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[The door to the office opens, Dumbledore glances past Mia, who turns around; Lucius Malfoy steps in to the office, standing behind him is Dobby.]

"Dobby!" Cho exclaimed in shock, her eyes widening as the realization dawned on her. She placed a hand over her mouth, a mixture of surprise and concern etched on her face.

"So Dobby is the Malfoy's elf," Dean remarked, his surprise evident in his tone as he exchanged incredulous looks with the others.

"Never expected that," Neville added, his eyebrows raised in disbelief at this unexpected revelation. His eyes shifted between Dobby and Draco, as if trying to reconcile the image of the mischievous house-elf with the haughty Malfoy heir.

Mia: Dobby! So this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys.
Dobby: [nervously looking at Mia] Mm-hmm. [He fearfully glances up at Lucius]
Lucius: [through clenched teeth] I'll deal with you later.

Almost everyone in the room glared at Lucius, their expressions a blend of accusation and reproach. The intensity of their gazes conveyed their disapproval and disdain, as they made an unspoken collective statement of condemnation directed at the patriarch of the Malfoy family. Lucius, under the weight of their glares, appeared visibly uncomfortable, his composure wavering under the weight of their silent censure.

Lucius: [Dobby cowers and whimpers; Lucius pulls out his walking stick and walks toward Dumbledore's desk, followed by Dobby; as he walks up the steps, he coldly uses the stick to push Mia aside] Out of my way, Potter.

"You stay away from her," George and Fred snarled at him, their voices carrying a fierce edge that rang through the air. Their protective instincts flared as they directed their warning at Lucius, their eyes ablaze with determination and concern for their friend.

Lucius: So... it's true. You have returned.

"Could your disgust be more obvious?" Mia asked sarcastically, her tone dripping with contempt as she locked eyes with Lucius. Her bold challenge seemed to pierce through the air, the tension palpable as the two locked in a silent battle of wills. Lucius's glare remained fixed on the teen, his impassive facade faltering slightly under the weight of her cutting remark.

Professor Dumbledore: When the governors learned that Arthur Weasley's daughter was taken into the Chamber, they saw fit to summon me back.
Lucius: [angrily] Ridiculous!

"He's just digging himself in deeper," Ron whispered to Mia and Hermione, his voice filled with a mix of resignation and amusement. Both girls nodded in agreement, sharing a knowing look that reflected their understanding of the situation.

"I can't wait to see everyone's reaction to what will happen next," Mia added with a mischievous smirk, her eyes alight with anticipation. Her eagerness hinted at the impending drama, leaving the trio brimming with anticipation for the fallout of Lucius's actions.

Professor Dumbledore: Curiously, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place.

"What?" Several individuals in the room expressed their shock at the unfolding revelation, their incredulity unmasked.

"Is this true, Lucius?" Fudge directed his query to the man in question, his tone a mixture of suspicion and concern.

"Of course not, Fudge," Lucius replied confidently, his voice composed as he attempted to assuage the minister's doubts. However, the resolute stares from Amelia and her aurors indicated their refusal to be easily deceived.

"I and my team will personally conduct a thorough investigation following this, rest assured," Amelia declared with authority, firmly halting any further discussion on the matter.

Mia's smile deepened, a subtle expression of satisfaction and anticipation glimmering in her eyes at the prospect of justice being served.

Lucius: How dare you!
Professor Dumbledore: I beg your pardon?
Lucius: My sole concern has always been, and will always be, the welfare of this school and, of course, its students. [He glances at Mia and then turns back to Dumbledore]

"Yeah, right," many scoffed in unison, their collective disbelief evident as they observed Lucius's sneer directed at Mia on-screen. The air crackled with tension and suspicion, as the room's occupants exchanged uneasy glances, the doubt surrounding Lucius's intentions lingering palpably in the air.

Lucius: The culprit has been identified, I presume.
Professor Dumbledore: Oh, yes.
Lucius: And? Who was it?
Professor Dumbledore: [pauses dramatically before answering] Voldemort.
Lucius: Ah.

"Like you didn't know," Mia thought to herself, her gaze locked on the screen, her expression mirroring her deep-seated frustration and anger directed at Lucius.

Professor Dumbledore: Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this. [He holds up Riddle's diary]
Lucius: I see.

"Is there something you'd care to share, Lucius?" Amelia questioned, her voice carrying an air of authority and resolve.

Lucius swallowed nervously, feeling momentarily unnerved by the intensity of her gaze.

"No, Madam Bones, there's nothing," Lucius replied with a strained air of confidence, his attempt at a reassuring smile belying the unease that gripped him. However, the memory of his recent conversation with Mia crossed his mind, leaving him visibly pale as he grappled with the weight of the situation. It was clear that he was facing significant trouble.

Dobby: [recognized the diary as he tries to pulls on Mia's sleeve] Mmm. [He looks straight at the diary] Mm-mmm. [He looks to Lucius who saw what he did then glared at him quickly but Mia both Mia and Dumbledore caught him]

The room erupted into a cacophony of shouts and accusatory outbursts, with some visibly turning pale while others fixed hard glares on Lucius. The atmosphere crackled with anger and tension as emotions ran high.

Amidst the growing commotion, Amelia and her aurors rose from their seats, poised to take action and apprehend Lucius, their determination clear. However, Mia intervened, halting their impending move with a calm and assertive tone.

"You might want to wait a little while yet before you arrest him, Madam Bones. There is more things coming into light as we watch the movies. Besides, it's not like he can escape. The exits are all sealed and our magic doesn't work in here. He is powerless and can't go no where." Mia advised, her unwavering gaze fixed on Lucius.

Upon hearing Mia's words, the tension in the room seemed to ease slightly, and they settled back into their seats, though their watchful eyes remained trained on Lucius, poised for any further developments.

Professor Dumbledore: Fortunately, our young Miss. Potter discovered it. One hopes that no more of Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be... severe.

The room's occupants fixed intense glares on Lucius, their collective disapproval and suspicion evident in their piercing stares. The atmosphere crackled with tension as their unspoken resentment echoed through the room, leaving Lucius acutely aware of the weight of their scrutiny.

Lucius: [as he turns to face Mia] Well... let us hope Miss. Potter will always be around... to save the day...
Mia: Don't worry. I will be.

The room reverberated with loud cheers and enthusiastic expressions as Mia made her statement, garnering overwhelming support and agreement from the assembled individuals.

Lucius: [nods to Dumbledore] Dumbledore. Come, Dobby, we're leaving. [Lucius kicks Dobby down the stairs. As he gets back to his feet, he canes him with his walking stick before hurrying him out the door. Mia watches this sight with pity.]

"You bastard!" Hermione shouted furiously at Lucius, her anger palpable in her voice.

Several others joined in, casting fierce glares at the man. The room was filled with a seething undercurrent of anger and hostility as many shared Hermione's sentiment, feeling a surge of indignation and animosity toward Lucius for his mistreatment of Dobby.

Harry: [turning to Dumbledore and placing the sword back on the desk] Sir... I would if I could have that. [indicating the diary. Mia catches up to Lucius right outside of Dumbledore's office.]

Neville's eyes twinkled with curiosity as he looked at Mia, a warm smile playing on his lips. "What are you planning, Mia?" he asked, a note of excitement in his voice.

Mia returned his gaze with a cryptic smile, a glint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "You'll see," she replied with a touch of secrecy, her tone hinting at an upcoming surprise.

Mia: Mr. Malfoy! Mr. Malfoy! [Lucius turns to face her] I have something of yours. [She hands him the diary]
Lucius: Mine? I don't know what you're talking about.
Mia: I think you do, sir. I think you slipped the diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron that day at Diagon Alley.

"Brilliant job, Mia. You caught that, while the rest of us missed it. You'd make a top-notch Auror," Tonks praised, earning approving nods from both Mad-Eye Moody and Amelia.

"She's spot on," Amelia affirmed with conviction, her tone laced with pride as she acknowledged Mia's keen observation.

Lucius: You do, do you? [He passes the diary to Dobby as he leans into Mia] Why don't you... prove it? [Mia says nothing] Come, Dobby. [He begins walking away again]

"I believe she just did, thanks to this movie," Molly declared, her eyes narrowing as she directed a piercing glare at Lucius, the disdain evident in her expression.

"Indeed," Remus concurred, his tone carrying a hint of reproach as he acknowledged the implications.

Lucius instinctively shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes avoiding the collective disapproval from those around him, feeling the weight of their judgment bearing down on him.

Mia: [whispers to Dobby] Open it. [Dobby opens up Riddle's diary, revealing a sock inside.]

"What did you do?" Pansy inquired, her tone filled with curiosity, prompting everyone to lean forward in anticipation, eager to hear the answer.

Lucius: Dobby!
Dobby: Master has given Dobby a sock.

Tears of pride and joy shimmered in the eyes of everyone present, accompanied by an outpouring of cheers and applause.

"Oh, Mia," Molly uttered tearfully, her voice filled with emotion as she expressed her pride.

"Well done, darlin'," Sirius chimed in, his voice reflecting genuine admiration and pride.

"We are so proud of you," Remus praised his goddaughter, his words carrying a depth of emotion as he conveyed his heartfelt sentiment.

Lucius: [stops and turns around] What? I didn't give you a...
Dobby: Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free! [Mia lifts up a trouser leg to reveal her bare ankle.]
Lucius: [angrily] You lost me my SERVANT!
[Lucius pulls his wand out of his walking stick and begins walking threateningly towards Mia.]

"BASTARD! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Sirius's voice echoed furiously through the Great Hall, his eyes blazing with protective fury. The intensity of his outburst caused several students nearby to instinctively take a step back, feeling the raw emotion emanating from Sirius.

"He did not just raise his wand at Mia!" Remus exclaimed in disbelief and anger, his usually calm demeanor pierced by a rare display of ire. His eyes flickered with a mix of shock and outrage, mirroring the sentiments of those around him.

"How dare you?" Ron's voice quivered with disbelief and anger as he raised his wand, his expression reflecting a mixture of shock and revulsion at Lucius's menacing act. His protective instinct compelled him to take a defiant step forward, ready to defend his friend.

Throughout the Great Hall, the collective disbelief and outrage were palpable as everyone directed their glares at Lucius in incredulity, shock, and disdain. The air crackled with tension as students and faculty alike expressed their shock and disgust at the unprovoked hostility displayed toward a twelve-year-old, with gasps and murmurs underscoring the general sentiment of disbelief.

Dobby: [With His Hand Out] You shall not harm Mia Potter!
Lucius: Avada--

"You tried to kill her!" Remus's voice resonated through the Great Hall, every word etched with anger and accusation. His glare bore into Lucius with unyielding intensity, his eyes shining with a fierce golden hue, reflecting both his fury and his werewolf nature. In response to Lucius's aggression, Sirius surged forward from his seat, his whole body tense with the primal instinct to protect Mia at any cost.

"We'll handle it, Black. Sit back down," Amelia commanded with unyielding authority, her voice cutting through the tense atmosphere. Her resolute tone left no room for argument as she took control of the situation, her unwavering stance reinforcing her position of authority.

"Lucius Malfoy, you are under arrest for Child Endangerment and Attempted Murder of a Minor," Amelia announced with unwavering determination, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air as she issued the definitive decree of his arrest.

With a pair of handcuffs offered by a member of the hall, Amelia and the Aurors swiftly apprehended Lucius, his futile attempts to resist proving futile without the aid of his magic. The failed struggle against his restraints only served as a stark reminder of his loss of power and the gravity of the charges against him.

Narcissa, her gaze filled with a potent mix of rage and disappointment, comforted Draco, her hand gently resting on his arm as they both directed scathing glares at Lucius, their expressions revealing their condemnation of his actions. The tension in the hall was palpable as the events unfolded, leaving a lingering sense of shock and revulsion in the air.

[Dobby hits Lucius with a spell and sends him flying across the hallway. He folds his arms and glares angrily at Lucius.]

The cheers erupted from all corners of the Great Hall, a symphony of support and applause that embraced the moment. Mia couldn't help but inwardly smile, envisioning Dobby's bashful reaction to the outpouring of praise. She felt certain that he would have blushed if he had been there, his large ears turning a shade of scarlet under the lavishing attention. But she also knew that he would've been overjoyed to receive such sincere recognition, a testament to his unwavering loyalty and bravery.

Lucius: [getting to his feet] Your parents were meddlesome fools too. [He points at Mia] You mark my words, Potter... one day soon you are going to meet the same sticky end! [leaves]

"Tread lightly," Remus uttered, each syllable measured and dripping with quiet menace. His voice cut through the tension-laden air, carrying an unmistakable weight that seemed to freeze the very atmosphere around them. His golden eyes bore into Lucius with an intensity that seemed to pierce through to his very soul, capturing not only his gaze but his very being.

Lucius couldn't help but shiver under the weight of Remus's and literally everyone's unwavering stare. But the icy chill of Remus's warning sank deep into his bones, leaving him feeling as though he had just stared into the abyss. In that moment, the facade of arrogance and superiority that Lucius had carefully crafted seemed to falter, revealing a glimpse of the fear that lay buried beneath.

Dobby: Mia Potter freed Dobby! How can Dobby ever repay her?
Mia: Just promise me something.
Dobby: Anything,
Mia: Never try to save my life again. [Dobby gazes up at Mia with an admiring smile.]

As the tension dissipated, a warm atmosphere settled over the Great Hall. Eyes softened with affection and understanding, and small, knowing smiles played at the corners of the onlookers' lips. The shared memory that Mia had alluded to elicited a sense of nostalgia and warmth, binding them all together in a shared moment of solidarity.

[It is the end of year feast; Nearly Headless Nick, now revitalized, floats along the row between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables in the Great Hall.]

"Is everything back to the way it was?" Remus inquired, his golden eyes scanning the room.

The response was a collective murmur of agreement. "Yes," came the unanimous reply, with some nodding in affirmation.

A sense of calm and relief washed over everyone.

Nearly Headless Nick: Good evening.
Male Student: Good to see you, Sir Nicholas.
Nearly Headless Nick: Thank you. [glancing at another pair of students] Hello. [reaching the doors to the Great Hall, he passes Filch, who is just happy to have Mrs. Norris back, and Hermione walks in as he turns toward her] Hermione! Welcome back.

The room echoed with exuberant cheers and applause as the students welcomed the return of the Muggleborn witch, Hermione. The heartfelt cheers were met with a poignant sight: tears glistening in the eyes of most of the adults, a powerful testament to the depth of emotion and the significance of Hermione's homecoming.

Hermione: Thanks, Sir Nicholas. [Nearly Headless Nick floats away as Hermione turns her attention to the Gryffindor table]
Neville: Mia, it's Hermione. [Mia and Ron turn to look at the doorway to see Hermione standing there and both greet her with beaming smiles as Ginny also turns to see her; Hermione, overjoyed to see her two best friends again, runs to them.]

The room lit up with joy as beaming smiles spread across the faces of the friends reunion. There was a palpable sense of excitement as the anticipation of the upcoming reunion bubbled over.

[They both get up to greet her; she runs right up to Mia and they embrace for a few seconds.]

Tears of joy glistened on the cheeks of many, their beaming smiles a radiant reflection of the profound emotion that filled the room. The poignant picture of elation and tenderness was painted by the combination of tears and joyful expressions.

[Hermione is just about to hug Ron as well before suddenly stepping back.]
Ron: [briefly smiles at Hermione with what looks like a loving look on his face] Uh, uh... [chuckles and clears his throat before he and Hermione shake hands] We-welcome back, Hermione.

Laughter rippled through the group in response to Ron's actions, indicating a lighthearted and jovial atmosphere. Fred's teasing remark, followed by George's comment, added a playful and humorous tone to the interaction, further amplifying the sense of camaraderie and levity in the room.

Hermione: It's good to be back. Congratulations. I can't believe you solved it.
Mia: Well, we had loads of help from you. [Ron smiles and nods at Hermione as Mia glances at him] We couldn't have done it without you.
Hermione: Thanks.

The trio and the rest of the people in the great hall gazed at the screen with warm smiles, the lingering traces of tears in some of their eyes serving as a testament to the emotional impact of the moment.

[Professor McGonagall taps her glass]
Professor McGonagall: Could I have your attention, please? [Mia, Ron, and Hermione immediately sit down]
Professor Dumbledore: [standing up] Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout, Madame Pomfrey, whose Mandrake juice has been so successfully administered to all who had been Petrified.

Everyone in the Hall erupted into applause and cheers, expressing their heartfelt appreciation for their teachers. The joyous outpouring of support signaled the deep respect and gratitude the students held for their educators, creating a heartwarming and celebratory atmosphere.

The two women's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as they exchanged smiles, visibly touched by the enthusiastic show of support from their students.

[everyone except Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and a few Slytherins applaud them] Also, in light of the recent events, as a school treat, all exams have been canceled. [everyone except Hermione applauds]
Hermione: [silently whispers] Oh, no.

Hermione found herself at the center of the room's amusement, as raucous laughter surrounded her.

Mia, with a lighthearted chuckle, directed her teasing words toward Hermione, "You're the only one who would fret about our exams being canceled, Hermione."

Hermione, feeling a flush of embarrassment, couldn't help but blush at Mia's comment.

[Dumbledore sits down and smiles at Professor McGonagall. The doors to the Great Hall open, and Hagrid walks in.]
Hagrid: Sorry I'm late. [Mia, Ron, and Hermione look at him in amazement; even Neville is amazed to see Hagrid back]

"Hagrid's return is cause for celebration! This has been the best year yet," Sirius exclaimed enthusiastically at the screen, prompting some puzzled looks from those around him—just one of many such reactions since the series started.

"And let's not overlook the fact that Lucius will finally be confined in Azkaban," Remus remarked to Sirius with a smirk.

Sirius turned to Remus and chuckled, agreeing, "You're absolutely right."

Hagrid: The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol.

Laughter filled the room as some turned their gaze toward Ron, who was blushing. Mia chuckled at her friend, and Hermione soon joined in, creating a light-hearted atmosphere.

[Ron's eyes widen in surprise as he and Hermione glance at Dumbledore while Mia focuses on Hagrid; Dumbledore smiles and nods at Ron; they then turn toward Hagrid again; he walks right up to the Gryffindor table as Mia, Ron, and Hermione all shift to face him] And I'd just like to say that if it hadn't been for you, Mia... and Ron... and, Hermione, of course... I would, uh... I'd still be you-know-where, so I'd... I'd just like to say thanks. [chuckles]

Some were moved to even greater tears by the deeply touching moment.

Mia: [glances at Ron, who smiles, then stands up] There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. [Hagrid chuckles; he and Mia embrace as Ron and Hermione watch with smiles on their faces. Dumbledore stands up and begins to applaud]

The majority of the people in the hall joined in with applause.

[Professor McGonagall does the same. Hagrid looks at them as Harry joins in the applause, leading Ron and Hermione, and eventually everyone in the Hall, to join in as well. Crabbe is about to get up and applaud when Malfoy stops him; Seamus puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles while Dean cheers "Yay!". Behind Mia, Colin snaps a picture; Ron glances at Hermione, who has a joyful tear rolling down her face. Hagrid happily wipes a tear from his own eye and glances at Dumbledore. As the other staff continue applauding, Hagrid spins around and holds his arms out happily; Mia nods. The camera pans out, showing an aerial view of Hogwarts as the screen darkens.]

After the applause died down, the room fell into a hush as the screen went black, marking the conclusion of the first film screening.

"Let's take a break for about an hour to chat, eat, drink, and perhaps reflect before we dive into the next film," Dumbledore suggested, and his proposal was met with widespread approval and nods of agreement from the audience.

"Absolutely, a break sounds wonderful. Dumbledore, Fudge, Umbridge, would you care to join us for the hearings concerning Hagrid and Lucius?" Amelia asked, her tone inviting the three of them to participate in the crucial proceedings.

"Indeed, I believe it would be wise for us to be present," Fudge responded, realizing the significance of his attendance and the need to ascertain the truth of the matter.

In anticipation of the hearings, the Hall provided a selection of Veritaserum vials to aid in the process of revealing the truth.

Dumbledore, Fudge, Umbridge, and Hagrid followed Amelia, along with Mad-Eye Moody and her Aurors, as they escorted Lucius to a secluded area of the Hall, portioned off with privacy wards to ensure the trial would be conducted with the utmost confidentiality and fairness, based on the evidence that had been gathered.

As the trial preparations unfolded, the rest of the attendees remained in various sections of the Hall, engaging in lively conversation, savouring delectable refreshments, and eagerly anticipating the outcomes of Lucius and Hagrid's hearings. Their impatience was evident as they waited, discussing the films they had just witnessed and mentally preparing for the next screening. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity as they awaited the results of the trials and the continuation of the movies..

As the friends sat in a circle, engaged in post-dinner conversations, Neville brought up the impending trials. "We know that Hagrid will be proven innocent, but what do you think will happen to Lucius?" he inquired, prompting a discussion among the group.

"He'll rot in Azkaban, obviously," Ron declared, his tone reflecting his indignation at Lucius's actions.

"Ron's right," Hermione concurred. "There's no way he's getting out of this. His crimes are far too grave."

"Absolutely. What he did was simply unbelievable," Fred chimed in, expressing his agreement with a solemn nod of his head. The group murmured in agreement, their expressions reflecting a collective sentiment of condemnation for Lucius's actions and a shared anticipation of the impending justice that awaited him.

"Indeed, the evidence against Lucius is overwhelming," Ginny added, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation. "It's hard to see how he could possibly escape severe consequences."

"I just..." Mia began. "I can't believe i'm saying this but i kinda feel bad for Draco."

Mia's unexpected confession prompted a hushed silence to descend upon the group. Her words hung in the air, drawing a mix of furrowed brows and thoughtful expressions from the attendees.

"Really?" Hermione raised an eyebrow, surprised by Mia's sentiment. "After everything he's done?"

Mia nodded, her expression reflecting a touch of compassion. "I mean, yes, he's made some terrible choices, but I can't help but wonder if he's just a product of his upbringing. Maybe he didn't have much of a choice in the matter."

Ron snorted in disbelief. "Are you serious? Malfoy's had every opportunity to do the right thing, and he's always chosen to follow in his father's footsteps."

"I understand," Mia said thoughtfully. "After witnessing his father's actions, I can't help but feel sympathetic towards Draco, despite everything that has happened."

"So you're suggesting that Draco had no clue about his father's intentions to harm you?" Ron inquired with dripping sarcasm, his eyes rolling.

Hermione shot Ron a disapproving look, her expression of frustration. "Ron, please," she interjected.

Mia's eyebrows knitted together in a mixture of puzzlement and exasperation as she regarded Ron, uncertain of how to react to his biting remark. She paused for a contemplative moment, gathering her thoughts before responding to his comment.

"Ron," Mia began, meeting his gaze with a mixture of amusement and reproach, before her lips curled into a small, knowing smile. "Maybe let's dial it down a notch, shall we?"

As she spoke, Mia's expression conveyed a sense of assertiveness tempered with good-natured teasing, an attempt to defuse the tension with a touch of lightheartedness.

so this is the end of
hope y'll like it and i can't wait

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