☆Twenty Four☆

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Gray wasn't sure what to do, Yes, he is head over heels for the dragonslayer. Yes, he realized that Nastu said he loved him. Natsu said a lot of sweet things, and honestly? Gray wants to squeeze the fire dragon slayer like a plushie because Natsu is so sweet. He didn't really know what to do. He didn't watch romantic movies, he didn't read fanfiction (sadly), and he most certainly wasn't mushy. 

It doesn't count that Gray thinks Natsu's ass looks like the plumpest thing in existence. And it most certainly doesn't count when Gray thinks about Natsu's eyes glimmering in the sunlight. Nor his soft fluffy hair and his big heart. Nope, those do not count and Gray is not sappy.

No, Gray is a hard exterior with stone cold expressions and he is very, very manly.

Gray looked at the sleeping Natsu that was cuddled up to him on the couch, He instantly made a pudding face. A very manly and tough one, Gray may add.

Gray wanted to make the pink haired mage his. But how would he do that? With no experience in love as well? He may as well be blind.

He could always ask Mira or Erza for help, but then again, Does he really want the violent shipper ladies controlling his love life? Whatever of a love life he has is minimal. He honestly was nervous and afraid. He had no idea what to do.

All he knew for sure is that Natsu looked hella cute sleeping, he looked kinda like a cat. He wanted to pet him to see if he would purr like a cat, but he doesn't want to wake him. Waking natsu up early is a minefield. He can and Will blow up in your face and make you regret doing something 6 years ago he kept for blackmail.

Maybe Natsu was a bit influenced by Erza and Mira. Maybe Gray was scheming to draw on Natsu's face but there was no proof of either.

Natsu shifted burying his face in the crook of Gray's neck. Gray stared at him with wide eyes and face more red than Ronald McDonalds hair- a horrible creature known as a clown. He terrorized him as a child, not literally but he still hates going to Mc Donalds because of it.

Gray reached over to a bookshelf nearby (most of it is not books) and pulled out the thickest book.

The complete works of Sherlock Holmes

 Gray didn't really expect that, nor Shakespeare plays. Gray knew for a fact that Natsu didn't give a damn about reading, but Natsu was also a big theater dork, and Shakespeare basically invented plays, and Natsu has a ton of musical songs on his phone so maybe owning plays wasn't that far off. But why Sherlock? 

Happy must have seen the surprised look on his face so he spoke; "Natsu is a secret Sherlock nerd, He started to watch the show, then while he waited for the next season he read that with a speed reader I may add. Now he's a full-blown SuperWhoLock fanboy."

"Oh really?"Gray smirked, 

Then Natsu woke up violently and jerked himself upright, banging into Gray along the way.

"Happy are you spilling my secrets?? My senses were tingling," Natsu huffed.


"Oh shit sorry, Gray."

"It's okay."

Happy saw something and an evil smile crawled up on his face, "Did you mean the senses in your pants were tingling? That makes more sense."

Natsu looked down and swore, Gray couldn't help but stare.

Natsu ran to the bathroom, "I UH NEED TO DO MY BEAUTY ROUTINE AND UM StUFF."

"I am very much into boys, " Gray covered his face embarrassed, and felt something go harder in his own pants."

Noble if you see this  I want you to imagine that last part very clearly in your head bc I know u.

Gay, I mean Gray (an actual typo I made just now thx ) Went up to his room to do his own business. 

Happy on the other hand started laughing.

Within 2 hours they acted like none of that ever happened.

"Hey Gray, If you were a stick id pick you up. I MEAN IM goinG TO GO PICK UP STICKS IN ThE YARD. YARD wORk YEP THAT'S WHAT I MEANt." Natsu finger gunned his way out the door (Anxiously sweating I may add)and promptly fell backward.

"Hey Natsu, are those space pants cause your ass is out of this world." Gray helped Natsu up then slapped his ass and ran into the kitchen.


"Gray? Do you know what you and Cats have in common? You both make me go aww."

"I think you would look cute grasping at the sheets of my bed."

"Wait what I'm not making your bed for you!"

"...nevermind. Do you know what you and a tomato have in common? I can make you squirt."

Gray could hear the incohesive screeching coming out of Natsu's mouth.

"WHERE DO YOU GET THIS CONFIDENCE??" Natsu whisper yelled.

"My ego," Gray smirked.

"O-oh I'm too anxious to do the dirty pick-up lines I know," Natsu rubbed his neck.

Gray pinned Natsu to the wall, "Tell me."

Natsu blushed furiously and shifted around in Grays grip. Natsu was worried he was going to get another boner.

"No need to be anxious," Gray whispered in Natsu's ear. He honestly didn't know where the balls to do this came from.


Gray seemed to dawn on Gray what is happening and starting darting his eyes everywhere, 

"Well at least look at me if you're telling me to use dirty flirting with you." Natsu huffed.

Gray gazed in his eyes and waited,

"If you ever forget your ABC's I can always give you the D."

Gray kissed Natsu.

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