☆ Sixteen ☆

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Heads up I'm not good at writing battles

Gray and Natsu met Erza, Lucy and Wendy at the train station. 

"Where are those bastards?" Natsu demanded

"Carthridge." Erza gripped her sword

"O-oh." Natsu paled a little bit.

Gray was the only one who noticed, Gray gave him a concerned look.

Natsu mouthed later

Lucy noticed Gray's expression and looked at Natsu. "Are you ok Natsu? If you're worried, don't be!"

"It's not that. I'm fine!" Natsu smiled, lying through his teeth.

Natsu absolutely hated Carthridge. After all its where he used to live.

"Alright." Lucy shrugged it off.  

They boarded the train, instantly sending Natsu's stomach into hell. 

The longer they were on the train, the more riled up the wizards got. Well the ones that werent puking thier guts out.

Gray was so angry that, if it werent for the law of conservation of mass, and he could destroy matter then he would have been destroying the air, with killer glared and his clenched fists.

Im a freshmen in high school but im a physics nerd alright

The train came to a stop, Erza dragged Natsu off the train as the others got off egarly awaiting a fight.

Natsu got all fired up once he was off the train.

Natsu and his team mates quickly found themselves the dark guild's hall.

They all got that look in thier eye.

Most of the wizards used a very weak and untrained version of darkness magic like Zero, or Midnight (whos apparently named macbeth), or even Jellal. It was so weak, they could barely controll the darkness at all.

It was a quick and easy battle.

They were no match for some of Fairy Tails best wizards enraged. 

Lucy had whipped around 20 till they were unconcious,

Erza taking out swarms with Heavens weild alone.

Gray was blined by rage, absoultely destroying anyone and everyone in thier path.

Wendy didnt do alot of heavy lifting but she knocked a good number of them out with a few Sky dragon roars.

Then there was Natsu, He was mad, oh he was infuriated. He took out dozens and dozens and destroyted thier guild.

The dark wizards didnt stand a chance.

Several of the dark wizards tried to take revenge by shooting at them, but to no avail.

Natsu was too fast and Gray too mad.

But right when  the wizards least expected it, a shrill of laughter rang through the air. It didnt come from anywhere in the darkguild but it made Natsu freeze up.

Thats when thngs went blury for him. He rembered his friends staring at him in horror, before feeling that he was wet

he felt his sides, his fingers were red.

"Oh." Natsu stumbled, "I've been shot."

The last thing he saw was Wendy and the others rushing twords him.

Thats when he slipped into the unforgiving mind of his own, and his own nightmares.

His mind pounded, screaming, that shrill. The shrill of a bitch who haunted his dreams and early childhood.

There was no way Maria was alive, right?

She's alive and shes going to kill you. Shes going to kill you. She'll take everything from you agian. You cant get away, you never can. She knows your here, and she'll be looking for you. Shes supposed to be in jail, right? RIGHT?? They couldnt have let her go, no, no, no they can't. I mean she could have gotten up to 30 years in jail, or if this was texas, life long. She can't be out. Ill die. ill die. ill die. 

I'll let my friends down.

I'll let Gray down.

I'll be letting everyone down.

but isn't that what i've been doing since day one?

No, No, they have to care for me, at least a little bit, right? After all theese years,at least a little bit right?

Mother wasnt right, mother wasnt right. She cant be right.

"Mothers always right."  The faint echo of his mom's voice rang in his ears, "Who could love you??"

Natsu felt himself falling deeper and deeper into a downward spiral of anxiety and PTSD. Was he dead? Is this his hell for not being able to save Slyvia? 

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