☆▪°¤•My Tiger Blanket•¤°▪☆

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I often put up post or announcements that include my Tiger Blanket...

Many of you have actually asked me about it as I have mentioned it so often!

I Łøvę mý Ťiğęŕ Blåñķęţ~♡

When I was little in the local town we had market day every Thursday.
The local traders would have stalls of all sort, they would be stretched all in a line in the middle of the street between the actual shops.

I would love to go to Market day as so many different things would be on display. They would often be things that you would not see in the local shop.
The Sweet Stall always looked so inviting to me as they had big bags of candy floss hanging around the edge. They even had the huge candy lollys you would only see in the movies.

Christmas times were always the best as they had special items that were not available normally.
I would do several odd jobs around the home so I could have pocket money from my Grandfather to take and get something special for myself.

I went one year and they had a stall full of blankets, bed linen and curtains on display. I looked at the back and they had these huge block shaped bags. Curiosty took over and I had to know what was contained inside those mysterious bags hanging behind the rest.
The lady informed me they were a new line of heavy duty blankets. All had been made with the most realistic faux fur and a selection of pictures to choose from as well as the piece being big enough to cover an entire double bed.

Where I live can be an extremely cold place in the winter and also we didn't have money for the heating to be on constantly as home. Due to this I have always had a dozen blanket to bring warmth if needed. Also as I am Autistic I find a Fluffy blanket can really help me, especially when I'm having my sensory issues. They can really work wonders!
Finally after feeling how lovely and soft the blankets were I could not resist...

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SO...there is the history surrounding my Tiger Blanket...
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