About Me

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Miss Seejay Dee ♥

Kali, C.J, Jay, Pikachu and BBB

★Fave Colors
Green and Purple and anything sparkling

The United Kingdom



Irish Catholic, but open minded to all


★Star Sign


★Languages Spoken
Welsh and English

★3 Fears
Clowns, Heights and Man Buns

★3 Things I love
Books, Rollercoasters, Camping

★Favourite Place

★Favourite Food
Pasta, Potatoes and Salad

★Listening to Right now

★First Thing you notice in person
Their Aura

★Favourite Style of Clothing
Punk mainly and Rock Chick. I love Converse and leggings with Crazy Patterns

I am open minded...
I don't judge

I am a Lion

The best way to learn about myself is through my books. Most of my stories and subject matters are wrote for you from first hand experiences. Some are fictional.

Life can get challenging at the best of times, for myself writing my form  of release and escape, I find the Bio section becomes rather vague when it comes to explaining who I am. 

I'm an open minded female with a passion for creativity and self expression. I detest this world of Political correctness! If something is on your mind in life, a motion of events have accumulated to activate those neurons and patterns in your brain. Thus giving you this opinion or ponder. You have every right to discuss it, regardless of subject matter or world stance. How will we ever learn and advance as humans otherwise?? Xx

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