Chapter 39 [Real]

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Ye bina prank ka real chapter hai. So don't worry 😋


A/N - When you guys said that I am disrespecting you all I thought the chapter included any hate speech or something so I had to re read it whole ;-;

But it turned out the chapter wasn't visible to some peeps.

Re uploading it rn so tell if you can see it or not please.


Sometimes being alone, locked up in your own house makes you go crazy, but sometimes, it rather gives you time for self-discovery.

It gives you time and your own space to tune out the rest of world so that you can focus on your own thoughts and feelings.

Ishan was the same. Staying locked up into his own house with the diary which Shahneel gave him made him realise a very important thing.

There had been some things which he wasn't aware of. First of them being that Shubman never sent those three lads to bully Ishan.

All his life, he had been thinking that Shubman told those three to bully Ishan. But it wasn't the truth. The truth was that Shubman was unaware of Ishan being tortured in the orphanage. It still doesn't mean that Shubman had zero fault in it, but still Ishan can give Shubman the liberty of not knowing anything.

And reading Shubman's diary entries further also made him realise one more thing. The phone call he had all these years ago were not with Shubman. Shubman didn't said all those things. But if it wasn't Shubman then who did he called all those years back? And why did he said all those things?

It was getting more and more confusing. A part of Ishan wanted to just think that this diary is not true and Shahneel dii might have just written it herself and it's not Shubman's diary from that time.

But it was infact Shubman's diary nit was the truth.

Some of the things were adding up. And Ishan got the answers to most of the questions as well.

Why did Shubman never came to look for him?

Shubman did. He did came back to the orphanage the but they lied to Shubman and Shahneel that Ishan had been adopted by a family and doesn't want to meet anyone.

They thought Ishan hates them and that's why they respected his decision of not wanting to meet them ever again. But it was all a lie, the staff lied so that they couldn't let anyone know about the fire incident. For the orphanage, Ishan died in that fire.

All this was understandable.

But then who was the person Ishan talked with on phone?

Ishan had taken help from Mr Hundia, he helped Ishan. He had let Ishan call Shubman and when Ishan was heartbroken he even let Ishan stay with his family. How can that phone call be a lie?

There is no way Mr Hundia would have known about Shubman. In what way Mr Hundia would be even connected to that 18 years old Shubman?

No way there was a connection between them. But if there wasn't then, why would Mr Hundia fake the call and break Ishan's heart? What would Mr Hundia even get by just filling that small child's heart with nothing but hatred?

Mr Hundia would never do that.

Or maybe he would. Ishan can't trust Mr Hundia after the way he married off Aditi to someone else.

It wasn't like Ishan loved Aditi, he is well aware that he had been with Aditi only because he wanted to take help from her father. Though Aditi was a really nice friend of him. That's why he even went to Aditi's wedding to see who is she marrying to.

But when he went there he wasn't expecting to know that his parents forced her to marry his bestfriend's son so they could save Ishan? Didn't Mr Hundia already know about the whole plan, still he lied to Aditi.

And the groom's side was cheerily mentioning the fact that their marriage had been fixed since childhood, which was bullshit. Aditi was his girlfriend and she had always talked with Ishan regarding their marriage. Ishan might be an asshole using her but he didn't wanted to upset Aditi by telling her the truth that he didn't loved her.

But Aditi's love was true, she even married someone just to help Ishan. How can she be so good? Ishan felt more of an asshole.

But not more than Mr Hundia, who lied to his own daughter just to make her marry someone else. What did he even got by marrying off Aditi?

Ishan wanted to tell the truth to Aditi but Mr Hundia had blackmailed him that if he ever came to Aditi then he would tell the whole truth to her. Surely Aditi will hate him after knowing everything so just like a coward Ishan came back to his house and has been locked up in here since last week.

He had been doing nothing but reading Shubman's diary which Shahneel gave him. Now it wasn't like Ishan didn't got any answers to all the questions he had with Shubman but reading Shubman's side of truth was becoming confusing for him.

Because half of it didn't even matched with what he had been knowing since childhood.

It was all a mess. He really needed some answers right now and he knows only one person could help him find the whole truth.

Ishan will just have to put his ego aside and discuss out everything. Only then he would be able to get all the answer.


"Just tell Shubman that Ishan is here and he would himself let me in,"

"We are sorry but Shubman sir is currently unavailable so we can't let you in without anyone's permission. If you want to meet Shubman sir then you will have to fix an appointment first."

"I didn't came all the way from Delhi to here only for you guys to not let me in. If Shubman is not at home then I will wait for him inside so just please let me in."

"We can't allow intruders inside without any prior permission. So please don't make our job difficult and get the appointment, only then we can let you in." The guard denied Ishan who groaned in frustration.

Where the heck is Shubman? He wasn't in his office and now not in house as well.

"What are you doing here?"

"Dii, thank god you are here. They were not letting me in."

"What are you doing here Ishan? Are you still not satisfied with what you have done to Shubman?" Shahneel sneered.

Ishan was taken aback for a second. Why was Shahneel dii talking in this way?

"Dii what do you mean? What did I do?" Ishan asked.

"What did you do? You should be asking what you haven't done. I thought you would have understood it all went you went away but no, you just wanted your revenge on Shubman. Now you got it, then why are you here? Isn't it enough for you that you have destroyed my brother's lifeling hardwork?"

"What are you saying dii? I seriously can't understand anything."

"Don't act so innocent Ishan, you made Shubman sign those papers. And my dumb brother didn't even noticed how he gave all his shares to your beloved girlfriend. Now not only he lost his company he lost all the shares through which he had been running so many orphanages all over India. Thousands of children are going to suffer because of your revenge. Are you happy now?"

"No dii I never did that, please trust me. The only papers I made Shubman sign were the ones which included the warehouse for his illegal work. I just wanted to shut all those warehouse and nothing more. I don't know what shares are you talking about." Ishan muttered taking Shahneel's hand.

"But in the living room cctv, it was clearly shown you made him sign those papers."

"I did not forged those papers. They were sent by someone else, all I had to do was to make Shubman sign those papers. I swear I thought they only included his illegal business side."

"You didn't? Then who sent those papers?"

"It was Mr Hundia, Aditi's father. Maybe they would be connected in tempering with those papers. I swear I didn't even read the papers. I am really sorry for even bothering him regarding his illegal business but I never intended to even touch anything related to his company."

Shahneel sighed shaking her head.

"You know what Ishan, you are an idiot.   You didn't even checked the papers before forcing Shubman to sign them. How much more dumb can you be? Because of you not only he lost his company which he had been working hard on he also can't continue to fund the shares to the orphanages and other centres and they will be closed. Because of your petty revenge and stupid brain, so many people are going to suffer."

"I am sorry, I didn't knew it. But I can make it right. Just give me a chance, all the shares are transferred to Aditi right? I will talk with her and make sure Shubman will get everything back. I will correct my mistake, I promise."

"And why would Aditi give it back? Didn't they tempered with those papers.  Just leave it."

"No it was her father. Aditi doesn't know anything. She will listen to me. Don't worry," Ishan muttered nodding his head rapidly. Shahneel hummed before entering back in her house.

"Dii atleast tell the guards to let me enter. They won't allow me to come inside." Ishan said seeing her walking through the driveway.

"Don't you want to go to meet Shubman first and sort out everything?" She stopped looking at Ishan.

"I would if I knew where is he."

"At Abhishek's house, just ask one of the guards to drop you there." Shahneel said before walking inside her house.

Ishan looked back at the guard who sighed before preparing a car for Ishan from the garage.

Ishan sighed taking a deep breathe, he will meet Shubman and then would correct everything once and for all.

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