Hanging on in there🐨

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My Anxiety attacks got worse and worse.
As I got older I managed to contain...

Once I was in HMV and I went into one.
There was no trigger really, I felt fine that day when I woke up.
But sadly as got to the back of the shop that day, the world went funny.

I remember my vision getting very blurry as if pixelated...

My hearing suddenly got less and less as if a dimmer switch had been turned against me

My heart and breathe were opposites..
My heart racing, where as it felt a struggle to breathe....

My only thought was...get outside..

As I scrambled past all the Hoomans, as my vision want black. Looking back now I must have knocked a few out the way...I was frantic but closed off to my senses.

My vision went black as if I had the darkest sunglasses on...I used my muscle memory to navigate to the seating area outside of shopping building....

Next I remember all my senses came back to me like a flood. I was on the bench at the side of the phone shop..

He was there...
He hardly noticed I had gone..
He did get me a BurgerKing which sorted me out..
I do find it strange without him now.
I'm feeling less Anxious now without him..

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