chapter 23

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You continued writing, until it was finished. The class was dismissed and to spend the free time all productively, Ms. Mendeleiev instructed that all of you should go to the library and read some chemical formulas and stuff. You did, well not really. 

You sat at the one side of the table while Alya and Adrien were beside each other on the other side of the table, but you were next to Alya (get it?). Kind of getting jealous on your side, but you did not want to show it. You pretended to read the book you have chosen, constantly hearing a conversation just near you. 

"Alya, she's just so beautiful, and- and her bluebell eyes-"

"I get it, I get it. You like her, she's beautiful. Anything else?"

You stifled a laugh, careful or they might hear you. You raised your book up to the tip of your nose to hide your smile. Your other hand rested on the table near Alya. You then heard Adrien say, "I have a theory... that someone might have a crush on me."

Your hand on the table was held by none other than Alya. Underneath the wood, she held it very tightly. When you heard what Adrien had told Alya, your mind went all over the place. Your heart began to beat so fast. You cannot move, your legs were freezing. The book in your grasp was almost crumpled. "Really?" Alya replied. "Who do you think has a crush on you?" 

You were alert. You are ready for it. Atleast... you think you are. Are you?

You glanced upwards from the book you were pretending to read. You caught Adrien's jade eyes looking at you, and you swear- you could actually die. Your heart beat twice as fast, as you went back to the book you were 'reading'. Your right hand squeezed Alya's other hand under the table. You made sure that you knew his gaze was not at you anymore before glancing a tiny bit at Alya. He was whispering something into her ear. You decided to return your gaze at the pages. 

Moments after, you suddenly heard Alya laughing at loud. Adrien was confused. You looked at her before turning your head towards Adrien with a look of confusion that matches his. He shrugged in reply. Cutting off the silent conversation was Alya slamming her palm on the table which earned a few shushes and groans coming from the corners of the library. The librarian was the most furious as she shushed the loudest. 

"Alya," you warned, your hand going to her shoulder, shaking it slightly. "Stay quiet."

She continued to laugh. "I-I'm sorry, I-I-" she laughed even more. 

"Was it something you said?" You asked Adrien. 

His eyebrows furrowed in more confusion. "I didn't say anything funny or weird..."

All of a sudden, Alya pulled your arm towards her and quickly whispered to your ear, "I'll tell you later. It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard!"

"Okay," you laughed nervously. Then, a student council went to the high platform, above the said library. They were going to announce something about school updates and events. It was a boring time, and you just nodded through it. 

Lunch came, and you are excited. (favorite food) is being served today. The tray you were holding was filled with it. You walked to your usual table occupied by Alya, Nathaniel, Adrien and Nino. "Hey, guys," You greeted. 

"Hey," they all replied the same. 

You sat down next to Alya and Nathaniel, with him being on the other side of the table and Adrien on the other end. He looked dazed, as he stared at a girl with blue-haired pigtails. His head sat atop of his palm that was placed on the table. He has literal heart eyes. "Hey," Adrien called the attention of someone beside him, and that was Nino. "Did Mari wear a new top?"

"Yeah, dude," Nino responded. "Never seen that one before."

Alya scoffed. "You guys are losers."

You chuckled, eating a part of your (food), though you can't help but feel that specific emotion bubbling in your stomach except for hunger. You wanted him to tell you that you were pretty when you buy a new shirt. You want him to look at you just like how he looks at her. You want him to look at you as lovingly as if you are beautiful. You sighed. You know that it will never happen. It's impossible. 

"Penny for your thoughts, Y/N?" asked Adrien. 

You looked up from your plate, giving him a blank look. "Hm?" 

"You were a quiet for a little while over there, dudette," Nino added. "Are you alright?"

You nodded as you displayed a small smile. "Yeah. I'm good."

Adrien grinned, showing a bit of a pout.  "Maybe... you're having a crush on someone and you're not telling me!"

"What? No! I don't have a crush on anyone!" You suddenly felt Alya's eyes on you. She was looking at you with a knowing face. Secretly, you pinched her thighs, earning a complaint from her. You responded by quietly by raising your eyebrows innocently. You groaned. "Let's just change the topic."

Nino, and Adrien, who was watching the whole thing, shrugged. The golden-haired boy however, leaned towards the table, wearing a kind sm1ile, almost mistaken for a smirk. "Hello, Nathaniel." The mentioned boy beside you immediately faced Adrien at the other end of the table. "Speaking of crushes... do you have a crush on anyone?"

Nathaniel, after hearing the question, had his face reddened right away. You tried to choke back the suppressed laughter as Alya did the same. Nathaniel stuttered out what he wanted to say. "I-uh... um, I-I--"

You and Alya couldn't hold it anymore and began to laugh really loudly. After a while, you decided to save Nathaniel from a embarrassing mess. "No, he doesn't have a crush on anyone. Isn't that right, Nath?"

His answer was merely a nod. 


The classes finally ended. You really want to go home rest on your soft bed, but you just remembered that Alya had to tell you something. Luckily, you saw her at the entrance of the school and caught up with her. "Hey," you said as you neared. "What did you want to tell me about?" 

At that, she found herself chuckling. as she remembered. "Oh, yeah! Come on, I'll tell you all the way home."

The two of you started walking home, with your hands on the pockets of your hoodie with your favorite color. "Well?" you said. 

Alya was still snickering. "You remembered Adrien saying that he thinks someone has a crush on him, right?" 

"Yeah, I-I do." You internally winced at how weak you sounded. "What did he say? Did he mentioned my name? Do you think he knows I have a crush on him? Is it that obvious?"

She chuckled in return. "Don't worry, girl. It was nothing like that. He's a dense idiot," she said. You laughed at it, never thought you would hear Alya say that. "Anyway, he told me that..." -laughing- "...two people have a crush on him."

"Really? Then what's so funny?"

"He thought it was Alix." 

You let out a cackle, making Alya join in on the laughter. "What the heck... when did-" you cut yourself off with a laugh. (i literally can't remember any words to use other than the word 'laugh'. i'm so sorry for the repetitiveness.)

"I know!" Alya exclaimed. "Oh, and he also though that Ellie has a crush on him for eight months! Can you believe that?!" You laughed even more. She continued. "He said his eyes don't lie and it's very obvious!" 

"What the..." you trailed off, your eyes twitching uncomfortably. "Why would he say that?"

"Well, at least Adrien didn't include you. Like it's saying that you're good at hiding your feelings for him."

"Yeah," you felt a sense of pride in your chest. "I'm so great."

Alya smiled in return. "Yeah, you are." The both of you eventually arrived at Alya's house. "Well, time to say goodbye. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Goodbye," you bid. 

Walking by yourself, makes you feel alone, but it also gives you time to think for a bit. You would look at the sidewalk your shoes are walking on, sometimes at the blue - sometimes grayish - sky, or at some houses you pass by. You would wonder countless things and deep, meaningful thoughts like 'what is the meaning of life?', or 'why do i exist?'... 

'why do i like Adrien Agreste?'

It seemed like your heart instantly answered the question that was running through your mind for hours. He's kind. He's sweet. He's gentle. He's funny. He's your best friend, plus he's a handsome guy! Who wouldn't want to date him? 

Your heartbeat escalated as you bit your lip. You then scoffed. "He's a freaking bully. He messes up with my hair, he teases me every minute, he makes fun of me..." But you suddenly remembered someone asking why boys pull on girls' pigtails at recess. Maybe... he likes you--

You shook your head. Your thoughts are wandering everywhere, it's out of control. 

You could see your house so you made a run for it. You were really eager to go back home and catch up with some sleep. 

end of chapter twenty-three


thank you for the endless support! i love you guys! 

also there is a valentines special. it is already over 2k words! 

s a y o n a r a 


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