rush towards Ishan who was still standing in pain but didn't removed the eye contact with Shubman.

"Quick call the doctor!" Shubman growled taking him out of the room.

"T-told yaa ...aah...I will be getting out of the room in a minute." Ishan snorted coughing slightly.

"You are an idiot." Shubman glared at him.

"You haven't seen my madness level yet Shub," Ishan winked at Shubman.


"Mayank" Abhishek shouted watching how Mayank was running out of the venue hall in tears.

"Mayank" Abhishek shouted again and this time he halted in his steps looking back at Abhishek who came towards him.

"What happened sweetie? Why are you crying?" Abhishek furrowed his eyebrows as Mayank continued to cry. Abhishek pulled him into his embrace while Mayank sobbed loudly.

"Shh sweetie, it's okay. Tell me what happened?"

"Dad kicked me out. He said he doesn't want a dissappointment as his son and also told me that he disowned me." Mayank sobbed and Abhishek continued to pat his back gently.

He mentally growled at Mr Markande, he couldn't believe this was the way he chose to give Mayank to him. Couldn't he care a bit about his own damn child?

"Don't worry sweetie, he will be apologizing to you soon enough. Don't worry, come." Abhishek said pulling Mayank towards his car.

"Where?" Mayank looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"Somewhere you will feel at peace, I can't see you crying like this." Abhishek said squeezing his waist lightly.

"Shall we?" Abhishek asked and Mayank nodded. They both sat inside.


"Shub you really need to listen to me." Shreyas said.

"Not now Shrey, Ishan is inside getting operated. I need to make sure he is all okay only then I will handle other business related talks."

"No Shubman, it's about Pratik and Advik"

"You caught them?"

"No...they are dead Shubi, they have been dead since last year."


"It was an accident but Shubman they were killed in the same way they had bullied Ishan...I think Ishan had done something to them surely. He is not as innocent as he looks like."

"You mean he killed both of them? Then why did he not killed Naman?"

"I don't know Shubman. But trust me we need to really do a very deep background check on Ishan. He is acting like a real maniac— aah"

Shreyas grunted as Shubman choked him.

"Don't you dare call him a maniac Shrey. I don't care if Ishan killed those two bastard. They deserved it anyway,"

"S-sorry," Shreyas coughed as Shubman let go of him.

"But Shubman we really need to know what's up with him. He is not as naive he seem to be,"

"You are right...send a few people to Delhi and gain information about him. I want to know what kind of revenge is he talking about?"

"Whatever it is I am sure he came well prepared, the ampunt of arrogance he had was truly appreciative." Shreyas hummed.

"Shut up and just do what I am saying."

"Geez are you on your man periods huh? I am going" Shreyas scoffed.

Before Shubman could reply the doctor came out of the first aid room.

"Ishan wants to talk with you"


A/N -

Shubman doesn't even try to hide how much he is whipped for Ishan istg-

After Ishman drought finally we got a heavy rain 😭😭✨️

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