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Its regular him no pig relations in his figure, his symbol is a boar though, he has some pieces of armor, knees, shoulders, elbows, and feet having metal covering other then that he is wearing a plain red shirt and black pants. Accessories are really just his glasses, and sometimes a paper crown Wilbur gave him when they all were younger. His sword is the cover. But his sword is the only I'll do. Pic of crown, everything was hand made


He has his signature hat but with a metal ring around the bottom. He has metal covering his chest and legs fully, only his forest green sleeves appearing. Oh yeah metal boots too. Other then that then the armor it's just his skin's clothes and real life him. Everything was handmade again


He has absolutely no metal displayed, all he really has is a hat resting neatly in the back his hair appearing just above his regular messy hair. The hat is a royal blue and white striped with a small feather poking out of it. The rest of his outfit has this color theme, his undershirt being one to stick out. He had a black turtleneck covered by the vest of matching purple color. His pants are a casual black with some plain shoes with only white on them. It's just him with fancy clothes lol. Also I got bored and did his hat (yes his was first), base is from Gacha Life I edited it and colored it, the feather is made from a design by the program I use.


He has the same metal as Phil. The chest, legs and shoes being covered. But instead of the straight grey metal provides, there was a red strip painted across the belt section, signifying his training. I don't know if I mentioned this on Phil's but the shoulders are covered with metal as well. This time only red sleeves appeared from the metal, and a bit just of his collar at the top of his armor. He also has a small visor type thing wrapping across his head. The rest is just real him. I did the what I'll just call a visor. Base from Gacha life, color + shading was me.


[I needed to still include him for the sake of the aesthetic, pretending like he deserves to be here)


He, as well as Pete has a plain outfit. Bering a rather pale red sweater, sleeves going just to his elbows. His white long sleeved undershirt was cuffed just at the end of his sweater, being the good mage he is he doesn't make any attempt to cover his hands. His pants are a simple black not leaving anything to be desired from it. His shoes were also a black shade. He needs his sunglasses, so I decided he wears glasses that have a black tint from magic, he can still see out of them. Then it's just him. Base once again from Gacha Life, editing allll mee

Ahhhhhh I made these first two in the same day I'm insane I even have a draft of the main conflict-

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