Chapter 6

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A/N - My Google gave this notification and I am baffled-


"You really are a piece of trash," Ishan sneered.


"Nevermind, I really thought a person like you were capable of thinking about others emotions. But you just want to make fun of it. After all everything is just so amusing for you, isn't it?"

"I am not making fun of you Ish—"

"Stop calling me with my name. It is making me hate my own name," Ishan spat.

Shubman sighed before replying to him.

"Can you stop and let me explain for a second?"

"Explain what? That how you are making fun of my misery by saying you won't be doing these things to your loved ones because Aditi did that to me,"

"I am not making fun of you. I am showing you the truth."

"The truth? What truth? That everyone will eventually hurt me and leave me just like Aditi did?" Ishan scoffed.

"No, the truth that not everyone will hurt you like Aditi did. That not every person is the same."

"Like you are any different? You are keeping me as a hostage. What am I supposed to even think of you?"

"We just met at the wrong time, trust me if I could I would have let you go but I am sure if I gave you the freedom then you will run away and will never come back."

"Why do you want me? I don't understand what are you even saying!"

"I will tell you everything soon,"

"Why can't you tell me now?"

"Ishan you were born and brought up in an orphanage. When you were young, around 12-13 you were bullied a lot that you had to run away from there. Can you tell me what happened?"

"You literally got all the information on me huh. I won't tell you anything and stop diverting the topic, tell me why are you still keeping me hostage?"

"First give me answer to that question then I will clear all your doubts,"

"Not interested to tell you about my personal information,"

"Then forget about your freedom."

"You can't keep me forever!"

"Trust me I can, I promise you when you will answer me all the questions I have for you then I will take you out of this mansion, till then you are going to be here only."

"Please don't keep me locked up in here, these walls feel suffocating. I feel like they are closing on me,"

"You are not claustrophobic," Shubman muttered before getting up from the bed.

"I am not but seriously I will turn into a claustrophobic, I feel trapped in here."

Shubman had looked at him for a second before walking out of the room.

"Okay don't change my room but atleast remove the handcuffs. Please they hurt so much, I can't even sleep properly."

"So you can run away?"

"How would I even be able to run away? There is not any single window in the room. The door is always locked and even if I tried anything you have plenty of goons,"

Ishan wasn't sure if Shubman would have heard him because Shubman just walked out of the room closing it behind.

Ishan huffed before throwing the tray from nightstand and pulled the blanket over himself.

He missed his life with Aditi.


Certainly Shubman did heard him because when it was time for dinner when one of the goon came he unlocked his handcuffs and brough an ointment for him as well.

There was also a note on the tray beside the plates.

'I did what you asked for, now you also have to do what I want. Eat your food on time, if you need anything else you can just ask the guards who are always outside your room.'

When the guard walked outhe didn't locked the door like usual. His door was left ajar as well.

Maybe he isn't so heartless.


"Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you," Abhishek was cussing Shubman since the moment he came to his house.

"Calm down, dii is in her room. If she heard you cussing she will kick you."

Abhishek glared at him before taking a deep breathe.

"It's all your fault, why am I even friends with you? Since the moment I met you, my life has became upside down."

"Abhi I am not a mind reader so can you please tell me what happened that had you all riled up?"

"Why did you sent me to keep an eye on your childhood crush's bestfriend? Couldn't you send one of your guard? I haven't slept for even a second since last two days,"

"Wait what did he do? Does he know you? Does he know us? Is he trying to blackmail you? I can get him killed right this instan—"

"I will kill you if you even try to lay your hands on him,"

Shubman was taken aback at the intensity. Abhishek never used that much cold tone with him.

"Abhi I seriously can't understand wh–"

"Urgh you are so selfish! It is always about you. You can't understand anything so you are not caring for my feelings. You have kidnapped your chilhood crush because if he get to know about you he will know how much of a creep you are and will never come to you. You don't even care for his feelings,"

"If you weren't my bestfriend, you will be six feet under the ground for saying that part." Shubman grunted.

Maybe he was right but he can't just say this outloud. Shubman also have feelings.

"See now also if I weren't your bestfriend. You ar— mmph,"

Shubman pulled Abhishek in a headlock till Abhishek's face turned red and pushed him away.

"What made you have so bad mood swings?"

"You are the reason for it,"

"Okay okay calm down Abhi and tell me what happened with Mayank?"

"Nothing happened. And yeah he did not came Mumbai for Ishan. You were right he didn't came for any business meeting as well which he told his colleagues but that was a personal matter. He doesn't even know Ishan is kidnapped so don't worry, nobody is going to come for your sweetheart."

"Why did he came to Mumbai then?"

"That's his personal matter. So none of your business,"

"Okay he ain't my business but you are so tell me Abhi why are you so riled up?"

Abhishek sighed in frustration.

"I don't know how to tell you, it's just I am feeling so sick from inside. This feeling is trying to chew me out."

"Okay now tell it again in human language,"

Abhishek strangled Shubman so hard that Shubman was sure only god could save him now.

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