Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Hey Liam, we need to go talk to Paul. He said it's really urgent." "Alright. Bye babe." "Bye Li. Bye Ni." "Bye Mitchie!" Niall yelled, walking out the door. Since today is August 28th, and I couldn't wait any longer, I decided to go pick up Liam's birthday present. I got in the car and drove to the pet shop. I looked around and saw a lot of cute kittens and even cute Guinea pigs, but that's not what I needed. I walked over to the puppies and watched them play. I saw one little husky puppy in the back. He was trying to play with the others, but they seemed to ignore him. "Awh. Come here little guy." I picked him up and he immediately licked my face. "Awh! I'm definitely picking you!" I walked to the pet outfits and found exactly what I needed. I grabbed everything we'd need: food bowl, water bowl, collar, food, bones etc. I checked out and carried the puppy to my car and sat him the the passenger's seat. I smiled as I looked over at him, knowing Liam would be ecstatic. I pet him as I drove, making him soon fall asleep. Luckily, I beat the boys home. I dressed up the puppy and set him down to look at him. He looked so cute! "C'mon boy." I walked up the steps and he followed, but had a hard time getting up the steps because he was so small. I laughed and picked him up. Holding him close, I went into our room. I played with him for a while before texting Niall.

"Hey, I got Liam's surprise today! His party's gonna be awesome! (The little guy is so cute!)"

He responded after a couple of minutes.

"Great! We're on our way! Send me a pic!" I took a picture of him in the outfit and sent it to him.

"He'll love it!"

"I hope so!"

I put my phone up and held the little puppy in my lap, letting him chew his bone. I heard the door shut and closed the door to our room, making sure the pup couldn't get out. I walked downstairs and hugged Liam. "So what did Paul need to tell you babe?" "We're going on tour, and you get to come!" "Yay! By the way, I have your surprise waiting in your room!" Liam smiled wide and ran upstairs. I heard his door open and a silence, and then laughing. Me and Niall looked at each other and ran upstairs. We opened the door to see Liam playing with the puppy, and the pup picking his face. "He's perfect babe! He's soo cute! And his costume is perfect!" "I'm glad you like him. What are you going to name him?" "I don't know...oh! Loki!" "That's perfect babe." I sat beside him on the bed, petting Loki. Niall smiled as he walked over. "So what do you want to do on your birthday eve?" I asked laughing. "Nothing." "Liam! You have to do something for your birthday!" "Fine...I don't know! We could take Loki for a walk." "Then what?" "I don't know!" He said laughing. I shook my head and kissed his head. "How about...the playground then?" "Okay! Niall is that fine?" "Yup!" I smiled and put the leash on Loki's collar. Liam grabbed the leash from me and stood up. "Let's go boy!" He yelled, running down the steps with Loki. I laughed and kissed Niall. "Let's go before the birthday boy gets impatient!" He laughed and kissed my head. "Alright babe." I ran down the steps, and found Liam waiting at the door. "Let's go!"

********The Next Day********

I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to disturb Loki or Liam. I walked into Niall's room. "Niall, get up." He shifted slightly but didn't get up. "Niall...babe please get up." I kissed his head and ruffled his hair. "Niall!" I whined. He finally opened his eyes and pulled me into his arms. "Let's go fix some birthday breakfast." "Alright babe." I pulled him out of bed and down the stairs. I was about to step on the last step, but he picked me up. "Niall! Put me down!" I said laughing, making sure I wasn't too loud. "Nope!" I buried my face in his neck as he walked. He sat me down on the kitchen counter and I started laughing. "Okay. Lets get to work! The boys are picking him up at 2 and it's 11:30 now!" "Okay! And are you sure you don't need help decorating?" "I should be fine, but thanks babe." "You're welcome. Just call me of you need anything while we're gone." "Alright. Do you think they'll let Loki in?" "They should, if they don't, bribe em." "I'm not bribing them!" I said laughing. I shook my head and gathered the ingredients for pancakes. "Niall, would you get the sausage out?" "Yup." I started mixing the batter while Niall put the sausage on the skillet.

"Done! I'll go wake up Liam!" "Alright babe." He kissed me quickly before I ran upstairs. I opened the door to see Liam and Loki still sleeping. I picked up Loki, and put him by Liam's face. "Wake him up boy." He started licking him, but it didn't work. I put Loki in the floor and he ran off, smelling food. I got on the bed and sat by Liam. "Get up birthday boy!" I kissed him, and played with his hair. "Babe..." He groaned. "Yeah Li?" "C'mere." He pulled into his arms and held me close. "I love you Li." "I love you too babe." "Happy birthday!" He laughed and kissed me. "Thanks." "Are you excited for your party today?" "Yeah. It should be fun." "I think you'll like it." I smiled and kissed him. We started making out and he pulled away. "Mitch...I've got a question..." "Yeah Li?" "Do you still have feelings for Niall...?" "No." I lied. I felt bad lying but I didn't want him to get upset on his birthday. He smiled and kissed me again. "I'm glad. I felt like I was competing to keep my girlfriend." He said laughing. I laughed nervously and stood up. "C'mon. You've got a big day planned." He got up and met me at the door. "Get on my back babe." I shrugged and hopped onto his back. I wrapped my hands around his neck and buried my face in his neck. He carried me into the kitchen and sat me on a chair. "This looks great guys. Thanks." "You're welcome." We said simultaneously. I didn't feel up to eating so I just talked to them the whole time, and held Liam's hand under the table.


"Liam, we're here!" He hopped out and ran to the door of the studio, Loki on his tail. I laughed as we entered the room where I had decorated earlier. "This is awesome babe! Thanks!" I looked around the superhero (mainly batman) decorated room. I was pretty pleased. "You're welcome babe." Loki ran to me and I picked him up. Perrie ran up to me. "You guys got a puppy?!" "Yeah, his name's Loki. You wanna play with him?" "Please! Thanks!" "You're welcome." I said laughing. She ran off towards Zayn, Harry and Louis. Liam was busy having fun so I went over to Niall. "C'mere babe. I wanna show you something." Niall led me into a small hallway and stopped. "What'd you wanna show me?" He kissed me roughly. I kissed back. "What the hell?" We stopped to see Louis watching us. "Louis-What are you doing?" "I think the question is why are YOU cheating on Liam?" "Louis, we can explain." "Save it. I'm telling Liam." "No! Louis please! He'd kill me!" "How can I not tell my best mate that his girlfriend is cheating on him with his best friend?!" "Louis, please." "God...fine! But just because you're my best mate as well...." "Thanks Louis." I said hugging him. "Mhmmm." He walked off and I couldn't help but feel guilty. "Let's get back to the party..." "C'mon babe, stay here with me." "Niall, no." I tried walking off but he grabbed my arm. "Niall, let go." He pulled me towards him. "Niall let go!" "No." He said forcefully. He kissed me rough but I didn't kiss back. "LIAM!" Niall let go and ran off." "Yeah Mitch? Is everything okay?" "Oh um...yeah....yeah." He put his arm around me and led us back to the party. Niall stood off to the side, glaring at me.

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