chapter 4

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"Hey!" He chirps with excitement as you enter the building.

You groan an roll your eyes. "You again." You pay him no mind, as you keep walking inside the school. He was waiting for his friends, after all.

You sit down and organize your stuff before placing your head on your palm and drum the table with your fingers. Only a few people were there, and all of your seats were apart, so there really is nothing you could do. You all were lazy to get up and socialize.

So to waste your time, you pull out your phone and decided to play games, or maybe write in your notes, or maybe... something.

After a while, you take notice of all the students finally flooding in and chattering to each other. Nathaniel, your former crush, soon sit down beside you. It was actually a secret, until you accidentally tell him your feelings. Feeling a bit awkward about it, you declare that you two should just be friends. He agreed, as he was pretty nervous about it, too.

You send him a wave, he waves back. "Did you do your homework?" He asks.


Nathaniel nods. "Good. I figured you'd do it, 'cause I need to copy it." Your smile soon faded, replaced with a glaring stance. You hesitantly hand him the tablet, and in a matter of minutes, he was finished. "Thanks!" Nathaniel smiles.

You scoff in return. "Whatever." Before you completely pack the tablet, you see Adrien coming towards you with a pleading look. You groan, giving him the tablet. "Make it quick," you remind him.

Adrien didn't say anything and types the answer in his own tablet. After copying the whole page, he gazes at you as he turns off the device. You raise an eyebrow. He's acting very weird.

He walks back to his table, not before glancing at you. "Thanks, Y/N, I owe you one!!"

"You better!" You yell back.

Not even finished packing your things, you hear Nathaniel call. You look at him as he wiggles his eyebrows. You know what it means, having you to avert your gaze from him and giving him the middle finger secretly, just as Ms. Bustier walks in the room.


Finally, lunch had begun. You ate with the four of them again. It was a really boring day when it's just same thing over and over.

While eating, you heard a clash. It was coming from Kim and Nathaniel. You widen your eyes when the taller guy grabs ahold of your friends collar. Behind Kim was Max trying to calm him down.

You decide to step in and call him out, but someone stops you by clutching your shoulder. You turn around and see Adrien looking at you with stern eyes. He puts you behind him and starts to walk towards the two.

What the heck are you doing?! You shout at him in your mind, but he continues to march and stops in front of him. Sure, Kim was taller, but Adrien isn't fazed at all.

You don't quite hear their conversation, but slowly, Kim's sour face is becoming sweeter. You tilt your head in confusion as you stare, dumbfounded. "What... just happened?"

"That's Adrien. He never fights. He just talk things over," Nino suddenly answers behind you. You silently jump, placing a hand over your fast-beating heart.

"Is that what he always do?" You turn to his friend.

Nino nods. "Yup, he never fought anyone before." Kim and Nathaniel shook hands.  "He has a very kind heart, you know?" You nod stiffly, gazing at the blond boy who's smiling. He catches your stare and sends you a smirk. Replacing your warm face was a scowl as you turn away.

Soon after, he comes back with a cocky posture. Walking past you, he smirks once more. You scoff and bump your shoulder with his. Your eyes follow his walk, until he hook his hand into your other shoulder and guides you towards the cafeteria.

"Where are you taking me?!" You sharply hiss.

He just smiles. "I owe you one, remember?" You didn't say anything, but did what he say and head to the foods aligned.

"Fine, just get me (food)," you huff.

After buying, Adrien invites you to sit with his friends. You oblige, maybe because they're not that bad. While eating, Alya leans forward. "Hey, guys, in that cooking subject, why don't we group together? I mean, that's not a bad idea, right?"

Marinette nods. "That's a great idea, Alya! With Nino's amazing camera skills, and our teamwork all in all, we'll definitely pass the project!" She looks at you, giving a pleading look. You hesitate, because you'll be working with that annoying kid. Although, it's not a bad idea, the assignment needs to be done in groups, after all.

You shrug, giving them a half smile. "Why not?"

All of them cheered, mostly the girls. "Yes!" Nino exclaims. "So, team, on Friday, we are going to Y/N's house and---"

"Wait, wait, wait!" You say quickly, interrupting Nino's plan. "Who says we're going to my house?"

The glasses-wearing guy turns to you. "Oh, come on, Y/N! We just want to know more about you!"

You fall silent. "I don't know..." You think about an excuse. "I-I'm sorry, my parents are home, a-and---"

"What?" Alya gasps. "As if, girl! No adult doesn't go to work on Friday. They have to!"

You sigh for the nth time. "Fine, I'll ask them if it's okay."

The four of them silently shout, "Yes!" under their breaths. You roll your eyes at their positivity. It's not really a big deal. You just have to find out if you're allowed to go.

As Nino tells everyone the "operation: how to cook a unique pastry", you can't help but notice Adrien was always glancing at you from time to time. Everytime your eyes both meet, he would send you a smile with his eyebrows rising up, and everytime he does, you'd get weirded out, or just plain ignore it.

You didn't really hear what Nino had said, but when the school bell rings, you snap out of your trance. You stand up and gather your things and head out to your class. The others follow.

Before you could go to your seat, someone wraps their arm around your shoulder. You jump slightly, before turning around and see Adrien smiling sweetly at you.

"See you at Friday."

He lets you go when you don't response. You simply ignore the little fuck and go to your seat as Ms. Bustier walks in.

Friday it is.

end of chapter four


rlly sorry if the updates are slow. my schook year is about to finish so teachers gave a shit ton of projects and homeworks. i can't even anymore ;-;

once you vote on this chapter, it will give me an ounce of strength and courage to do my projects!!

every comment you post will make our grades go higher!!! so go comment and vote!! even share this damn book! thank youuuuuuuuuu <2+1

s a y o n a r a


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