chapter 21

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You opened your eyes. You didn't notice that you fell asleep. 

You also took notice that his arms were not around you anymore. 

Instead, he was intently staring at his cellphone, holding it tightly. You watched him got ecstatic when a notification bell went off from his device. 

He opened the message. Luckily, your peripheral vision allowed you to sneak a glance at the person he was chatting. 


You already knew who it was, assuming that that was her nickname coined by friends, including Alya. 

Their conversation seemed to be about a joke, since Adrien is sending out too many laughing-crying emojis that it made you cringe. He is too freaking obvious.

You glanced at the window behind him, where the snow had stopped. "The snow stopped." 

With that, Adrien jumped out of his seat, immediately hiding his phone in his pocket. He instinctly placed a hand on the nape of his neck. He was very flustered. "Oh, uh- right!- I should get going." He walked across you, towards his small bag. Your tears almost fell if you didn't push it away. You only realized that you had a crush on him when it hurts real bad. 

You stood up, and remained strong, but for how much longer? 

He was by the door when he turned around. "Hey, thanks for letting me stay and have hot chocolate with you."

"Yeah, of course."

"And," Adrien lowered his voice as he leaned towards you. "Don't tell anyone, okay?" You nodded, pretending to zip your mouth, and crossed your heart, ending with your palm upward. He chuckled. "See you tomorrow." 

"See you." You sent a simple smile before watching him go. Finally, you slam the door shut and your tears instantly burst. You had to mentally pat yourself in the shoulder for keeping it that long.

But your tears were short-lived. You willed yourself to stop crying over a guy. You knew that you've wasted your time crying, so you just had to let it cease. 

You could not actually believe that you have a crush on your best friend. You told yourself that you wouldn't, but reality thought otherwise. Now that you like him, he then had taken a liking to Marinette; a hardworking, diligent, generous, friendly girl. A beautiful person compatible with Adrien, a perfect person for him.

Who are you kidding? Every girl in school is a perfect match for him, except for yourself. You just don't have that umph. You're just you. A plain, boring girl. 

Your frown went deeper as your brows furrowed. 

Crap. Now, I'm freaking insecure?! 

You mentally beat yourself for ever feeling this way.

You waited until tomorrow.


Walking to school made you feel the least interested, knowing that you get to be in the first seat watching Adrien obviously flirt with Marinette.

You scoffed, laughing bitterly as you remembered your petty little crush on him.

Eventually, you reached the first door of the school where you saw Alya, Nino, and Marinette casually standing there.

"Hey, guys," you said.

"Good morning, Y/N," Alya greeted.

"Hey, Y/N." Nino smiled. "Wanna wait for Adrien with us?"

You shook your head. "No, thank you." You proceeded to head towards the classroom for your first subject.

The students all flooded inside along with Ms. Bustier holding a laptop in her arms. They went to their corresponding seats where you were beside Alya and she was sitting besides Nathaniel, Marinette sat besides Adrien and he was besides Alix.

The class began.


"Students, try to answer an activity I put in your tablets." Almost all of them groaned in complaint. "Answer it quietly, please."

You sighed, taking out your gadget and opening the certain application to answer the questions.

Silence ensued.








"Agreste and Dupain-Cheng, will you please be quiet?" Bustier had interrupted their laughter.

"Sorry, Miss." Both of them said. You rolled your eyes.

While answering, you glanced at Alya who was diligently facing her tablet. You then remembered your adoration for the golden-haired boy. Should you tell Alya all about it?

You figured that you will, just not in person. You're too much of a chicken to see her reaction about the matter.

Class soon ended, students flooded out of the classroom. You followed as you held the straps of your backpack.

Alya walked with you. Not that you didn't like it, but you prefer walking alone today. She talked about many things, your response was always a nod.

"Hey, Alya," you said, and it caught her attention. She paused in the middle of telling you a story.


"Um..." you gulped. "You know who Adrien likes, right?"

Alya's eyes widened. "Oh?" She tilted her head. "Who's the lucky gal?"


She playfully scoffed. "I should've known." She smirked. "He was too damn obvious!"

You chuckled half-heartedly. You kind of agreed with her on that one.

You then thought about telling Alya. What would she say?

"Alya." You suddenly spoke. It was not your intention to do so, and you were taken aback as well. You might as well go with it. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

You shied away. "Um..."

"Come on, Y/N," she pleaded. "You can tell me anything."

The two of you almost neared Alya's place. You took a deep breath and told her that you'll just message her about it. You thought that it was too late, and it was already in the evening and you need to go home.

Worry etched on her face, but nevertheless, she hugged you as a goodbye. She made you promise that you'll tell her as soon as you finish your homework. You did, but you're planning to change your mind on telling her.


Dinner was casual. Shower was refreshing. Homework was torture.

But the thought was still running through your mind.

You picked up the phone placed on your desk and pressed your messaging app. You spotted Alya's contact before typing.

[you - bold and italic]
[alya - italic]


You waited. She replied so quickly.


You laid on your bed after turning the lights off. what's up?

just resting. what are you trying to tell me earlier?

You pretended you didn't know anything about it. huh?

hmm. don't be dumb. i'm serious, what do you want to say?

You began to feel nervous. Your whole body was straight and freezing. The fan was aimed at you.

promise not to tell?
please don't tell this to anyone.

You were typing rapidly, and you rambled on how you don't want her telling anyone about your secret.

don't laugh at me okay

i won't, Y/N. trust me.

You took a deep breath. Your lower body was still and cold. Your fingers were shaking every letter you type in.

You sighed. promise you wouldn't tell anyone?

just tell me what it is so we can get this over with. i want to sleep okay

You can feel her frustration over the screen. You could not breathe. You will actually tell Alya.

so what is it you wanted to tell me?

i may or may not....


have a crush on him?

oh shit. 
(seriously was gonna end the chapter here, but i changed my mind. i don't wanna leave you guys so soon)

oH shiT

um i honestly cant breathe
my legs arnt moving help

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg

You typed frantically; maybe you can find an excuse or maybe cover it up.

hey, that was like a year ago. i don't have a crush on him now so you can forget about it haha


yeah but when he told me he confessed to marinette, my feelings just suddenly vanished.

hm are you sure about that?

of course.
but.. alya...


please please please please don't tell marinette about this

why would you think i'd tell marinette?

?? because
she's your best friend???

don't you worry about a thing. i won't tell anyone, i promise.

thank you.

After you bid yourselves good bye, you immediately turned your phone off before rolling to the other side of the bed.
You only hoped Alya would keep her promise...

end of chapter twenty one.


^^ this will be my new timeskip something hahaha give it a name!!!! 

thank you so much for your patience and not killing me yet :(  i really appreciate it guys. i'm a girl with many responsibilities and i just don't have any free time when it comes to writing new chapters. i get tired and lazy after the day and it's really frustrating. please understand hahaha.

thank you for reading my authors note. i figured some just didn't care, but i wanted to let it out.


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