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[Mia and Ron walk down a staircase to a corridor.]
Mia as Goyle: I think the Slytherin common room's this way.
Ron as Crabbe: Okay. [Percy approaches them.]
Percy: Excuse me. [Ron gasps.]
"That was you two?" Percy blurted out, his surprise evident in his tone and the sudden widening of his eyes.

"You just saw them turn into Crabbe and Goyle," Fred interjected...

"What's not to get?" George finished, their smug expressions reflecting the playful mischief evident in their voices.

An intense frown etched itself on Percy's brow as he glared at the twins, a mix of exasperation and surprise lingering in his gaze, before he directed his attention back to the unfolding scene on the screen.

"Sorry, Percy," Mia interjected with a quick smile aimed at him, offering a gesture of apology before turning her focus back to the screen, her expression a mix of contrition and a desire to move past the awkward exchange.

Ron as Crabbe: What are you doing down here? [Mia hits him] I mean... [tries to sound like Crabbe] ...what are you doing down here?
Percy: I happen to be a school prefect. You, on the other hand, have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night. What are your names again?

"Of course, we don't understand anything. We're only trying to save everyone, but it's fine," Ron vented, his frustration clearly evident in his words.

Mia as Goyle: Uh, I'm...
Draco: [entering the corridor] Crabbe, Goyle, where have you two been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?

In a hushed tone, Blaise cautiously asked Draco, "Did you just save them?" His eyes held a mixture of astonishment and perplexity, as if trying to make sense of an unexpected twist.

"To be fair, I didn't know it was them," Draco responded, his voice carrying a hint of defensiveness mixed with a touch of rationalization, as if attempting to justify his actions.

"I still can't wrap my head around it. Malfoy, of all people, unintentionally came to our rescue," Ron exclaimed, his disbelief evident in his tone and expression, eyebrows furrowed in disbelief and amazement.

"Yeah, it's hard to fathom," Mia chimed in, her voice tinged with a mix of wonder and skepticism, as if she was still trying to process the unexpected turn of events, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an explanation.

Draco: [notices Mia's glasses] Why are you wearing glasses?
Mia as Goyle: [taking the glasses off] Oh, um, reading.
Draco: Reading? I didn't know you could read.

Giggling could be heard echoing from around the hall.

[Draco turns to Percy] And what are you doing down here, Weasley?
Percy: Mind your attitude, Malfoy. [Draco leads Mia and Ron away. Arriving in the Slytherin common room, Draco lounges on a sofa.]
Draco: Well, sit down. [Mia and Ron take seats on another sofa.]

"Watch your step. This is the Snake's den. One misstep and you're finished," Seamus cautioned, his eyes darting mischievously towards the Slytherins, who appeared to be eagerly awaiting any slip-up from the duo. The Slytherins smirked, clearly relishing the potential for trouble.

Draco: You'd never know the Weasleys were pure-bloods, the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the wizarding world, all of them! [Ron clenches a fist and looks angry.]

"Shut up, Malfoy," Ron interjected with gritted teeth, the rest of the Weasley boys echoing their agreement with a chorus of glares and muttered grumbles. "You've got no room to talk, considering the amount of trouble your family's caused over the years."

"Ron's right, Malfoy," Ginny added, her tone laced with a mix of annoyance and defiance. "You and your family have caused enough embarrassment to last a lifetime." The tension in the room crackled as the Weasleys stood united against Draco's taunts.

Fred and George exchanged smirks and knowing glances, clearly unimpressed by Draco's words. Bill and Charlie remained silent, their expressions reflecting a mixture of disapproval and slight amusement at the ongoing banter. Arthur stared at Draco, his eyes firm with disapproval, while Molly's gaze simmered with silent anger. It was evident that both were not pleased with Draco's comments. Arthur's jaw tightened subtly, reflecting his disapproval, while Molly's narrowed eyes indicated her strong disapproval of the situation.

Draco: What's wrong with you, Crabbe? [Mia gives him a bump]
Ron as Crabbe: Stomach ache.

The Weasleys and the Gryffindors collectively exhaled in relief at Ron's response, their tense postures relaxing with a sense of reassurance.

"Believable," many murmured in agreement, a sentiment echoed even by the Slytherins, who were all too familiar with Crabbe and Goyle's notorious appetites.

"Good thinking, little brother," Charlie praised Ron, a proud glint in his eyes as he acknowledged his younger sibling's quick wit.

Ron couldn't suppress a smile at his brother's commendation, a sense of validation washing over him at the rare display of praise from Charlie.

Draco: You know, I'm surprised The Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up. Father always said that Dumbledore was the worst thing that ever happened to this place.
Mia as Goyle: You're wrong!

The spectators who had been fretting over the tense situation involving Mia and the others grew increasingly anxious at Mia's sudden outburst.

"You're in trouble now," Pansy declared with a smug smirk, her eyes glittering with triumph.

Among some, a wave of concern rippled through the air like a shudder, as they contemplated how Mia might extricate herself from this potentially damaging situation. Whispers and murmurs swirled in the room, the collective hush punctuated by the faint sound of robes rustling and the occasional clearing of throats. Tension crackled in the air, as all eyes honed in on the tense exchange between the two rivals.

Mia's expression was resolute as she faced Pansy, a steely resolve emanating from her gaze. With poised confidence, she straightened her posture and squared her shoulders, signaling an unwavering determination to confront the challenge at hand.

"You may think you've got me cornered, Pansy," Mia began, her voice filled with an unyielding resolve, "but you're about to realize that you've underestimated me."

With Mia's bold response hanging in the air, the room brimmed with a charged energy, anticipation crackling like static electricity. All present leaned in, eager to witness the unfolding of the intense exchange, as the stakes escalated with every passing moment.

Draco: [getting to his feet] What? You think there's somewhere here who's worse than Dumbledore? Well? Do you?
Mia as Goyle: Mia Potter? [Ron nods vigorously. Draco considers this for a moment and eventually nods.]

"Interesting perspective, Potter. Perhaps Slytherin's attributes would have suited you," Snape remarked in his customary monotone.

Unbeknownst to them, several Slytherins found themselves silently concurring with their Head of House, their expressions betraying a begrudging respect for the Gryffindor's display of cunning.

Eager to defend their housemate, a chorus of vocal opposition erupted from the Gryffindor contingent, ready to refute Snape's insinuation. Sirius Black, seemingly on the verge of interjecting with his own fervent protest, was unexpectedly halted by Mia's interjection.

"Perhaps," Mia began, her voice carrying a confidence that quelled the rising tension, "but ultimately, we'll never know. And for me, where I am is exactly where I'm meant to be." With steadfast assurance, she redirected her focus back to the task at hand, leaving a lingering sense of resolution in the air.

Draco: Good one, Goyle! You're absolutely right! Saint Potter. And people actually think she's the Heir of Slytherin?
Mia as Goyle: But then you must have some idea who's behind it all?
Draco: You know I don't, Goyle. I told you yesterday.

"Thank goodness for small Goyle isn't smart," Mia muttered under her breath to Ron and Hermione, her voice tinged with relief.

Ron and Hermione exchanged knowing glances with Mia, silently concurring with her sentiment.

Draco: [sits down again] How many times do I have to tell you? [picks up a Christmas present] Is this yours? [Mia shakes her head and Draco stuffs it into his robes]

Narcissa cast a disapproving glance in her son's direction, her furrowed brows and pursed lips conveying her silent reproach. Meanwhile, Lucius maintained a facade of impassivity, his features a mask of neutrality, revealing nothing of his thoughts or feelings.

Draco: But my father did say this. It's been fifty years since the Chamber was opened. He wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled.

The students remained attentive, their eyes fixed on Draco as every word he spoke was absorbed with rapt attention, his sentiments resonating with the crowd.

Meanwhile, the formidable duo of Umbridge and Fudge directed withering glares in Hagrid's direction, their displeasure evident in the icy daggers of their stares. Nevertheless, a flicker of recollection of Mia's earlier warnings seemed to restrain them, preventing any outburst despite their unmistakable disdain. The charged atmosphere was palpable, as the unspoken tension between the warring factions crackled beneath the surface, setting the stage for the next dramatic turn of events.

Draco: The last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, a Mudblood died, so it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time. As for me... I hope it's Granger.

"You sick bastard!" Ginny's voice pierced through the great hall, her fury unleashing a torrent of condemnation that resonated with the sentiments of nearly everyone in the Hall.

The teachers and Narcissa exchanged appalled glances, their expressions mirroring the shock and dismay that reverberated throughout the room. "Draco Malfoy, that was an utterly despicable thing to say," Professor McGonagall reproached him, her tone laced with disappointment.

"We will be having a talk later!" Narcissa interjected with an authoritative edge, her voice conveying a potent mix of sternness and concern.

Draco, his gaze flickering with a hint of reluctance, responded with a resigned tone, "Yes, mother," the weariness underscoring his acceptance of the impending discussion. The weight of the unspoken repercussions filled the air, the tension tangible as the gravity of the situation settled over the Hall.

[Ron rises to his feet, but Mia restrains him]

Hermione and Ron exchanged embarrassed glances as they watched Ron's on-screen actions unfold, their cheeks tinged with a telltale blush that betrayed their shared discomfort.

Observing their reactions, Mia playfully cast them a knowing smirk, her expression teasing and lighthearted, as though relishing the amusement of the moment.

Draco: What's the matter with you two? You're acting very... odd.
Mia as Goyle: It's his... stomach ache. [aside to Ron] Calm down.
Ron as Crabbe: Scar. [Mia's scar is reappearing on her forehead]

"Oh, no!"

several voices murmured in unison, their concern echoing through the tension-laden air, a collective hope blossoming that the potential exposure of the two individuals would be averted.

Amidst the scrutiny and whispered speculation, the Slytherins initially wore smug expressions, only to falter as the realization dawned upon them that no one had explicitly mentioned the presence of two Gryffindors being discovered in Slytherin house. The sudden shift in their demeanor mirrored the palpable tension as the unspoken implications of this realization continued to hang in the air, adding an intriguing layer of suspense to the unfolding scene.

Mia as Goyle: Hair. [Ron's hair is turning back to red]

"Get out of there right now," Remus and Sirius urged in unison, their voices firm yet underscored with a deep undercurrent of concern for the safety of Mia and Ron.

"Hurry! Please!" The desperate pleas cut through the charged atmosphere, voiced by a multitude of worried individuals, including their families, each inflection carrying the weight of their shared apprehension and fervent hope for a swift resolution. The tension in the room grew palpable as the gravity of the situation continued to unfold, underscoring the growing urgency and the stakes at hand.

[Now turning back into themselves, Mia and Ron flee the Slytherin common room.]
Draco: Hey, where are you going? [Now back to normal, Mia and Ron run into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.]

"So... I guess we're gonna see what happened to Hermione?" Angelina's careful inquiry hung in the air, her uncertainty palpable as she grappled with the anticipation of uncovering the truth.

"It looks like it," Lavender confirmed with a solemn nod, her response mirroring the somber mood that enveloped the group. The weight of the impending revelation cast a shadow over the room, leaving the outcome and its potential impact shrouded in suspense and apprehension.

Ron: That was close.
Mia: Hermione, come out. We've got loads to tell you.
Hermione: Go away! [Myrtle flies in.]
Myrtle: Oh, wait 'til you see. It's awful! [giggles]

"Wow. She's not being very nice at the moment," Colin observed, his comment laced with a mix of surprise and disappointment

Mia: Hermione, are you okay? [she opens the door to her stall]
Hermione: Do you remember me telling you that the Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations? It was cat's hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes. [she turns around to reveal that she's been partially transformed into a cat] Look at my face.

"Oh, my," murmured many, their reactions a mixture of confusion and concern as they grappled with the unexpected transformation of Hermione's on screen. The air thickened with an unease that underscored the collective struggle to reconcile the stark departure from Hermione's usual demeanor, leaving the group uncertain about how to process the jarring change.

Among them, the Slytherins made attempted to stifle their chuckles, their expressions betraying a hint of amusement at the unfolding spectacle, while the rest regarded the on-screen Hermione with a mixture of sympathy and pity, their empathy palpable as they watched her portrayal with a sense of unease and apprehension.

Meanwhile, Snape couldn't help but feel a small smirk forming, a reaction that he swiftly quelled as he caught the hard looks exchanged by Dumbledore and McGonagall. The unspoken tension in the room crackled as his momentary lapse was noted, hinting at a deeper undercurrent of intricacies within the dynamics at play.

Ron: Look at your tail. [Myrtle cackles]
Mia: It's not funny, Ron. [She said smiling a bit.]

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