Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When I awoke, I felt arms around me, but I liked being in these arms. These are the arms I've been dying to be in for over 2 years. I felt him shift and mumble, 'Mitchie...'. I smiled and pulled myself closer to him. "Mitchie...are you awake?" "Yeah..." He rolled me over and placed a kiss on my head. This was much better than getting woken up by yelling to 'do this' and 'do that'. "Much better." "Than what babe?" "Waking up to him." He gave a sad smile and intertwined our fingers. "I'll go fix us some breakfast. You get packing." "You sure babe?" "Completely." He kissed my forehead and got up. I got out of bed and packed my clothes up. I changed and put on light makeup. "It's ready whenever you are babe!" "Thanks Liam!" "You're welcome!" I went downstairs and put my bag on the couch before going to the kitchen.

"These are great Li!" I said, as I finished off the pancakes. "Thanks love. By the way, you look beautiful today." "Awh, thanks Liam." He smiled and leaned over and kissed my head. "So how about we drop off your stuff at the flat, and then we go do whatever?" "Perfect."


He pulled up to his house and got out and helped me with my bags. As soon as we walked in, I saw the boys. "MITCHIE!!" They ran to me and hugged me tightly. "How are you guys? I haven't saw you in a 4 months." "Yeah. We're doing good. Louis here has a crush on-" "I told you not to tell anyone Zayn!" "Sorry man. Calm yourself. So how are you?" "Um...alright I guess you could say..." They gave confused faces and Liam just shook his head. "I'll go put this in our room babe." "Alright Li." After Liam was up the stairs, the boys looked at me. "So are you two dating?" "Yeah...since last night actually." "Awh!! We knew it would happen! Yay!" Harry yelled, running over and jumping up and down. "Yeah you guys have been friends since what? Forever?" Niall asked, sitting on the couch. "Yeah, our parents were close friends." All the boys smiled childishly. "We were just leaving so, bye MITCHIE!" "Bye LOUIS. Bye guys!" I said laughing. They all left, except for Niall of course. Liam soon came back downstairs. "Ready babe?" "Yep!" He smiled and pulled me to the door. "We'll be back later Nialler." "Alright. See you two later."


"What do you wanna do babe?" "I was thinking the park..." I said, intertwining our fingers. "Great."

He drove to the park and as soon as he stopped the car, he jumped out. "Let's go babe!" I laughed and ran to catch up with him. "I call the tree!!" "Awh!" I ran up to our tree and started climbing. AFTER I had reached the top, Liam reminded me of something. "I hope you remember you can't get down without my help." Crap. "I really should've thought this through!" "Yes you should've." "Li? Please help me?" "Nope. Not falling for it." "Pwease Leeyum?" "Fine! But I better get a kiss for this!" "You will!" Lies! "Alright I better. Come on. Climb down to the spot." I smiled and climbed down to the branch were I will usually jump into his arms. "Ready babe?" I nodded. "Alright. Jump." I jumped and he caught me like always. "Now, where's my kiss?" I held up my crossed fingers. "That's not fair!" I got out of his grip and started running. "Hey get back here!" I glanced back to see him running after me, so I turned a sharp corner and ran into someone. "Oh. I'm sorry-" I lost the ability to talk as I found who I had ran into. Jacob. "Ha I knew you'd come running back." I tried to turn and run, but he pulled me back. "You're not getting away so easily this time." He gripped onto my wrist hard, causing me to wince. "He's not here to save you now is he? He probaly left you because he realized what a slut you were." He started pulling me down the road, and as he looked back, he stopped. I turned to see Liam standing behind me with his chest puffed out, and his eyes filled with anger and rage. "What did I say? Let go of her man." "What are you going to do about it?" Liam gave him a look as if to say, 'Are you stupid?' And punched him in the face. He tightened his grip on me, making me curse. Liam pried his hands off of me and kicked Jacob to the ground. "C'mon babe." Liam ushered me in front of him while we ran. Once we got back to the tree, we stopped. We made eye contact and all I could do at the moment was hug him. He picked me up and sat down against the tree, keeping us in the shade. I leaned back and kissed him multiple times. "You okay babe?" "Uh-huh..." I rested my head on his chest and he played with my hair, calming me. "Liam, thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Same here babe."

We spent about another hour or so just talking about when we were little. "Liam...?" "Yes love?" "What did you think when you first saw him at the theatre?" "At first, I just thought he was some random bloke who had you confused with someone else. In all honesty, I was about to get in his face and say 'Leave my girlfriend alone.' So he'd leave. Probaly a good thing I didn't. You could've gotten it worse...and when he dragged you out, and you didn't really try to fight, I was just like 'oh he's just a jealous boyfriend or something.' But then realized you would've told me about your boyfriend if you had one, so that's when I started worrying. I ran out of the theatre, and looked for you but couldn't find you so I went home and called you. I was panicking like crazy, afraid he had either kidnapped you, or k-killed you..." He said truthfully, letting a few tears slip. I wiped them away quickly, and kissed him. That soon turned into a make out session. "I love you Mitchie." "I love you too Liam." He smiled and kissed me again. "I told my mum..." "About what babe?" "About you and Jacob..." "Li!" "I'm sorry, I just had to tell someone. The police really need to know..." "Speaking of your mum, we should visit her sometime. I miss her." "We can go today if you want." "Alright, but I want to change first. I'm sweaty now." "You're fine babe!" "No I'm not." "Haha alright. Lets go back to the house." "Thank you."

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