Chapter 8

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"Do you want to dance first?" The bartender asked when he was done with his shift and changed in the staff room as well.

Well, technically he still had 2-3 hours more but one of his friends was grateful enough to fill in his place.

Mayank smiled taking his hand and nodding slightly.

The bartender was hot. But still, Mayank's focus was on Naman who oddly enough was staring at Mayank the whole time.

The last time when Mayank came then Naman didn't even pay any heed to him but today Naman's whole focus was on Mayank.

Mayank also sometimes stole glances at Naman and acted like his whole focus was on the bartender.

The guy was slightly taller than him and was well-built as well. He looked like a greek god, totally his type kind of guy.

But still, at the back of his mind, he couldn't resist the feeling of Naman's eyes watching him.

While they were dancing on the dance floor with their arms tangled up to each other, Mayank's eyes subtly moved at a certain area where Sara was sprawled up on Naman who had lazily draped his hand over Sara's waist. Naman was absent-mindedly humming to whatever Sara was saying, as his focus was on the dance floor.

Instead of feeling the butterflies Mayank anticipated, there was a sickening feeling in his stomach.

He thought after getting the attention of Naman he would feel good. But he didn't. He felt anxious instead.

The tension between them was palpable and Mayank wondered what was Naman thinking. Did he also felt like this? Was he regretting breaking up with him? He couldn't decipher anything as Naman's face was stoic.

But the intensity of his gaze made Mayank sick. It was making him feel guilty. He didn't like it.

He had hoped that by coming to Mumbai, he could show Naman that he was moving on and that he didn't need him anymore. But now, all he could think about was how much he still wanted Naman by his side.

But Naman wasn't his anymore. His arms around Sara were an alarm telling him he already made his decision.

Instead of showing Naman, he moved on, Mayank should actually focus on moving on. Thinking he ever had a future with Naman should be a joke.

His father would kill him if he got to know that his son likes men, more importantly, his assistant.

The idea of being with someone else, especially a man, was just not acceptable in his father's eyes. And the fact that it was his own assistant made it even more complicated.

He felt a sense of hopelessness washing over him as he realized he might be the only one thinking about all this while Naman was enjoying his time with Sara.

If Naman truly loved him he would have never left him for Sara. He would not have left him like a used tissue. There was no point on pining after him.

One good thing which happened now was the closure he got, he doesn't need Naman to move on.

Mayank smiled pulling the bartender closer. The bartender was a bit confused but soon he smirked throwing his hands over Mayank's body.

"Your moves are so sexy," he commented swaying to the beat.

"My other moves are sexy as well," Mayank gave a smug expression loving how the hands around his waist tightened.

"You are flirting with me?" The guy raised his eyebrows.

"Is it working?"

"Depends," He muttered slowly leading his hands down to Mayank's hips making his breath hitch.


"I want to throw you on the counter and fuck you so hard. Do you think you can take it?" The guy smirked.

Mayank pulled him in for a quick kiss.

"I don't have the exhibition kink but we can surely take it somewhere private,"

"Whatever you wa—" The guy was interrupted with a sudden figure coming in between them.


Shubman had a confused expression when he entered the room.

There was Ishan at the corner of couch curled up while chanting hanuman chalisa.

He chuckled slowly going towards Ishan who was too scared to notice somebody else's presence.

"AAAAAAH" Ishan screamed when he felt a sudden touch on his knee.

"Relax it's just me," Shubman grinned.

"What the heck are you doing here like a creep? And don't you have manners! Stay away from me," Ishan scowled scooting away from Shubman even though he was already in the corner.

"Why not just get off from the couch instead of sitting like this at the edge?" Shubman snorted.

"J-just stay away from me," Ishan glared at him.

"Fine fine, don't act like a fiesty cat now.  By the way why were you watching a horror movie if you are scared of it?" Shubman asked pointing at the screen where Tabu was following Kartik Aryan.

[Tabu is the ghost and movie is bhul bhulaiya 2]

"Mind your business and just so you know I was not scared," Ishan muttered.

"You are still shivering Ishan,"

"T-that's because I am cold. It does not have anything to do with the
mov—aaah" The sudden scream from Kartik aryan had Ishan getting scared as well.

He jumped on Shubman who grinned widely while holding him back.

"Didn't I told you to stay away from me," Ishan huffed pulling away quickly.

"It wasn't me who threw myself at your lap," Shubman smirked.

"Shut up! Why are you even here?" Ishan grunted taking the remote and pausing the movie.

"It's my mansion, I can come here anytime I want to."

"B—" Ishan was interrupted by Shikhar.

"Here is your blanket," Shikhar said coming inside the room with a big fluffy blanket in his hand.

"Sir," He quickly threw the blanket at Ishan while standing straight noticing Shubman's presence.

"Why weren't you on your spot watching over the hallway?" Shubman raised his eyebrows.

"Your boy asked for the blanket so I had to go and get it as you said to comply for whatever he asks," Shikhar replied looking down.

"Okay, go back to your place," Shubman nodded his head dismissing him.

"And you, do you think you are in a vacation? Ordering my guards around however you please?" Shubman raised his eyebrows.

"I just asked for a blanket, it's not like I gave them such a big task," Ishan furrowed his eyebrows draping the blanket over himself.

"You were sold to me, do you know what it means? If someone else would have taken you then they would not be catering to you like this. They would be torchering you, abusing you and might even use you for their pleasure instead," Shubman muttered.

"Y-you s-said you won't do anything," Ishan looked at him with wide eyes.

"I won't until you listen to me and stop calling me a pervert faggot," Shubman shrugged.

"Okay I won't call you with any names and will do as you say, promise! Just keep your end of promise as well," Ishan said and Shubman nodded his head.

Shubman took the remote and resumed the movie. Ishan looked at him skeptically.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching the movie," Shubman shrugged.


"I don't need to explain myself to you, if you are forgetting then let me remind you that I make my own choices and don't owe you any explanations."

"Yeah, sorry." Ishan muttered focusing on the movie.

Shubman chuckled staring at him instead of the movie.


Before the movie could end, Ishan was alreasy fast asleep. Half his body was dangling at the edge of the couch because throughout the movie Ishan was trying his best to maintain as much distance as possible.

Shubman sighed turning off the television and walking toward Ishan who was in a deep slumber.

Shubman carefully lifted Ishan and walked out of the room.

All the guards straightened their backs while standing in attention.

Shubman ignored them while walking towards Ishan's room.

He tucked him to the bed pulling the blanket over him. Ishan looked so cute while sleeping.

Technically he had been adorable always. Since he was a child, however the cuteness used to vanish as soon as he opened his mouth.

Now also, his Ishu is just as fiesty as he was before.

With the way he was sleeping looking so innocent and peaceful nobody would be able to guess how sinful his mouth is.

Shubman smiled while pressing a kiss on his forehead. Ishan hummed something in his sleep tangling his hands over Shubman.

Shubman was taken aback for a second but chuckled remembering his habits. So he still holds something in his sleep huh.

When he was a kid, Ishan used to always hug a pillow or a toy in his sleep. Shubman used to be jealous of those toys but he didn't know why.

Now he know, he just wanted Ishan all to himself. Right now, finally getting to be Ishan's personal teddy bear felt like a battle he won.

'Take that Mr Crocodile, even after all these years I am the one who is still with him, and you are torn apart somewhere' Shubman laughed at his own thoughts while getting into the bed as well.

He can savour this moment for a while. Within 4-5 minutes he would get up and go back to his home.

A few minutes being in Ishan's arms won't hurt. Ishan would not even know who was he hugging. So it was okay.


It was not okay.

Because after half an hour when Ishan was sprawled onto Shubman's chest with Shubman also hugging him tightly and halfway to his sleep, his phone rang.

His sister was calling him, asking when he would get back home.

Shubman made an excuse that they will be staying in the farmhouse for the night as there would be heavy traffic and the place was quite far away from the city as well.

Shahneel told him to take care of himself and bid him goodnight before cutting the call.

Shubman sighed pulling Ishan closer to him. He couldn't bring himself to break apart from his baby.

Ishan was looking so cute while sleeping that Shubman felt tingles all around his body.

He doesn't even have somnophilia, still just watching Ishan sleeping on him was doing wonders to his body.

Ishan was right. He is a pervert. He cannot just do anything like this yet. Otherwise Ishan will hate him forever.

Oh god. Shubman was in need of some sleep. He needs to shut his brain. A boner would be the last thing he would want right now.

Hugging Ishan tightly, Shubman closed his eyes trying to get some sleep.

He needs to wake up before Ishan as well, so he wouldn't know they slept together.

But that was something his future self needs to worry.

The present him was on cloud nine feeling his Ishan hugging him in sleep.


A/N - From next week the updates will be regular ;)

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