☆ Thirteen ☆

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"So what type of stories do you want." Natsu smiled slurping the pasta in his mouth

If you say that Natsu doesn't do that ur lying bc I do that and I'm a little bit more mature (even tho I'm 14). Also, don't tell people I've been on here for three years and 10 months.
yes, I checked. Also, insert that Torodoki slurping noodles pic.

Natsu and gray has shifted positions on the floor, now they were lying on their stomach facing each other still tangled up in blankets with pasta nearby.

"A nice one. Angst later." Gray smiled at Natsu's childish antics

"Okay. Hmmm, how about one where I tell you Igneel and I raided a castle?" Natsu grinned, "After all, It's where I got about half of that gold from before."

"Sounds cool. Shoot." Gray had always been good at listening.

" Once upon a time, Near the northern borders of Fiore laid the gayest boy ever (Me) and his guardian Igneel-"

"Your going dramatic huh? Just tell the dam story." Gray gave him a serious look.

"Alright alright just let me tell it then." Natsu huffed

"Like I was SAYING, Igneel and all his great might, more than slight ego, and being a dragon and all, said to me; "Natsu, are you aware that apparently in Human stories Dragons raid castles?"  Igneel had gotten me some books that weren't written by dragons. "Really? That's so cool!" I still think its pretty cool, except for the parts where it says that Dragons are monsters and such. "Well, since human kings think so highly of themselves, we should teach them how real dragons would win in that situation," Igneel suggested that we find a castle to raid. I was totally down with the Idea of course, so I mounted Igneel's back and we flew around the plains and nearby mountains, casting shadows over things as we flew, then we spotted it.  There was a nearby castle, so, we swooped in and caused chaos! I snatched their wigs! Not literally, But, we took half of their gold and jewels! It was great!  Then once we got back, Igneel and I made a trip to Otherion, Home of the fire dragon city. He gave me half of what we stole and he gave me those two crowns. Told me to keep one and...UM HA HA THE END!"  Natsu finished his epic tale with flushing and panicking because he's gay, and it was Gay panic.

"Wow. That was...light-hearted." Gray noticed the awkward ending, he remembered when natsu had offered him one of the crowns and wondered if it had a hidden meaning.

"Your turn." Natsu rested his head on his fists, his golden eyes glittering in the dimly lit room.

ok, fr I've seen Natsu with green, black, brown and gold eyes,  Its probably black or green but; Natsu WITH Gold eyes is amazing. also fun fact I have green eyes.

"Okay... This is gonna be about Ur." Gray inhaled,

"Ooh, rare topic.." Natsu was excited!

"Yea yea, Now shut up." Gray smirked, "One time Ur, Leon and I went and got ice cream together, and I started shivering, so Ur wrapped a scarf around me slightly scolding me, but it was warm and nice. Kinda like your scarf. Ur and I had gotten Vanilla ice cream, while Leon, being weird, got the flavor rocky road. Then, Ur offered us a cookie, I accepted with verve while Leon declined. I took the one Ur got for him and told her to eat it, then I threw a snowball at him and it ended with a three-way snowball fight."  Gray smiled in memory.

"Aww...Thats Nice!" Natsu giggled.

Yes, Natsu actually giggled, it was a manly giggle! 

Gray started at him the more he giggled, he stared at Natsu's face and smile, his shut eyes, his laugh rang in his ears.  

Gray shoved his face into his hands

Natsu's giggling laughter died out, Natsu looked at Gray in confusion, then scolded himself internally.

Oh great, you offended him, You and your stupid habit to laugh too much. He's going to hate me. Then I'll lose my best friend. 

"Gray, I'm sorry." Natsu glued his eyes to the ground, "I shouldn't have laughed."

Gray's head shot up, "NO NO NO NO, I'm not mad! I swear! I was um- Laughing. Your giggling is funny!

"Oh." Natsu still wouldn't look at him.

"Natsu, this is a lot to ask of you, but can you tell me, about your past." Gray moved next to natsu, "You don't have to of course." 

"You sure? It's not pleasant..."  Natsu looked at Gray.

Natsu's eyes met Gray's.

"It's up to you, I'm curious, not going to lie." Gray was worried that Natsu may start crying or have a breakdown. He seemed pretty against telling him before.

"Okay, I guess, if I had to tell anyone it would be you." Natsu took a breath, not ready.

"I guess I start with my childhood. I had an alcoholic father, He wasn't bad but he was always either drunk or tired. So he didn't really understand what was going on with my mother. My mother... I...She..." Natsu took a deep breath, his voice became shaky, "She was a terrible mother. She... She left scars."

Gray's eyes widened in horror, he promptly hugged Natsu, who didn't even seem to notice. Natsu had a faraway look in his eyes, he started shaking slightly. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" Gray's chest felt heavy with guilt. Natsu was panicking and it was his fault.

"No, you're fine." Natsu's voice was empty of all emotion like he was going to scream any minute or break, fragile like cracked glass, "I almost starved to death, a lot. I had to be quiet most of the time because I was always told to shut up or things that would imply that I'm a lesser being. My sister and I were disappointments, I had a brother who was treated like a god. I hated being home, My mother would manipulate my father in a way that he wouldn't realize anything.  That about sums up my childhood before I met Igneel."

Gray remembered all the times Natsu had taken extra food or remarked that he hated being quiet or doing things stealthily. He remembered when Natsu would always treat people with a certain tenderness until they offended him. When Natsu would get angry when he was treated inferior. When Natsu would give necessities to people who needed it. Natsu hating people with egos, because they thought they were better than everyone else. How that Natsu had remained a humble person. Natsu refusing to shut up or do as people told.

  Was all of that due to his traumatic childhood? 

Gray recalled all the times he told Natsu some unpleasant things, that was dangerously close to crossing the line, "Natsu, I'm sorry for times I said things that are a little too malicious for best friends or rivals."

"Shush, It wouldn't be us without insults." Natsu chuckled a little leaning on Gray.

"I know that but I mean the really mean ones." Gray felt an overwhelming amount of sympathy and tenderness towards Natsu, he wanted to pull him close and protect him.

But he didn't.

"I'm not done Ice princess, you going to let me finish?" Natsu nudged Gray.

"You sure-"

"YES, I'M SURE DAMMIT!" Natsu huffed.

"Ok." Gray rolled his eyes playfully.

"One day was different, It was the worst day of my life. But it was also the day I met Igneel. It started with my mother going haywire, Essentially, She killed my father, my brother disappeared, I had grabbed Sylvia and ran. She chased us into the woods with a chef's knife-" Natsu took a breath tears welling up in his eyes scooting a little closer to gray,
"She died in front of me. I Saw it. I actually fucking saw it. I saw the light leave her eyes as Mother laughed, she smiled at me and said I was a good brother before her die. Her clothes oh god her clothes, they were riddled with holes and her blood. Mother had stabbed her 10 times  and even when she was dead she had a smile on her face." 

By that point, Natsu was sobbing his eyes were wide, as he rocked back and forth.

Gray grabbed him and engulfed him in a hug, trying to comfort Natsu, "Shhhhhhhh, I'm right here, I'm always here. I'll dry your tears, shelter here in my care." 

"Igneel saved me from dying that day." Natsu hugged Gray silently sobbing, making Gray's shirt wet in the process, "B-but he's not here anymore and I'm alone-"

"You're not alone, Natsu. You have me and the guild. I'm always here." Gray dried Natsu's tears and smiled at him.

Natsu managed a smile.

One point his mother always made clear; there will be no one to wipe your tears but maybe she was wrong, Perhaps he won't have to run from his emotions this time.

"Its only fair, that I tell you this-" Gray's voice was soft and nurturing, unlike his normal cold demeanor.

"You don't have to." Natsu looked him in the eyes, his eyes puffy and red with tear-stained cheeks.

Gray hated seeing him like this. "I don't remember things as well as you, but what I do remember is seeing my parents die and my whole town wither away by Deliorah's hands. I couln't find any of the people I cared for. I was alone. Nothing was left..." Gray felt Natsu hug him, and a small I'm sorry come from him.

"It's not your fault." Gray exhaled stress leaving him, "Change of subject, What's up for tomorrow?"

"Well, I'm making a cake with Juvia for Lucy." Natsu shrugged, "You can do anything you want."

"Alright." Gray said wiping the last tears of Natsu's face as Natsu ruffled his black hair.

1676 words 

question who do you think is going to come to terms with love first?

I know who does but im curious what yall think.

smh this took like all day idk why

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