Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


"Babe, whenever you get ready, I have a great day planned for us." "Okay, thanks babe." He smiled and kissed my head before leaving the room. I changed quickly and went downstairs. "You're dressed perfectly for today babe!" "What are we doing?" "Remember my 16th birthday party?" "Yeah! That was awesome!" "Same thing." "Yes! I love paintball!" He laughed and picked me up. "I'm glad babe. Now, why don't you eat some of the breakfast I bought, and we can go?" "I'm not hungry babe." "You didn't eat yesterday either!" "Well, I had a reason not to eat yesterday! I'm just not hungry." "Are you sure?" "Yeah babe. I'm sure." He leaned down and whispered, "You're telling me why you didn't eat yesterday. I'm worried." "There's nothing to worry about but I'll tell you in the car." I responded, eyeing Niall. "Alright babe." He kissed me sweetly. "We'll be back later. Take care of Loki." "Alright alright." Liam look like he could've cussed Niall because of his attitude, but let it slide. We got in the car and Liam instinctively grabbed my hand. "So why didn't you eat yesterday?" "I was kinda stressed...and I felt guilty." "What were you stressed about?" "Well, I had already been thinking of telling Niall to back off, and then planning the party a little but just because I was afraid you'd find out..." He stopped the car and looked at me. He leaned over and embraced me in his strong arms. "You should've talked to me babe. I would've listened. You even admitted to cheating and look, we're fine now. You know why?" I shook my head. "Because I love you, and you love me. Our feelings won't change." I nodded and kissed him. He started driving again and never let go of my hand. Once we arrived at the place that I hadn't been to in 5 years, we checked in and I noticed that there were about 15 other people there. "Let's gear up, and you're going down." I said, getting my things. "You're on!"

Once the match started, I immediately hit someone on the other team. "Nice babe, but we still have 7 more people!" Liam yelled from across the field. "Bring it Liam!" "Woah, we've got a girl on our team?! No! I quit! We're guaranteeing ourselves to lose." One of my teammates said. "Hey, don't underestimate her. She's the only one that actually shot someone so far!" Liam yelled at him. "Whatever." I snuck over into enemy lines and went up right behind Liam. I was about to shoot, but was shot down first. "Liam." I groaned, making him turn toward me. "Yeah babe?" "Tell my family....I love them." He nodded, and fake cried. He laughed shortly after and lifted my helmet of my head and kissed me. "You're so weird." "You are too doofus!" He laughed and went back to playing and I just watched him. He was having a blast, AND looked really hot. He WAS in a tank top.

His team ended up winning with 4 people left. "Good job Li." I said, running over to him. He picked me up, and carried me towards the car. "Thanks babe." I got some red paint from my shirt and put it on his mouth. "Hey!" He put some blue from his shirt onto my forehead. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "So, what do we do next?" "Whatever you want." "Could we go see your mum and dad for a few minutes?" "Sure Mitch." I smiled, and jumped out of his arms and ran to the car. Luckily Liam thought ahead and packed us both extra clothes. "I'll go change in the bathroom. I'll

Be right back Li." "Alright, but I'm still need to change, so I'll walk with you." "Oh yeah!" I grabbed his hand as we walked. I went into the restroom and changed clothes into a pair of jeans, a shirt that said: 'I love Liam' on it, and my tennis shoes I was already wearing. I walked out to see him already dressed and waiting. "I love this shirt Liam!" "I thought you would." He said smirking. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the car. On the way there we listened to my favorite song by the boys, 'Rock Me.' We sung loud and the music was even louder. As we pulled into his parent's neighborhood, we turned the music down. I looked up ahead to see their cars there, meaning, luckily, they were there. Liam pulled up and I quickly jumped out. He laughed as he ran to catch up with me. He knocked on the door, which quickly opened. "Hey mum!" "Liam! How are you sweetie?" "I'm good." He said hugging her. "And Mitchie! The last time I saw you, you were in the hospital!" I laughed lightly and hugged her. "How are you Karen?" "I'm good honey. Come inside! I was just making us some lunch. Would you two like some?" "I'm fine." Liam gave me a look and said, "Sure mom. We'd both love that." I sighed as we walked inside. While she went to the kitchen, I sat beside Liam on the couch. " need to eat." "I'm just not hungry." He raised an eyebrow. "Fine. I AM trying to lose weight. I'll be fine." "Why are you trying to lose weight?" "I want to lose a size. That's all." "Mitchie! You're perfect the way you are!" "Thanks Liam, but I want to lose some weight." "But you're what? A size 8?" "Yeah, but I want to be like a 6." "Babe!" He whined. "You're perfect! You don't need to lose anything!" He sighed and grabbed my hand. I leaned my head on his chest. He started singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' softly. I leaned up and kissed him. "Fine. I won't..." He stopped singing abruptly. "Really?! That's great!" I laughed and snuggled closer to him. His mom brought us out sandwiches and went upstairs to retrieve his father. "You better eat all of that." "I will. I will." He smiled and kissed my temple. "Good." I heard his parents come downstairs and scooted over a bit. "So whose idea was it to get the shirt?" His dad asked, pointing to my shirt. "Liam's." He laughed lightly and looked at Liam. "That's smart, but what if she doesn't?" "I don't know. Do you?" "I do." Liam smiled and went back to eating. "So I guess you've got it all figured out." His dad said, smiling. "I've said this before but I'll say it again: I'm glad you two are together. You've both been through a lot and you've helped each other through it." Me and Liam both smiled as we looked at each other. "Can we look at that old scrapbook you kept Karen?" "Sure Hun." She left to go get the book and his dad went to go eat his lunch. I looked over at Liam and he smiled and kissed me. "I love you." "I love you too Liam." She came back down the stairs and sat between us on the couch. "Okay. Baby pictures first!" Liam groaned as she flipped through pages. "Awh! You looked so cute!" "Looked? What about now?" "Okay. You're cute now too." He smiled and looked at the pictures. She flipped to kindergarten, and then 6th. "Awh. You look so happy!" "I was such a little nerd!" "That's good!" His mom just laughed and turned to high school. I saw a picture of Liam with his ex, Danielle. "Hey there's Danielle." "Oh yeah...maybe we should take that out." "No, it's fine." I smiled. "Here, let's take a picture of you two to add." I smiled and stood up with Liam. She pulled out her phone and took a quick picture. "Mum, could you send that picture to me?" "Yeah. I'll do it right now." "Thanks." He smiled and kissed my head. "I'll print this out later and put it in." I smiled and sat back down. I just love reminiscing on the days when we were younger! Liam took out the picture of Danielle and cut it up. I laughed and kissed him lightly.

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