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At King's Cross Station, up on a crossing bridge, Mia, with her cart of her baggage, equipment and Hedwig, walks beside Hagrid. A couple look at Hagrid, suspiciously.

As the two walked together, a wave of laughter rippled through the students. The sight of their mismatched statures seemed comical, causing laughter to bubble up from the observers. The lighthearted moment brought a much-needed dose of cheer and levity to the atmosphere.

Hagrid: What're you looking at? [He then checks watch] Blimey, is that the time? Sorry, Mia, I'm gonna have to leave you. Dumbledore will be wanting his, uh... well, he'll be wanting to see me. Now, uh, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. [hands the train ticket] Stick to it, Mia, that's very important. Stick to your ticket. [Mia looks at her ticket.]

A warm smile spread across Mia's face as she gazed fondly at her ticket. These precious tokens were cherished possessions that she always kept safe. Each ticket held significant memories and served as a powerful reminder that there was a place called home. They brought a comforting reassurance to Mia, reminding her that she was never alone and always had a place to return to.

Remus looked at Mia with a soft smile and asked, "I'm guessing you still have the tickets?"

Mia responded confidently, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "You know it." She added a playful wink.

Mia: "Platform 9¾?" But, Hagrid, there must be a mistake. This says Platform 9¾. There's no such thing, is there? [Mia looks up, but we now see that Hagrid has vanished and Mia all alone with her cart. Mia is walking down a lane between trains. A man rushes by.]

"You left her?!" Molly Weasley gaped at him.

Hagrid blushed and admitted, "Uh, well, I forgot?"

Sirius couldn't hold back his frustration, exclaiming, "You left an eleven years old girl by her own!"

Mia rolled her eyes. "I was safe guys, I promise."

Remus, feeling angry about Mia having to find the platform by herself, questioned, "How the bloody hell did you find the platform by your own?"

Mia simply smiled and replied, "I had my way."

Man: Sorry.
[Mia sees a guard.]

Hermione couldn't help but let out a gasp and exclaimed, "You didn't..."

Mia sheepishly glanced at Hermione, feeling a bit guilty, and gave an apologetic smile. "I had to," Mia admitted, acknowledging the consequences of her actions.

Dean, coming to Mia's defense, chimed in saying, "I would do it." He expressed his understanding and support for Mia's decision.

Mia: Excuse me, excuse me.
Guard: Right on your left, madam.
Mia: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where I might find Platform 9¾?
Guard: [incredulous] 9¾? Think you're being funny, do ya? [he walks off, muttering] "9¾."

Chuckles could be heard from the surrounding people as they saw the guard walked away while shaking his head.

She simply shrugged and replied, "I had to do it guys."

[Mia then notices a woman, daughter, and four boys walk by, pushing carts.]

As the Weasleys saw themselves on the big screen, they couldn't help but feel a little startled, even though they knew it was likely due to their relationship with Mia. Ron, feeling a bit self-conscious, sheepishly muttered, "Oh, it's us," trying to hide himself under the gaze of everyone in the Great Hall.

Mia, with a hint of amusement, playfully responded to Ron, "You know, Ron, since you're my friend, you'll be on the screen a lot, right?"

Ron groaned, his frustration evident, and replied, "Ugh, don't remind me."

Mrs. Weasley: It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course.
Mia: Muggles?
Mrs. Weasley: Come on. Platform 9¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first.
[A tall boy with red hair, called Percy, comes forward and runs towards a brick wall. Amazingly, he disappears right into it. Mia is amazed.]

As some people couldn't help but chuckle at Mia's facial expression, it was evident that her reaction had brought amusement to those watching.

Mia couldn't control her giggles either, the moment still keeping her happy and evoking laughter from her. It was clear that she genuinely enjoyed the lightheartedness of the situation.

Mrs. Weasley: Fred, you next.
George: He's not Fred, I am!
Fred: Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother.
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, I'm sorry, George.
[Fred moves towards the wall]

The Weasleys shook their heads disapprovingly at the twins' antics, the familiar exasperation evident on their faces. However, Mia found herself thoroughly entertained by Fred and George's humorous behavior. She turned to the Weasleys and playfully remarked, "Come on, you have to admit they do know how to liven things up!"

Ron let out a reluctant chuckle, unable to entirely hide his amusement. "Yeah, I suppose they do," he begrudgingly admitted.

Hermione, unable to resist a smile, chimed in, "Well, they certainly know how to keep us on our toes."

Sirius, grinning mischievously, added, "Gotta love a good prankster every now and then."

The rest of the hall, caught up in the contagious laughter, joined in with light-hearted chuckles, appreciating Mia's genuine affection and amusement towards her friends' sense of humor. The atmosphere in the Great Hall became filled with joy and camaraderie as everyone shared in the lighthearted moment.

Fred: I'm only joking. I am Fred. [He runs through the wall and is followed by his twin brother. Mia shakes ber head in disbelief.]

As the laughter spread throughout the Great Hall, the sound grew louder and more infectious. It became a symphony of joy, intertwining with the chatter and clinking of plates.

Mia: Excuse me! C-could you tell me how to...?
Mrs. Weasley: How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, darling. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. [pan to a red haired boy, called Ron, who smiles] Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous.

"Oh yeah, run straight through a wall. What a brilliant idea," Mia mumbled sarcastically to herself, shaking her head at her own stupidity.

Bill Wealsey, hearing Mia's sarcastic remark couldn't help but chuckle. "Yeah, who needs doors when we can just crash through walls, right?"

Mia looked up, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Exactly! It's the new trend in magical transportation," she joked, trying to lighten her own embarrassment.

She heard laughter as she turned her face towards the screen.

Ginny: Good luck.

Mia looked at Ginny and smiled.

Mia takes a breath and runs at the wall. She shuts her eyes and emerges on the other side a magnificent station at Platform 9¾ with a red train, which is the Hogwarts Express, and bundles of people. A whistle blows, and Mia sighs with relief.

As many in the hall smiled at Mia's happiness, Remus gently held her hand while Sirius held the other. The trio formed a small circle, their connection palpable amidst the bustling atmosphere.

Sirius leaned in closer to Mia, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "You have a beautiful smile, Mia," he whispered, causing her cheeks to flush.

Mia blushed and looked down, feeling a mix of happiness and shy appreciation. "Thank you, Sirius," she replied softly.

Remus, ever the observant one, couldn't help but interject with a smile. "Indeed, your smile brightens up the room, Mia. It's contagious."

Mia looked up, her smile widening. "Well, I guess I have great reasons to smile when I have such incredible people like you both."

The warmth and affection between the trio was evident.

Later on, the Hogwarts Express is travelling through the countryside. Mia is in sitting alone in a train compartment, and Ron appears in the doorway. Ron: Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full. Mia: Not at all. Ron: [sits across from Mia] I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley. Mia: I'm Mia. Mia Potter. [Ron goes agape.]

Everyone burst into laughter at Ron's stunned face, unable to contain their amusement at his comically bewildered expression. Ron, feeling a bit self-conscious, desperately wished to make himself invisible in that moment to escape the playful teasing.

Mia and Hermione exchanged amused glances and shared a knowing smile, their camaraderie evident in their unspoken understanding. They had experienced their fair share of embarrassing moments themselves and knew how important it was to support their friends.

Snape, known for his stoic demeanor, couldn't help but crack a small smirk. Though he rarely revealed it, he found amusement in the genuine interactions of the students, secretly enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere.

Ron: So-so it's true! I mean, do you really have the... the...?
Mia: The what?
Ron: [whispers] The scar?
Mia: Oh. [Mia lifts up her bangs to reveal the scar on her forehead]
Ron: Wicked!

"Wicked." Fred mocked his brother

"That's creepy, Ron." George added

"Shut up!"

Laughter filled the air as the Weasley brothers engaged in their usual banter. Amidst the teasing, it was clear that their bond was unbreakable, even when they found themselves on different sides of a friendly argument.

A trolley comes by the compartment, full of sweets. Woman: Anything off the trolley, dears?
Ron: [Holds up his mushed sandwiches] No, thanks. I'm all set. [smacks lips.]
Mia: We'll take the lot! [pulls out coins]
Ron: Whoa! [A bit later, Mia and Ron are not sitting together eating bundles of sweets. Ron's rat, Scabbers, is perched on Ron's knee, a box over his head.]

"So that's how you and Ron became fast friends: food," Ginny said, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she observed her brother and her friend.

Ron and Mia exchanged grins, their bond strengthened by their shared love for good food. "I must say, Ron, you have excellent taste," Mia quipped, playfully nudging him.

When the scene shifted to Scabbers, Ron's pet rat, with his head buried inside a candy package. The sight caused a collective few people on the Great hall

Mia: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?
Ron: They mean every flavour! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once! [Mia quickly takes the bean she was chewing out of her mouth.]

Mia turned her head to lock eyes with George, seeking his confirmation. "George?"

George grinned mischievously and nodded, matching Mia's playful intensity. "Oh, it absolutely happened."

Fred raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "It always happens."

Mia: [picks up a blue and gold package] These aren't real frogs, are they?
Ron: It's just a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 meself. [Mia opens the package, and a chocolate frog jumps onto the window and climbs up.] Watch it! [The frog reaches the open gap in the window and jumps out.] Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.
Mia: [seeing Dumbledore's image in the card] I've got Dumbledore!

Dumbledore couldn't help but smile as he looked at Mia, his eyes filled with warmth and fondness. "You know, Mia, you hold a special place in my heart. You were one of the lucky individuals to receive my first-ever Chocolate Frog card."

Mia's eyes widened with surprise and excitement. "Really, Professor Dumbledore? That's incredible!"

Dumbledore nodded, a glimmer of nostalgia in his eyes. "Yes, indeed. I was quite pleased when the idea of Chocolate Frog cards came about. Little did I know that they would become such a popular collector's item."

Mia's grin widened. "I can't believe I have your very first card! It's like owning a piece of Hogwarts history."

Dumbledore's smile deepened. "I'm glad it brings you joy, Mia. Those cards hold more than just a picture; they hold a glimpse into the magical world and the stories behind each famous witch or wizard."

Ron: I got about six of him.
[Mia looks at the card again, but Dumbledore has vanished.]
Mia: Hey, he's gone!
Ron: Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? [Scabbers squeaks] This is Scabbers, by the way. Pathetic, isn't he?

Mia, Remus, Sirius, Ron, and Hermione couldn't contain their agreement as they yelled in unison, their unified voices echoing through the Great Hall. The other students watched, a mixture of confusion and curiosity on their faces. However, Dumbledore, with his wise and understanding gaze, remained unfazed by the outburst.

Mia: Just a little bit.
Ron: Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?
Mia: Yeah!
Ron: [clears throat] Ahem. Sun-
[A girl called Hermione Granger, with bushy brown hair, dressed in robes, appears at the doorway.]

Hermione's shock of her appearance slowly transformed from excitement into a mix of embarrassment and horror, her cheeks flushing brightly. She glanced around the hall, aware of the attention she was garnering, only adding to her discomfort. She attempted to smooth down her unruly hair, but to no avail.

Hermione: Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one.
Ron: No.
Hermione: Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then.
Ron: [clears throat again] Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!
[He zaps Scabbers, but nothing happens. Ron shrugs.]

Ron glared at the mischievous twins, clearly not amused by their lie. As his gaze intensified, Fred only laughed even harder, unable to contain his amusement.

The sound of laughter echoed throughout the Great Hall, catching the attention of other students and causing smiles to spread across their faces.

Ron, however, crossed his arms and pouted, unable to see the humor in the situation. His pride had taken a hit, and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of annoyance at falling for their prank

The twins, undeterred by Ron's glare, continued to chuckle, seemingly finding great satisfaction in their successful prank. They exchanged mischievous looks, silently reveling in their antics, while still managing to maintain an air of playfulness in the midst of Ron's annoyance.

Despite the disapproving glance from Ron, the atmosphere in the Great Hall remained lighthearted, with whispers of amusement and occasional bursts of laughter from those nearby. Everyone knew that encounters with the Weasley twins were usually filled with laughter and unexpected surprises.

Fred couldn't help but tease, his voice still laced with laughter. "Can't believe you fell for that one, Ron. You know, we really should give you some prank lessons."

Mia couldn't help but giggle.

Hermione: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me. For example... [Hermione goes over and sits across from Mia. She points her wand at her glasses and Mia tenses] Oculus Reparo. [The tape on the noseband vanishes, repairing her glasses as if they were good as new. Mia takes them off, amazed.] That's better, isn't it? Holy cricket, you're Mia Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are...?

The golden trio laughed at their first introduction.

Ron: [with his mouth full] I'm Ron Weasley.
Hermione: Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. [Gets up and leaves, then comes back and looks at Ron.] You've got dirt on your nose, by the way. Did you know? Just there. [Points to the dirt mark on Ron's nose. Ron scratches his nose, embarrassed.]

Tonks looked at the trio with raised eyebrows, clearly intrigued by their response.

"So that's how you three troublemakers met?" Tonks asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

The trio exchanged amused glances before answering in unison.

"Yep," Hermione replied with a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, basically," Ron added, a hint of mischief in her voice.

Mia nodded her head with a warm smile, clearly enjoying the lighthearted banter. "Ah, the beginnings of a legendary friendship."

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