☆ Two☆

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Porlyusica wasn't happy to see them to say the least, but she took Natsu inside with a mutter this should be quick.

Mira was crying, Natsu considered Mira like a mother to him, Natsu a son to her.

Erza was no longer mad at Natsu for stealing two of her swords from earlier, but was now concerned for the smaller boy's health.

Wendy sat in the corner furrowing her eyebrows watching Natsu.

Master Makeroff seemed to be thinking about something deeply.

Gray on the other hand was pacing. Gray fullbuster would never admit it, Natsu was his bestfriend. Gray cared about him dispite what he says otherwise. Gray was never one to share emotions or anything of the sort. So, naturally Gray wasn't going to say outright that he was worried. Gray admired alot of things about Natsu. He was brave,loving, accepting. He also thinks that Natsu is funny (again, he would never say that out loud), But on the other hand Natsu is a messy eater, loud, to prone to fighting, and He tends to do stupid stuff.

Porlyusica had placed natsu down in bed and began preparing a cure after determing it was an alergic reaction from a bright red rash in the palm of his hands. The rash itslef being the allergic reation and the loss of conciousness being a side effect.

Porlyusica applied a cream to the rash before heading out of the room to adress the distressed wizards.

"He'll be fine. It was just a side effect from a rash he recived. Any of you know if he had any contact with Iron tarnisher/polisher?" Porlyusica eased Gray enough to get him to stop pacing the room.

Erza held up her hand at her side and clenched her fist "He must have had contact with it when he took my sword. I had just polished it. This is my fault."

"Don't blame yourself Erza." Lucy said in a hushed tone with an undertone of worry.

"Well, i do suppose that Natsu did take my sword without my permission, but i did not think about the toxic chemicals on my sword though." Erza comtemplated the situation.

"Toxic what now?" Natsu groaned finally re gaining conciousness.

"NATSU!" The wizards gathered around the pink haired mage

Gray regained his rather cold composure before opening his mouth, beacuse Gray knew if he opened his mouth, Gray would start rambling about how worried he was and that he was a jerk for making him worried. But a certine question lingered on Gray's mind.

Does he care too much? Is this normal for bestfriends?

well it's technically two questions but still.

Porlyusica asked Mira if they knew about Natsu's disorders.

Gray's intrest peaked

"Disorders?" Everyone in the room apart from the fire dragon slayer asked in shock

"OCD,Cyclothymia, Anxiety, and PTSD." Porlyusica explained

"Post tramatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsiveness disorder, Anxiety, and cyclo what?" Gray asked in confusion

"Cyclothymia, A mood disorder that causes emotional highs and lows." Erza and Porlyusica said at the sametime.

"Gray," Master started "I think you should live with Natsu."

"What!" Gray shouted confused. Although Gray did care for Natsu, he most certianly did not want to live with Natsu.

At least he doesn't want to now.

"WHy?" Natsu's voice cracked in the middle of the sentence

Porlyusica nodded. "I agree with Makeroff."

"So he can keep an eye on you." Matser awnsered

"Why Gray? Erza literally breaks into my house almost daily to make cakes already!" Natsu sat up, the rash on his palm gone.

"Natsu, do you seriously want Erza with you 24/7?" Mira asked raising an eyebrow

"On second thought, I'll take Gray." Natsu rubbed his neck.

"That's what I thought." Matser sighed

"My apartment is too small though!" Gray threw his hands up

"That's why your going to Natsu's! Natsu's house is big enough!" Mira had one of thoes glint's in her eyes.

"Fine, whatever." Gray sighed giving up.

Natsu wrote his adress on Gray's arm so he could find his house.

Natsu dragneel

7224 Fairy Breath rd.

Gray had no idea that Natsu lived so close to the guild.

"Thanks. I guess.." Gray sighed

Natsu got up and left Porlyusica's slightly grinning.

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