Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Once we got home, it was no different. Liam was quiet, and me and Niall hung out together. We were pretty loud if you ask Liam, but we didn't care. We were both having fun and Liam was being boring. "Hey Liam? Mitchie? You two wanna play some video games?" "I'm up for it. Liam?" "I guess so..." Niall got up and put the game in, and I went to go fix us something to drink. "Niall? What do you want to drink?" "Pepsi please!" "Alright. Liam?" "Um...sprite." I poured out our drinks and carried them in there carefully. "Here ya go Liam. Niall, I put your Pepsi on the table whenever you want it." "Thanks." "You're welcome." I sat between the two on the floor and grabbed a controller. "What'd you put in Ni?" "Injustice." "I love injustice! You two play first and then I'll play the winner." As usual, Liam picked Batman, and Niall chose Green Lantern. Finally, Liam won. "Okay! Liam, you're so going down." "I don't think so love." I picked my usual, Batgirl, (Yeah I know. He's Batman and I'm Batgirl, but hey, I love Batgirl) and started the game. I was about dead and so was he, but at the last second, he beat me. He started laughing and pulled me into his lap. "I'm sorry babe. Please forgive me." He whispered in my ear. "Liam, it's just that you scared me...and I-I don't know i-if I'm ready..." "Well, I'll sleep on the couch tonight and then we can see if you're better by morning." "N-No it's f-fine. I'll sleep in h-here..." "Are you sure?" I nodded and slid off his lap. "Niall? You ready for round two?" "Yeah let's go." "I'll be upstairs guys...if you need me."

-Niall's POV-

I watched her walk up the stairs. I knew something was wrong, but I didn't want it to be so obvious I was going to see her. "I'll be right back man. I really need to use the bathroom." "Alright. Hurry though before I start without you." I nodded and ran upstairs and knocked on her door. "Babe? Are you alright?" "Y-Yeah." "Can I come in?" "Sure." I opened the door and walked over to her on the bed. "What's wrong?" "I-I just got t-thinking...I got t-thinking a-about Jacob a-and I j-just had to l-leave..." I rubbed her arm and pulled her closer to me. "I'll always be here for you if you ever need to talk. I really care about you." "Thanks Niall..." "You're welcome love. You come back downstairs when you're ready. Oh, and if you want, you can stay in my room if you want instead of staying on the couch." "I wouldn't want to kick you out of your own room. Stay in there with me." "Are you sure?" "Yeah...yeah I am." I kissed her head and stood up.

-Mitchie's POV-

Well...that was unexpected...oh well. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face off. "That's not Jacob down there. That's the man I love. That's Liam James Payne. My best friend since we were babies... I just need out of this house...a walk it is. I put on some tennis shoes and walked down the steps. "Where ya going Mitch?" "Just for a walk." "You want one of us to come with?" "No I'll be fine." "Alright..." I started walking down the street and of course, went to the park. I can't help it. It was where I went when my mom died, when I first had my heart broken, where many birthday parties were held, where I had my first kiss, and where me and Liam went for our first date. I sat on a bench, all alone, listening to the sounds around me. It was actually pretty quiet except a few birds and squirrels. Well, it WAS pretty quiet. Until...*BANG!*

-Liam's POV-

"Niall, I've beat you 10 times already. When are you going to give up?" "Never!" "Suit yourself." We played a few more rounds, and finally, he decided to stop. I turned off the PS3 and put it on the NEWS. At the bottom it said, 'BIG NEWS STORY. MANDATORY TO WATCH.' Great. Now what? I listened closely as the reporter talked, even though it was probaly nothing. "911 was called after two bystanders heard a loud gunshot and a young female fall to the ground. It isn't confirmed wether she is in critical condition yet. We have identified her as Mitchie Boling. She has been rushed to the London Independent Hospita-" I turned it off and ran outside, Niall right behind me. We got in my car and I sped off towards the hospital. "Niall, w-what if she's n-not okay? What i-if....w-what if she d-dies?" "She'll be o-okay...I just k-know it." We ran into the building and up to the information desk. "What room is Mitchie Boiling in?" "Mr. Payne I'm sorry, but we can't let just anyone back there." "I'm her boyfriend!" "Who's Mr.Horan?" "Her best friend. Please. Her dad is more than 3 hours away. Please let us see her." "I suppose so. I'll call back and let them know you're coming. She's in room 232." "Thank you so much." We ran to the elevator and hit 2. It took what felt like forever to open, but when it did, we were gone. We took off down the hall and quickly found her room. A doctor was outside, not letting anybody in. "How is she?" "Are you related to her?" "No, but she's my girlfriend, and has been my best friend since we were babies. Please sir." "Alright...well, the bullet did enter her brain, but she is very lucky. It didn't hit anything that would kill her." "Did it mess anything up?" "She's going to have some memory loss, and headaches for a while...but other than that, she'll be fine. She's very very lucky. If it had went a centimeter in any other direction, she would be dead." "Thank you sir. When can we see her?" "We still need to do some tests and actually get the bullet in about 12 hours." "Thank you." I began pacing around, not knowing what to do. "She'll be fine. Let's go wait in the waiting room. We still need to call the lads." " call the boys and I'll call her dad and my parents." "Alright." He pulled out his phone and went down the hallway to the waiting room. I can't believe this is happening! Then, it dawned on me.

I ran out of the hospital, still on the phone with her dad. "When will they be done?" "About 12 hours sir. I know who did it, and I'm going to the police right now." "Good. Thank you Liam. Oh, and I have a question." "Yes sir?" "Are you two seeing each other?" "Yes we are sir." "Good. I've always liked you." "Thank you. Sorry but I have to go, I still need to call my parents." "Alright. I'll see you in a few hours." "Alright, goodbye." I hung up and dialed my parent's home number as I drove. "Hello?" "Dad, give the phone to mum." "Are you alright? You sound like you've been crying." "Y-Yeah I'm fine. Just let me talk to mum." "Alright..." "Liam? Is everything alright?" "N-No. Mum, she's been shot. She's in the hospital and...and-" I started crying, with no shame at all." "It'll be okay'll be okay. We'll be there soon." "T-Thanks mum. I'm going to the p-police station r-right now..." "Okay. See you soon." In about 5 minutes, I arrived at the police station. I ran inside in a panic, and found the nearest officer. "I need to speak to your chief. I know who attempted to kill Mitchie Boling."

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