chapter 16

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hey guys, a little behind the scenes... i already thought about how the book will end.

ok first of all, i am not going to make a book 2. because i will be needing another book cover and think for a second title which will be tiring and stressful for us, amiright? so i'll just have a little hiatus in this book before continuing it with a season 2, per se.

so yeah. we'll go through this together!!! i just want to thank the readers who stuck by me through thick and thin, strarting from my dipper x reader, penn x reader, and marco x reader. thank you so much for supporting me!!! even though i suck at updating.


The next day, you went to school as usual. You didn't really feel all sad, however you just wanted to get this over with. The first subject went on normally. Ms. Bustier taught you this and that, and you tried hard to focus.

Lunch time eventually came, and Alya went ahead without you, saying that she'll reserved a seat for you. You were still writing the last few notes on the chalkboard. The classroom was beginning to get empty because they were heading for the cafeteria.

You thought you're going to be alone, if it weren't for the familiar blond hair that was blocking your view from the board.

You groaned. "Will you please move aside?" You asked nicely, yet threateningly.

Adrien grinned at you, before moving so slightly. His grin was a bit suspicious, but because of the notes you had to finish, you didn't pay attention.

Finally, you wrote the last word on your notebook, closing it afterwards. You looked upward to see Adrien still standing beside his seat. You tilted your head. "What are you still doing here?"

"Um...?" He raised an eyebrow at you. "Waiting for you?" He said it as if it was obvious.

You still stared up at him for a moment before completely returning your things in your backpack. You looked at him as you stood up slowly. Adrien was still grinning. It was beginning to get awkward for you, so to make things more awkward, he slung an arm around your shoulders, pulling you with him towards the cafeteria. "Come on!" He called.

You yelped, your feet going jelly because you can't keep up. You held on to his arm for dear life, as he ran to the table where Alya and Nino sat.

Alya looked up from talking to Nino. "Oh, there you two are! What took you so long?!" She placed her hands on her hips, looking impatient.

Luckily, you managed to push yourself off from Adrien's grasp. Your hair was a bit disheveled, so you brushed it with your hand.

Adrien sighed. "Y/N writes so slow. I was waiting for her to finish so she and I can go here together."

"Oh," Nino chimed. "For a second there I though you and Y/N were making- OW!"

The table shook, while Nino rubbed his knee. Alya glared at him from across. Adrien was dumbfounded, while you actually know what it means so you glared at the two sitting in your lunch table.

Alya instantly smiled. "So!" She crossed her hands, placing it under her chin. "Y/N, Adrien! Wanna get food for us?"

"Absolutely not-"


You groaned as you felt your wrist held by none other than Adrien. He lead you through the student crowds and to the line.

Meanwhile, the two sitting at the table were having a conversation about their ship that were standing next to a line.

"So," Nino asked his girlfriend. "What do you think will happen?"

Alya smirked. "I don't think it will happen, Nino. I know it will happen. And it will soon."

"But what about Adrienette?" Nino questioned.

"No, Nino." She denied. "Adrienette is hopeless. (ship name) will be endgame. The other won't stand a chance."

"A chance to what?" You said, holding a juicebox. Adrien placed a tray full of snacks on the table.

Alya cheekily smiled at you. "Nothing. Nothing important."

You stared for a moment before sitting down beside her, taking a fry.


Class began again, and this time, Ms. Mendeleeiv was front and center. She was rambling about how this element was poisonous bla bla bla, you didn't really seem to care.

You leaned on your hand, as your eyes started closing. You yawned once more before going to dream land, filled with your favorite things-

"Ms. L/N!"

You shot up, widening your eyes. "Yes, Ms. Mendeleeiv?"

"Mind telling us why we should not dkfellelrldlleme?"

You squinted your eyes in confusion. "Huh?"

She sighed. "I said, what is slfllxldllrmdoeoxlr and please explain why."

"Um..." You frowned. You don't get a word she says.

With that, Ms. Mendeleeiv groaned. "Okay, you should sit down and think about what you've done later in detention."

You were more than awake now. "Wait, what? Detention?!"

"Good to have you back, Ms. L/N." The whole class laughed.

You hunched back in your seat, looking at Adrien's direction. He seemed to be laughing, having fun, when he told Marinette a joke.

△▲△ (i didn't know what i just wrote. all i know was that i'm dumb and sleep-deprived rn.)

Later in the day, you trudged towards the room where your one hour detention will take place. You opened the door and walked to your teacher, giving them the paper before sitting down in your seat. Hopefully you won't get bored to death.

You leaned in your desk, silently looking around if someone was here. The only people you knew were Kim, Luka, and Nathaniel. You called for your tomato classmate who was busy doodling in his trusty sketchbook. "Psst, hey."

He looked up, searching for whoever called him. Eventually, he saw your eyes, and waved. You waved back, grinning at him. You first pointed at him before pointing down. It was paired with your curious and confused expression.

Nathaniel only pointed at his book and pencil. He mouthed, "English. What about you?"

You rolled your eyes before acting the reason you were here. You put your hand together before placing your head over it, closing your eyes. You mouthed, "Science."

He only smirked back, now going back to his doodles. You sighed and waited for the clock to reach 3pm.

While waiting, you heard a noise. It's not the fan, is it?

No. Not really.

It's just the rain.

You sighed, followed by a grunt. "In all days, why today when I didn't bring an umbrella." You muttered to yourself.


It was now 3 pm, an hour just passed. But it was still raining. You were by the entrance of the school. You groaned, stretching your hand to feel the rain. It was really cold to the touch.

You were about to run for it, until a voice startled you.


Your head turned towards the entrance where Adrien was standing with his black umbrella. Thinking that you were standing too long in the rain, you went back inside so you wouldn't get sick. You approached him. "What do you want?"

"Are you going home now?" He asked.

"Yes!" You exclaimed, feeling impatient and really in a hurry. You suddenly realized that the end of classes were an hour ago. "Why are you still here?"

Adrien smiled sheepishly. "I had practice, and I was sort of waiting for you."

You stood, surprised. "You... were waiting for me?"

"Did I stutter?" He laughed, before handing you an umbrella. "If you don't want me to ride you home and prefer walking, at least have a protection against the weather."

You looked at his outstretched arm with an umbrella held in his hand, taking you back weeks ago-

When he did the same thing to Marinette.

You swallowed your saliva, you can hear the rain going faster and heavier, you have to go home-

But you don't want to go through this painful reenactment.

"I..." you started. "No thanks. I can make it. It's just a little rain-"

"But you could get sick," he objected. "Please, take it."

"I appreciate the offer, but I have to decline. It's really okay. I could just drink a lot of water, and I have tons of medicines at home." You walked backwards before running away, no turning back.

Adrien watched you from afar, his face being confused and worried for you. Nonetheless, he walked towards his car and they drove home.

end of chapter sixteen


heyyy so i wrote the first draft at midnight so i was really drunk. i just finished it this morning.

sorry for any mistakes! i'm not perfect, am i?

anyway, see you on the next chapter!!!!

s a y o n a r a


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