Jake my Bodyguard

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And personal psychologist hehe

You keep me sane and remind me all will be fine, just fine. Here is a chapter for ya.

Something tells me I will be writing about chu a bit more in the so very near distant future. But until then!!

  . . . . . . 

My AntifakeJake!!

Cannot put into words how much I love knowing I can go "Jake!!"
Only because your always there to save the day, everytime so far and  also we are amazing at working together.

You have always supported me and I you.
Even In very different timezones hehe..

We have gone on some crazy ass walk though.
Thats how special our time is together...
We break timezones.
The arguments always turn into laughter.
The two of us cant do serious for too long, there is too many things we can complete against.
We don't compete to hurt , we compete to grow.....

I love you Dude!!!

Your Jay XoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoX

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