Chapter 4

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Ishan's head was pounding really bad when he woke up.

Cursing under his breathe he tried to push his hands up to clutch onto his head but he couldn't.

His hands were handcuffed and unlike last time it was metal. Cutting through rope was easy but this time his hands were tied to a chair with metal handcuffs and there were two bodyguards in the room as well, they were busy with talking among themselves.

How did he managed to get himself kidnapped two times in just a day?

Fuck humanity. This pervert faggot kidnapped him instead of helping him out.

This time there weren't any loopholes for him to get away. But he need to do something.

Ishan's heart raced as he scanned the room for any means of escape. He remembered a trick he had seen in a movie once where the protagonist used a paperclip to pick a lock. He began to search for anything that could serve the same purpose.

Oh wait yeah. He must be having clips in his pocket. Aditi always used to forget her hairclips so Ishan started keeping them in his pockets so whenever she needed one Ishan could give it to her.

Speaking of her, she must be worried for him. Ishan literally got kidnapped when he told her to wait inside her room.

He needs to get out of here fast. But why can't the clip work fast. He has seen the protagonist pick it just like that. If Tom Holland can do it why can't he do it as well?

"What are you doing huh?" Ishan jolted at the sudden intrusion by the guard.

"I-I-I" Ishan stuttered.

"Pfft bro look at him trying to break free with a hair clip." The guard snorted.

"Lmao kid do you really think you can escape through a fucking hair clip? What are you? A clip man?" The guard laughed.

"Let's check out his pocket and see how many hair clips our clip man have." The guard said and the other one hummed checking his pockets.

"A condom?"

"Damn do you always carry it with yourself? A cliche playboy of movies?"

"A playboy superhero,"

"Stop calling me that you dombfucks. I was just going to make love with my girlfriend but some gangsters like you came and ruined my moment, asshole" Ishan scoffed.

"Yaar ro iski jeeb bohot chalti hai,"
[Bro Rohit he speaks a lot]

"So should we just cut his tongue?" Rohit wiggled his eyebrows.

"Sadly we can't do anything. Boss told to not even touch this guy," Virat huffed.


"Dunno man...he is even getting some more information about this guy. Probably boss knows him already,"

"Knows him? But wasn't he accidentally kidnapped?"

"I was accidentally kidnapped?" Ishan squeaked out.

They both ignored him like he wasn't even there.

"Yeah Jaddu, Harry, Ash and Rishu accidentally kidnapped him instead of Yash...but when they got information about this accidental guy, he turned out to be associated with Sunrise Orphanage,"

"I am not accidental guy, I have a name you morons." Ishan huffed only to get ignored.

"Sunrise orphanage?"

"Yeah, Shreyas is getting more information about him. I did told Boss that I can just get information about this guy by himself but he strictly prohibited no violence with him."

"Shit man I haven't had any fun since so long...I thought I could finally get a punching bag."

"I know it sucks but we can't do anything."

"Yeah yeah, I know."

"You guys do realize the person you are talking about is in the room," Ishan huffed out.

He wanted to punch the smirk off these two gangsters but he was tied up.

And he couldn't do anything except mumbling out profanities at them.

Both the gangsters suddenly stopped talking when they heard rustle. They went back to their positions.

Shubman entered the room and smiled greeting his goons.

"Did he tried to create any ruckus?" He asked pointing at Ishan who was glaring at him now.

"Not much, we know how to tame the naughty ones very well." Virat shrugged.

"That's good, take care of him because he will be staying here for a long time now." Shubman replied.

"Excuse me you cannot just kidnap me," Ishan shouted.

Shubman looked at him for a few seconds before averting his gaze.

"Mr Hundai's family has gone underground. We would require you to go and find out about him with the rest of squad I have prepared. Make sure they know hiding is not a solution and now they are in much more trouble," Shubman said and Virat nodded his head.

"Don't you dare hurt the Hundai family," Ishan roared.

Again ignored.

"When do I have to go?" Virat asked.

"Tomorrow morning, you guys can take rest for the day. The dinner time is going to start soon,"

"You guys are fucking sick. How do you even have the courtesy to eat after committing such big crimes everyday?" Ishan scoffed.

"Boss atleast allow us to tape his mouth," Rohit sighed.

"No wait a minute," Shubman said walking towards Ishan. He looked at Ishan with raised eyebrows.

"Now voice out all your complaints," Shubman said leaning against the chair where Ishan was tied up.

"Complaints?! You dare to ask this when you have me kidnapped not one but twice. I am kidnapped in a completely different city. And you are asking me what kind of complaints I have?" Ishan glared at him.

"I like your spirit, Ishan. But you'll have to learn that there's no escaping from me." Shubman chuckled.

"I'm not going to play your twisted games." Ishan scoffed.

"Suit yourself. But remember, the more cooperative you are, the easier it will be for you." Shubman shrugged.

"Do you think you can lure me now after kidnapping me two times? I know you are a sick psychopath. Nothing much expected from a faggot like you anyways. " Ishan scoffed.

"Faggot huh? Is that what you guys call being homosexual now in Delhi?" Shubman shook his head giving a tight lipped smile.

"Well we call a lot more things. Want me to continue?" Ishan snarled.

"Have heard a lot more things from homophobics like you already. But you know what I learnt except these snarky comments? I just need power and money to zip up all those mouths. Just like how you will learn to zip your mouth as well," Shubman shrugged.

"Oh really? What will you do? Tape my mouth? But the truth won't change. You are nothing more than a sick whore who just needs a dick. I bet you also do the night with your bodyguards as
we-" Ishan yelped when Shubman choked him.

Ishan tried to move his head away but Shubman's grip was tight on his throat.

After a few seconds when Ishan's face became red Shubman let go of his throat.

Ishan released a few fits of cough breathing heavily.

"If you don't want your girlfriend to get hurt then you have to listen to me," Shubman said curtly.

"You wouldn't dare to hurt her," Ishan glared at him.

"You think I can't? Who will stop me? You? You can't even save yourself right now. I can do anything to you right now and nobody will know." Shubman smirked.

"You are a sick bastard," Ishan growled.

"Proudly," Shubman chuckled pecking his cheek before going out of the room.

Ishan cringed, his hands balling into a fist within the handcuffs.

He will make sure that Shubman gill will pay for all of this if he ever tried to lay a hand on his girlfriend.


A/N - Man just 2-3 more filler chaps and I promise the real fun will start soon.

Also a heads up, this is gonna be a red flag story. Nobody in here will be a green flag or sapno ka rajkumar. This story is about the anti heroes.

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