chapter 12

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<a reminder that akumas don't exist in this story, thank you.>
<another reminder that i love you guys ♡>

The next day, you were late at school. You didn't really care. 

The same day went on as usual. Adrien and Marinette, dubbed as 'Adrienette' by many of your classmates, were closer than ever. They kept on laughing and joking every time of the day. And everytime it would, your heart and body would be in pain. Like the longer you stare at their bonding, your insides would disintegrate and you would hear your heart crying, beating loudly for help. You wanted to avoid it as far as possible. 

It went far until your best friend noticed it. 

You were frowning at the red marked '15/50 Better Luck Next Time!' written on your English paper. You didn't study all week, and now you're blaming yourself for getting a very bad score. You were startled when all of a sudden, a hand was placed on your arm. You finally shared glances with Alya, who seemed quiet the whole time. "Are you okay?"

You looked back at the paper in front of you, making you frown more. You started to pull the strands of your hair, ruining it in the process. You groaned, Alya taking it as a no. 

"Wanna... talk about it?" She asked, smiling slightly. "You could tell it all to me."

You sighed. "I'm not in a mood, sorry."

Alya rubbed your back in a comforting way. "It's okay, Y/N. Whatever you're going through, you'll get through it." She wrapped her arms around you and combed your messy hair.


It was now lunch time. You and Alya sat together, but Adrien and Nino are yet to be seen. You were munching on your (food) when all of a sudden, Agreste marched across your table, with Nino in tow. You rolled your eyes, glaring at him in the end.

But there he goes again, sending you his infamous smirks on your way. You hated it, hated it, hated it all! It would unintentionally make your heart feel unusual things, and you didn't like it one bit.

And you didn't like what Alya thought about all of this. You didn't like her conclusions of your said feelings. You don't want to.

Alya laughed, her happy tears were blinding her eyesight. "Why don't you just accept it?"

"All I'm accepting are foods and the truth, and your statement was far from those things, so, no thank you." You turned away and continued eating.

She chuckled, following with a shrug. "Your loss." She took the last bite of her sandwich. You shook your head, choosing to just focus on how to get your grades high.

Five minutes later, you didn't even notice Alya leaving until she poked you on the shoulder. You looked up. "I should be going," she announced. "Nino and I have to study for the Math test tomorrow."

You nodded. "Okay, see you."

"See you," she smiled before replying, "Don't forget to text me, 'kay?"

You nodded once more. She left the table and went to her boyfriend. You sighed and tried to finish your food, even though you lost your appetite.

▼△▼△ another timeskip coz i'm lazy

Finally, classes have ended. You were looking forward to going home with Alya, you can't wait to have your face planted on the matress that is your bed. You packed all your things and walked outside the classroom, when suddenly, you heard the pitter patter on the roof. You looked outside and it was just as you expected.

It was raining.

You sighed and went to find your best friend. Everyone was already outside with their umbrellas by the time you found her. "Alya," you said. "Are you coming home?"

Alya smiled apologetically. "Yeah... about that. Nino offered me a walk home..." Before you could respond, she exclaimed. "But you could come with us! It's raining really badly, I don't want you to be alone in the rain..!"

You smiled softly, pulling out your black umbrella. "It's-- okay, I can walk home by myself."

You walked outside, after getting an almost bone-crushing hug from Alya. The rain began to drop faster. Good thing I had my umbrella, you thought. You weren't that far away from the school when Adrien's car passed by. Your gaze followed the vehicle, stopping in front of the school. You then looked up at the entrance of the school where two students stood. One was a bluebell-eyed girl, Marinette, and the other was a green-eyed boy, Adrien. You decided to stay for a bit in the rain.

Eventually, Adrien turned around, facing Marinette. He stretched his arm towards her, holding the umbrella. You just noticed that the girl doesn't have any protection against the rain. The boy gave her a smile with pink tinted on his cheeks. He was looking at Marinette right in her eyes, like he adored her.

You didn't know why, but your chest suddenly hurts. It's aching really bad. Your eyes began to grow heavy when you felt something coming out of it. Was it raindrops? Tears? No. You didn't want to cry in public, so you looked down in the pavement to hide your pathetic face. You sighed shakily. You tried not to let your tears spill, but the walls were breaking.

So before anyone could see, you turned around and ran as fast as possible. You just wanted to go home and cry your eyes out. You ran and ran, until you reached your house. You frantically opened the door and went upstairs, leaving wet trails on the steps.

You ran into your room and collapsed into your bed. Luckily you were alone so you cried your heart out, and screamed as loud as you possibly can. Your throat was scratchy, your eyes began to hurt as shameful tears fell into your pillow.

You thought back to the times he talked with you, flirted with you, wanted you to be with him. You thought back to how good you got along with each other.

You remembered when you first liked him. You remembered when you first admired him. You remembered you had a tiny crush on him. It was really small, but you knew there was no turning back. You fell for his effortless charms.

You just didn't know it'll get stronger until now. Until you saw him talking to Marinette with a blush on his cheeks. That's why he's been with her and not you. That's why he and Marinette were laughing at class all the time. That's why whenever he's around her, he'd stutter.

Did he use you for practice? Was all this just for Marinette?

You trashed around in your bed, your sheets getting crumpled. You started to hate yourself for being so dumb and gullible. You cried more, as your sobs were covered by the pillow underneath. You screamed again, negative comments made by yourself swirling through your mind. You hated how he used you. You hated how he abandoned you. You hated how you didnlt think of it sooner. You hated it all. You hated it.


You sniffled, quickly covering your mouth and nose with your handkerchief. Your eyes were bloodshot and heavy. Your room was dark, but it was illuminated by the light coming from the moon and the stars. Your tantrum made you more tired than before, but you can't sleep. Tomorrow's Saturday, so you still have time to do your homework.

Your sobs turned into whimpers, as you tried to soften your cries more, afraid your parents will hear. Although, their loud voices overlaps your sobbing, you're still worried they'll find out and lecture you again.

Right now, you just focused on breathing properly. Your throat was sore and your hands were growing cold, so you hugged yourself, trying to get warmth in your body. The room was dark, your phone was off, and laid on the bed was you with tears on your cheeks.

You never felt so alone.

end of chapter twelve


was it worth the wait? i don't think so lol.
btw i drew the picture :))

hope you guys cried as much as i did :')

s a y o n a r a


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